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After JJ's comments on HL's and not an awful lot being done or said about the fact he just called the bible shit I am wondering what kind of double standards there are in BB

If lets say Shilpa Shetty had been reading the Koran (Quran?) and Jade came in and said 'You're not still reading that shit are you'? All hell on earth would have kicked off on the most highest level!!!

I'm just saying

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Shilpa isn't Muslim, she is Hindu.   I do understand what you are saying.  It was totally out of order for JJ to say that.  It doesn't matter what the religion is, no one has the right to call into question the validity of another's "holy book".

I thought Dave handled it quite well though.  BB should have put JJ up for eviction after that - or chucked him out in the same way they chucked out Emily in BB8 for her indiscretion.
I know dick all about it but I couldn't think of the Indian HM's name who did read the Koran so thought of Shilpa instead

It's Ok, I find most people who want to start a rant about how Muslims have a better deal  know dick all about it either

do you mean Mo or ahmed?  i don't think either were Indian   Mo was British and I can't remember where ahmed was from

BTW I don't think either the Bible or the Koran are shit...they are excellent fairy tales on a par with Grimm and Anderson.    What men in long frocks tend to preach from it though is invariably a load of cack though
It's Ok, I find most people who want to start a rant about how Muslims have a better deal know dick all about it either

do you mean Mo or ahmed? i don't think either were Indian Mo was British and I can't remember where ahmed was from

BTW I don't think either the Bible or the Koran are shit...they are excellent fairy tales on a par with Grimm and Anderson. What men in long frocks tend to preach from it though is invariably a load of cack though
It's Ok, I find most people who want to start a rant about how Muslims have a better deal  know dick all about it either do you mean Mo or ahmed?  i don't think either were Indian   Mo was British and I can't remember where ahmed was from BTW I don't think either the Bible or the Koran are shit...they are excellent fairy tales on a par with Grimm and Anderson.    What men in long frocks tend to preach from it though is invariably a load of cack though
mo was  from somalia, i think.

good post dancey.
lordy what a question for a weds morning.

Okay - the Old Testament was written largely to explain creation - Adam and Eve, the great flood, the Tower of Babel all trying to explain stuff that happened.
There are lovely bits - for example the book of psalms and the book of Proverbs are great to read.
The God of the OT was a fierce unforgiving God... thus the stories in the OT are full of fire and brimstone and dreadful occurrences.
Then we have the God of the NT who is a much more fluffy and forgiving sort of God - the heavenly father concept.
The 4 Gospels are  great and IMO Jesus Christ was a brave and great man. He died for his beliefs and spoke a lot of sense.
Paul was a bigoted idiot and ruined the simple message that JC preached - Love thy neighbour as yourself... nothing wrong with that message.
Then Constantine came along and basically wrote catholicism which laid down all the rules and regulations that make religion a bad thing.

I do not think that having a  moral code to live by is a bad thing.  I do not think that the Bible is true however. The Gospels were written years after JC et al died and were an interpretation of events.
Reference: one has the right to call into question the validity of another's "holy book".

Apologies if this offends but that's utter guff.  We all have the right - I hope - to call any literature or philosophy a pile of shite,  I really really hope we do. 

I treasure the fact that people can tell me what I hold true to me is complete nonsense.  I'd feel quite quite worried if that was not the case.
After JJ's comments on HL's and not an awful lot being done or said about the fact he just called the bible shit I am wondering what kind of double standards there are in BB
I understand what you're getting at. Whether it's shit or not, had it been said about the Korna (sp) folks would be up in arms by now, blimey, it's a crime in some places to affectionately call a teddy bear Mohammed.

Personally it doesn't bother me whether the Bible is called shit or not, I'm happy enough to have my beliefs and respect the beliefs of others, but I can understand why some folks would be offended by JJs comments...
The Devil In Diamante one has the right to call into question the validity of another's "holy book".

"Apologies if this offends but that's utter guff.  We all have the right - I hope - to call any literature or philosophy a pile of shite,  I really really hope we do.  

I treasure the fact that people can tell me what I hold true to me is complete nonsense.  I'd feel quite quite worried if that was not the case."

  Thank you Bateman - it would be very worrying indeed if we were all banned from questioning and coming to our own decisions.  I have had the pee taken out of my beliefs nearly all my life and told by my family that what I believe is a load of c r a p - SO ?

If I decide to believe that a certain stone in my garden held special powers, it does not stop my dog p i s s i n g on it.
Jeggo (Ben`s Buddy/Member of JJ`s LS]
radicals in every religion,have perverse views that distort the teachings of their chosen faith.
Very true, that's why I'm happy to respect others beliefs as long as they don't force them upon me, just the same as i have my beliefs that I wouldn't force upon anybody else....any Holy Book is translated in the way the person reading it sees fit......there are radicals in every religion as you say JB.....just a shame people feel the need to try and force their beliefs upon others...sigh, Religion, the root of the Worlds problems....
The Devil In Diamante
Very true, that's why I'm happy to respect others beliefs as long as they don't force them upon me, just the same as i have my beliefs that I wouldn't force upon anybody else....any Holy Book is translated in the way the person reading it sees fit......there are radicals in every religion as you say JB.....just a shame people feel the need to try and force their beliefs upon others...sigh, Religion, the root of the Worlds problems....
 good post DID - there's nothing coercive or arrogant in your view, unlike some, with or without a belief system.
You can insult christianity without the risk of being beheaded
You can insult Islam too...ask the family of my Muslim ex and his family and calling their holy book a crock of shite was a constant source of amusement  to them....they laughed much more than any Christian has ever done when i've done the same to them.  Very tolerant people in my experience.

The Criticism of the Koran is actively encouraged in most places too, it is there to be argued with and the arguments are enjoyed massively...and devout Muslim students in my ex's country I have spoken too told me that they are told to "leave Allah at the door"  when they enter.

Oh and the women tended to walk around a lot with their boobs on show too, contrary to the all women wear burkhas theory.

People who's world view of Muslims is as a big bunch of beheaders  are either sun readers, mail readers or plankton .  Yes there are nuts in the religion, just as there are nuts in all religions ..Perhaps there is some thick Muslim somewhere in the world now using Dave as an example of what all Christians are like ...the mind boggles
Referenceance Settee
People who's world view of Muslims is as a big bunch of beheaders  are either sun readers, mail readers or plankton .  Yes there are nuts in the religion, just as there are nuts in all religions ..Perhaps there is some thick Muslim somewhere in the world now using Dave as an example of what all Christians are like ...the mind boggles
Absolutely brilliantly put. My local paper website is full of these nutters as well.

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