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This morning I was walking through a public park to get to where I was going to. It was nice sunny weather.

Anyways there was these 2 women sitting on a bench watching their kids playing on the park. Then when I looked I noticed one of the kids (the girl) was fully naked running around on the park. She was 3 maybe 4 at the most.

Now I thought this was disgraceful, not because I thought the mother couldn't afford clothes or anything like that, but purely because any old paedo could be knocking about among the nearby trees having a good spy, maybe even taking a few pictures and going home for a tug.

I just think it's irresponsible parenting. I don't have any kids and I don't intend to for 10 years at least, but I would never let any kid of mine do this.

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Maybe the child is one of those kids that hates clothes and disrobes at every given opportunity.

Gotta say though.. if I happened upon that scene my first thought wouldn't be an 'old paedo could be knocking about among the nearby trees having a good spy, maybe even taking a few pictures and going home for a tug'.. it'd be of whether she was bliddy cold and hope she doesn't fall in some dog poo.
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
I wouldnt let my child run naked in a public place either. But saying that the child may be like mine was and have a habit of stripping! It is very frustrating when they go through that stage.

Mine doesn't do that yet Eeker

Haha my daughter would strip at the slightest chance and walk around with clippies on. (plastic high heel kids shoes)
Gotta say though.. if I happened upon that scene my first thought wouldn't be of an 'old paedo could be knocking about among the nearby trees having a good spy, maybe even taking a few pictures and going home for a tug'.. it'd be of whether she was bliddy cold and hope she doesn't fall in some dog poo.

True, well I thought of sun burn but obviously I was imagining the wrong country!

Thats another problem too though isnt it? Kids not being allowed to do things for fear of "paedos". Not that I would ever let a child run naked though Eeker
what i found most shocking in your post crunhcy is that you admitted you may want kids (albeit in 10 years at least) Eeker

but you're right, it's not the best parenting...but it would also depend on the kid tbh. my son loved stripping and running round naked when he got the chance.....he hates clothes. but i didn't let him do it Wink
(he used to do it at nursery alot though Ninja)
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by *+*Lara*+*:
I wouldnt let my child run naked in a public place either. But saying that the child may be like mine was and have a habit of stripping! It is very frustrating when they go through that stage.

yes! lol

Glad someone else shared this experience lmao

he is 7 and still does it sometimes Ninja

he just hates clothes, hates the feel of them. but then he does have sensory issues.
Originally posted by DanceSettee:
Seems OK to me, the child just enjoying an innocent pleasure at an innocent age.

Don't know what the fuss is about....should little kids be wearing burkhas now in case a passing paedo happens to look at them Roll Eyes

As long as a parent is presnt to stop someone ATTACKING them, what's the problem ? Confused
sorry DS, but it isn't about someone attacking them it is about someone maybe taking photos of an innocent child, and getting off on them
Originally posted by sweet_tooth:
I still do it Ninja

My mum said when I was younger she could only find me because Id leave a trail of clothes to where I was lol.

And now as soon as I get home I HAVE to strip off to my bra and knickers, or put a massive t shirt on, clothes are so restrictive!

thats true, i do as well. or at least set my puppies free Ninja

we are not naturists btw Laugh
Originally posted by Bethni:
My oldest son not only used to strip naked at the drop of a hat but used to bury the clothes too! It was very embarrassing when we went to visit friends. If we let the kids play in the garden i would have to have a spade ready and look for unusual mounds of earth.

Haha so funny. Kids are so cute.

btw what you done to WoW?

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