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I'm still going to vote Labour, always have done and always will do, that doesn't mean I'll always get what's best for me, but I really do not trust the Conservatives, David Cameron is slimy and I don't trust him, he doesn't care for the average working class person, the Liberals will never get in but I do like Nick Clegg. I want a government that will sort the recession out and get a decent Health service, get the troops out of wars we should not have been in in the first place and so I shalll bvote Labour again.

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after the shambolic crowd we've got now

id vote for green party

but labour got there first with their 9 bin policy

out of the main 3
id say tory
but ive always voted them anyway
cos my ma and dad said i should

but i dont really trust anyone (all 3 parties) who steal from tax payers then jails benefit fraudsters for stealing from tax payers
but the mps dont get charged

none of it makes sense to me
Who me? or Rexi?  I'm voting Labour, yes it's been tough the last few years thanks to the American greed of high flying companies investing in Casino's and mortgages they had absolutely no knowledge or experience of and also the Banks investing unwisely, again greed and profiteering as usual were the driving force.

The general public have paid the financial price as have billions of others in Europe and the US. Brown has also paid the price in some thinking the economic disaster is his fault. I firmly believe his knowledge through many years as Chancellor of the Exchequer understands Economics through personal experience far more than the other 2 do as well as us the public and is doing his best to deal with it.
Yellow Rose
The general public have paid the financial price as have billions of others in Europe and the US. Brown has also paid the price in some thinking the economic disaster is his fault. I firmly believe his knowledge through many years as an Exchequer understands Economics through personal experience far more than the other 2 do as well as us the public and is doing his best to deal with it.

  Couldn't have put it better myself YR I'm voting Labour  too
The general public have paid the financial price as have billions of others in Europe and the US. Brown has also paid the price in some thinking the economic disaster is his fault. I firmly believe his knowledge through many years as an Exchequer understands Economics through personal experience far more than the other 2 do as well as us the public and is doing his best to deal with it.

He's made mistakes Yellow Rose, but he'd have a bloody long way to go to catch up to the last Tory government. Yes it's been tough the last couple years, but it was a darn sight tougher previous to that, and that's why I will be voting Labour too Yellow Rose.
out of the main 3 id say tory but ive always voted them anyway cos my ma and dad said i should
That makes me incredibly sad ...................why would you do what your mum and dad do without questioning? Do you not read the papers and take not of TV debates? are you not able to form an opinion of your own? Polotics affect us all's down to all of us to watch, listen and read and vote for what you feel serves the country best.
Soozy Woo
dont dwell on it love
I was perhaps being a tad dramatic .....believe me I won't .........but ................are you not able to think for yourself? Seriously - do you vote the way you do simply because that's what your mum and dad do? When i say I'm sad is perhaps a bit dramatic ...........................I wont lose sleep over it but you not think that maybe you should look at things and make your own mind up? Just a thought.
Soozy Woo
We are going to get hammered no matter who gets in...the deficit is huge.None of the parties are coming clean over the painful cuts that will happen.However the Tories will target the areas where they have fewer votes.Nothern Ireland ,Scotland ,the north of England etc,just like good old Thatcher did! Spits!
When you say 'we' who do you mean? The way I look at it - I'm happy if the most vulnerable in our society are taken care of. The Tories will be looking to cut back on tax credits to working families ............old folks may not get the winter fuel allowance. 'We' are not an homogenous unit .........personally I look to a government to take care of those who are not so fortunate ...................I'm satisfied with the schooling and health care that is provided in my area at the moment ........if I have to pay a bit more in taxes - I'm OK with that. Am I an oddity ...................personally I'm happy with my lot - Gordon can stay on for the next four years as far as I'm concerned .....he's doing alright as far as I can see.
Soozy Woo
Today I've just discovered my constituency has changed!  

A month ago I checked on the site by searching by my postcode that I was still in the constituency I had been! I checked my polling card today because I'd had all sorts of literature from candidates I'd never heard of! So I'm going to have to vote entirely differently now!  Tactical vote required now... big time!  

So before you decide how to vote check your polling card. There have been some subtle changes that you may not be aware of and it may change your choice.
Being someone born in the 50's Elections used to be an important point of our lives, but as i see it now- without the strength of the unions to influence their members, the general public seem to be lost as who to believe with what they say before and after the elections. IMO-- they are all in it to ensure they all keep their high paid jobs, simple fact of todays society. Most folk nowadays have more interest in day-to-day activities, with the internet and gaming consoles etc; I myself-- going back a good few years can remember candidates knocking on my door and offering to run me to the polling stations in their car.This year-- not a single visit.... Says a lot for the politics of today... They are all in it for their own benefit---- I will not be voting again this year...
When you say you're not going to vote again I assume you haven't voted recently at all Real?

I think this is the most important election in decades. You have to chose who you want and trust to implement the changes that have to be made in an equitable way.

We all have to make that choice next week. Those who don't have no right to regret and wish things other in the future.

Use your vote Real.
REal..the only party so far that has turned up at my door has been Labour...they have my vote!
Well they say the Better the Devil you know. With all the media we now have to suss them all out-- you would think they would all get round to door to door canvasing... Fraud-- with all the latest expences issues-- if this had been us claiming benefits which we weren't entitled to-- we would have been in deep shit, but it seems they are a level above us and it's a mistake for them.. ... A totall reform of the UK voting system is needed along with the  abolisham of the House of Lords... They are after cutting costs--- Start in their own backyard before the poor public of this country..

Hiya Pam Wish i could-- but being from the 50's when i was working and mass voting counted-- things have changed--- Maggie made sure no-one would mass vote again by shutting down all the pits.. I will carry on as i am and moan about whoever gets in, and suffer the consequences.. Lets face it-- they are all in it to win it------ Won't be long before it is like XFactor etc; where we have to vote by phone--i can see it coming...
Politics affect everyone's life whether they're interested in them or not, if some are too lazy or indifferent to vote then they shouldn't complain about how politics affect their life.

I agree YR... and as I love to complain about politicians I always vote

 I'm sure most people complain about politicians at one time or another lol. Election time is a chance for us to have our say, even if they don't hear all our individual moans about them 
Yellow Rose
Politics affect everyone's life whether they're interested in them or not, if some are too lazy or indifferent to vote then they shouldn't complain about how politics affect their life.

Everyone who votes or doesn't complains at some point about their policies--- so this seems a non-statement IMO...
It's part of human nature to complain about something or someone, but at least those who vote make an effort to "speak up" for what they hope for. isn't that better than being silent and just not bothering?
Yellow Rose
Wish i could-- but being from the 50's when i was working and mass voting counted-- things have changed
A vote always counts Real. And it may surprise you and the forum that I was also born in the 50's, although I reckon that many FMs have worked that out too. I am still passionate about my politics and feel it my responsibility to feel like that. I have no family of my own but I have nieces and nephews. And I also have a sense of social justice too.

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