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I have no time for people when they moan and then find out they havent even bothered to vote ...
But Marge---- folk that do vote, moan even if their candidate gets in, an more so  if they do not..... We all moan--- no matter wether we vote or not..... I just hope the next Gov'mt doesn't ban BB11.. Night all I need me sleep now Best to quit while i am ahead   Luv you all no matter what you may think
Fricken'# Hell would freeze over before I would ever vote Tory,,Cameron on his .."Oh look I have left my Eton type tie off I'm one of you!"... Pratt
Apart from everything else I disagree with him about the fact he wants to repeal the banning of fox hunting is another huge turn off for me. What with him wanting to protect the millionaires and billionaires he's also on the side of the rich country folk who dress up in costumes just to hound an animal to it's death, very compassionate man, not
Yellow Rose
Apart from everything else I disagree with him about the fact he wants to repeal the banning of fox hunting is another huge turn off for me. What with him wanting to protect the millionaires and billionaires he's also on the side of the rich country folk who dress up in costumes just to hound an animal to it's death, very compassionate man, not
Indeed,there is no need in this country to "Hunt" for survival etc..therefore it's for "fun"  The barstewards that think think it';s  Ok to do this  are the Tory  Twats,one of their  policies is to allow the hunting of dogs to rip apart hares and deers etc..Grr!
Brown has also paid the price in some thinking the economic disaster is his fault. I firmly believe his knowledge through many years as Chancellor of the Exchequer understands Economics through personal experience far more than the other 2 do as well as us the public and is doing his best to deal with it.
And that's why he sold our gold reserves at a knock-down price is it?

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