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Found this on DS - I think it is quite accurate - what do you all think?

It wasn't long ago that Lisa set her sights on people to join her group, and got them hook, line and sinker. Picking on the unintelligent and naive she was able to accumulate nearly 6 people at one point, either joined through fear or through alliances with others, Lisa's group was looking much like the British Empire did.... But oh my how it has crumbled since.

After Cairon was evicted, Lisa began her game of turning people against Halfwit (Freddie) and also Angel. She was able to isolate Angel from the group, with only Freddie as her real ally, she spent much of her time alone. Soon Angel was evicted, and the isolation and bullying of Freddie began. Finding himself also isolated from the group, but without Angel there and everybody else too scared to go against the majority, he was left alone and had to suffer on his own.

Halfwit vs Sree - This would be the start of things to come, believing to be winning and to be much smarter than she really is, Lisa thought it was a cert that Sree would beat Freddie and then she had her free pick of who she wanted gone next, with nobody to stand in her way, OH HOW WRONG SHE WAS!

Sree was evicted, 'Team Dumb' convinced themselves that Sree was just more hated than Freddie and they were still the Cool cats who ran the show and the public all loved.

cue Big Brother's interference (Finally). Putting Kris, Sophie and Charlie up for eviction along with Freddie and Marcus after their constant rule breaking it would show another chink in Lisa's armour, rallying her troups and trying to keep them all together, she was sure and made her group also believe that Marcus was dead cert to go... Once again, WRONG

Kris goes, Karly cries, Sophie's released from her shakkles and Lisa is panicking. The next couple days would see Lisa's desperation even more obvious,trying to keep Sophie in her 'group', it has become obvious, that it was only Kris that she was in it for. Rodrigo showing that he had no alliance with them (or anybody for that matter). Lisa's group was suddenly just 3, the dumb Geordie, the Mouthpiece and herself.

But Charlie wasn't completely with them either, was his alliance with Kris only? was Kris the Backbone of the group, and Lisa merely the Head, it seems so.

Lisa and Karly spending more and more time together, not mixing with the group, isolation more obvious than ever. Lisa has become a victim to her own methods, the manipulation coming back to bite her arse! as Halfwit slowly brought her down by simply being himself and continuing to make his observations.

Karly up for eviction this week - GOODBYE!

mission complete, Lisa will be on her own, Isolated from the group, much like she did to Angel, and much like she tried (AND FAILED) to do to Freddie. The Irony surely isn't lost on them all, realizing they were just pawns in a small part of a huge game. The gameplay is finished, Freddie has taken lisa down, its over for her now. Sophie is now free to be herself and even have a chance of winning. Rodrigo can play with Charlie all he wants, Freddie has friends and Lisa... is all alone.

Watch as Lisa gets nastier and so desperate to the point its just not funny anymore. With the new housemates coming in, she will have one last effort at trying to recruit them, but will fail easily because they will know the show and know this would ultimately be a death sentence if they sided with her.

Karly goes this week, and I'd put my money on Lisa going next week.

Lisa will have gotten everything she done to others, done right back to her. And to make it sweeter... it was all down to Freddie

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The only major flaw with the whole post is that it incorrectly portrays Lisa as a cunning Machiavellian mastermind. She's merely an insecure woman who makes snap decisions on who she does and doesn't like and has obviously ingratiated herself with those she likes and defamed the rest. Her biggest character flaw is a deficiency of broad-mindedness and a sharp pernicious tongue.
Originally posted by quarterwit:
The only major flaw with the whole post is that it incorrectly portrays Lisa as a cunning Machiavellian mastermind. She's merely an insecure woman who makes snap decisions on who she does and doesn't like and has obviously ingratiated herself with those she likes and defamed the rest. Her biggest character flaw is a deficiency of broad-mindedness and a sharp pernicious tongue.

Good post. Welcome to the forum. Smiler
Originally posted by quarterwit:
The only major flaw with the whole post is that it incorrectly portrays Lisa as a cunning Machiavellian mastermind. She's merely an insecure woman who makes snap decisions on who she does and doesn't like and has obviously ingratiated herself with those she likes and defamed the rest. Her biggest character flaw is a deficiency of broad-mindedness and a sharp pernicious tongue.

It also forgets that Freddie was up from day one. Isolated and nominated way before Angel going.
Reality Junkie
Originally posted by quarterwit:
The only major flaw with the whole post is that it incorrectly portrays Lisa as a cunning Machiavellian mastermind. She's merely an insecure woman who makes snap decisions on who she does and doesn't like and has obviously ingratiated herself with those she likes and defamed the rest. Her biggest character flaw is a deficiency of broad-mindedness and a sharp pernicious tongue.
Kind of agree with your points
Originally posted by quarterwit:
The only major flaw with the whole post is that it incorrectly portrays Lisa as a cunning Machiavellian mastermind. She's merely an insecure woman who makes snap decisions on who she does and doesn't like and has obviously ingratiated herself with those she likes and defamed the rest. Her biggest character flaw is a deficiency of broad-mindedness and a sharp pernicious tongue.

I pretty much agree with this. This BB is the first one where I think I have a really objective view of the hm's (cos I don't think much of any of them).

I don't like Lisa either.... but I think the OP does give her way too much credit. I don't think she's planned it like this. To her, her 'team' were the obvious 'ok' people, and, to her, the others .... were unlikeable (by her, and in her opinion anyone in their right minds).

She'd be the same down the pub!!! She doesn't like someone, so she can't see how on earth anyone else could!

I think she is truely gobsmacked each time one of her buddies gets the boot! And I think she truely believes that Freddie/Marcus/Norrin etc are all 'wrong uns'.

Am not defending her.... in a way I would almost respect her more if there was a degree of cunning in her behaviour!

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