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I don't think he's clever or imaginative enough to do a spoof. I think the whole 'drunk on the Lord' thing was his angle just to get into the house and now he's trying to ham it up and nobody's in the least bit fooled.
Yes. I think that's it. Daves angle to get in there was his whole spiritual/religious kick. He's probably thinking ...........oooooooooh er I haven't done enough of it lately. It was all a bit contrived really IMO.
Soozy Woo
I think he really really believes it too. He's taken Christianity and made it a fancy dress party (with no booze ) ..which it kinda of is anyway. What with all the cassocks and mitres at Church, there is a sense of theatre and high camp about the whole thing when you look at it.
But more grease to his elbow, if that's how he wants to express his faith then he can carry on, just because I'm not convinced by his method doesn't mean diddly to him, nor should it
Yep, being a priest is very powerful as we know. A friend of mine had an affair with a vicar and he just wallowed in all the attention the women gave him and loved all the dressing up in collars and gowns etc - and everyone hanging on to his every word when he holds forth in the pulpit.  They get more attention and glorification than celebs.  And of course, they`ve got a hot line to god, or so they make out.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]

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