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And .... just what were you doing in your room ... I want to know ... now Whop, bang, splat
For me that and other things she's said to Mole proved she was telling the truth when she said earlier she really believed Mole was the Mole, but didn't write down his name as she didn't want him evicted, so chose Ben instead who she didn't think was the Mole
Yellow Rose
Reference Yellow Rose Today at 22:49:
When I think back to some HM's in the past who I really really really couldn't stand anything about them in comparison to them she's not on my extreme annoyance/dislike radar yet. Whether that changes who knows
I tend to agree with this. I'm not sure I'd want to share a house with her 24/7, but then I'd say that of most HMs from any series. I really don't think she's anything like as bad as some of the ex-HMs she's been likened to - at least not yet...

Another FM mentioned this elsewhere, but some of her traits that have been rubbing others up the wrong way so far could just be attributed to her medical training, e.g. her forensic questioning and concern about cleanliness.
Eugene's Lair
Reference: Eugene's Lair
Another FM mentioned this elsewhere, but some of her traits that have been rubbing others up the wrong way so far could just be attributed to her medical training, e.g. her forensic questioning and concern about cleanliness.
It's hard for us to to tell whether her attention to hygiene is because of training in her career or because of personal life choice. Hopefully in her training - and all others in training for a medical career especially in hospitals - it's all about helping to eradicate infections like MRSA which can be a killer for some.
Yellow Rose
Reference Yellow Rose Today at 23:11:
 It's hard for us to to tell whether her attention to hygiene is because of training in her career or because of personal life choice. Hopefully in her training - and all others in training for a medical career especially in hospitals - it's all about helping to eradicate infections like MRSA which can be a killer for some.
As with most things, it's probably a mixture of both, TBH.

Having said that, and at the risk of generalizing, I know a number of nurses and trainee nurses, and they're all fanatical about preventing germs. One of them even got to the stage where she was avoiding going to barbeques because she realized she kept picking-up the cook on food-poisoning risks. Personally, I'm with her all the way...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Miss S Today at 23:34:
Felt a wee bit sorry for Sunshine in tonight's show - I know things have happened since then like the whining and whingeing.
I'm not watching LF at the moment, but it does sound like she's gone OTT.
However as far as tonight's HLs are concerned, I thought John James blew the whole "soap" issue out of proportion - probably intentionally, as it drew attention away from Sunshine's basic point, which was that he'd just been to the toilet, and was casually wandering around the house touching everything without washing his hands first...
Eugene's Lair
Reference Miss S Today at 23:49:
Reference: Eugene "I thought John James blew the whole "soap" issue out of proportion - probably intentionally,"
 Yes, that's the part I'm referring to - he took it too far when all she did was make a valid point.
The thing is that after all that, he still didn't wash his hands - he just went and whinged to the other HMs...
Eugene's Lair

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