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So, a little update on my 'film'.  The script is done, actors are in contact, locations are being 'scouted' and the Equipment is on its way.


Now I can't pay my actors or crew as its a low budget independent film. But apparently there's this 'law' that they have to be fed and watered . In my day we lived off the air, and nothing else.  I would also have to pay for expenses if i needed it, petrol, caterers etc.


Anyway, so there's this website where people can donate money to 'projects'


There's a whole wealth of different projects, including films. There are also incentives to how much you actually donate.  For instance, if I were to do start a money raising thingy, it would be a bit like this:


Donate £1 = And you get a 'is that all?' thank you message from me via e-mail 


Donate £5 = Your name in the credits + thank you message


Donate £10 = A poster of the film, name in credits + thank you message


Donate £15 = An invite to the wrap party, poster, name in credits + thank you message


Donate £20 = A copy of the film, invite, poster, name in credits + thank you message


and so on...


But is it cheeky? Its not raising any money for any charity.  Its just for me and my film.  I feel i need to start one soon, but the little angel on my shoulder is doing this  to me.


What do you think?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demantoid:

As long as you make clear it's all for production costs and not charity, I can't see the harm. Every film-maker needs financial backers.

Can you replace the little angel on my shoulder Deman? 

Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:


Now I can't pay my actors or crew as its a low budget independent film. But apparently there's this 'law' that they have to be fed and watered . In my day we lived off the air, and nothing else.  I would also have to pay for expenses if i needed it, petrol, caterers etc.


In your day?! You're only about 12! *TUTS*

Originally Posted by slimfern:

Could you not approach local businesses & promise them a little exposure in your film for a few quid sponsorship ?

That's what I was gonna say, get some kind of corporate backing. I do send Rawky links to events and stuff where he could network and meet such people BUT HE TAKES NO BLOODY NOTICE

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

I'll send you £200.


I'm thinking Exec Producer with full Worldwide rights and lawsuit absolvement.


And it's non-negotiable.

I can think of some people who are so dim they'd actually snatch that offer out of your hand (And no, I'm not thinking of Rawky!)

Originally Posted by Karma_:
Originally Posted by slimfern:

Could you not approach local businesses & promise them a little exposure in your film for a few quid sponsorship ?

That's what I was gonna say, get some kind of corporate backing. I do send Rawky links to events and stuff where he could network and meet such people BUT HE TAKES NO BLOODY NOTICE


I do take notice...honest.  But sometimes its tricky with my work


Fanks kiddiwinks. I've flicked the Angel off my shoulder...could've sworn it was flicking me the finger as it was fallen...oh well, will look into this more tomorrow. I'M TOO TIIIIIREED right the beddy byes 


Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

Fanks kiddiwinks. I've flicked the Angel off my shoulder...could've sworn it was flicking me the finger as it was fallen...oh well, will look into this more tomorrow. I'M TOO TIIIIIREED right the beddy byes 


*goes to seek sponsorship for the flicking the angel off the shoulder project*


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