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nah I can't see it as humour but tis what some people are calling it so I used the word..  :

I just see a toddler hell bent on causing mayhem with no rhyme nor reason behind it.cos they aren't intelligent enough to know what is in fact humour and what isn't .

running form one thing to another . .getting bored in a few minutes moving on to the next, .stirring up shit with no thought for peoples feelings  then crying when it comes back on him and he's caught out.. as I said if that is meant to be humour it ain't my cup of tea ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Using "humour" to reduce someone else to tears is not at all funny

You see Blackip, I feel the same. I can't be a total hypocrite, I did find Sam very funny and was thrilled when he went into the house, loved him in fact,however this thing with taking Corins stuff, just wasn't funny, moreover I hated to see her so upset.  If Sam cuts out the nonsense and allowing himself to be messed with by Dave, perhaps I will go back to loving him
Andrew displays clever humour, Sam isn't funny, because he targets people to upset them

Different types of humour for different levels of the viewers, I suppose.  We must not forget that John James has survived many evictions despite his often cruel behaviour towards various housemates.  We must accept that there are people watching, many of whom approve and support bullying, and think it is hilarious.  I'm glad to say I am not one of those people.
I am pleased to see that the margin is much narrower now, with a sign that a lot more people are quite rightfully starting to dislike this little toad.  It was very worrying that about 75% of people SUPPORTED him about a week ago, but now only about 44-45% of people support him.  Glad to see that people are seeing him for what he really is.  A hideous little cretin! 

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