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Part of it's an act ( she's already re-tried the old favourites 'Nikki's bed' and 'it doesn't woooork') but I think part of it's also a legacy of her anorexia, which she's had since age 8.
Hard to grow up when you've spent most of your life trying (and nearly dying) to stay in the body of a child.
Annoying little bugger, but it's not all an act.
I still like her. She's obviously aware of her moods, she said tonight that's she's difficult, but she's definitely much calmer than she was a few years ago.
I loathed her last time, but I can see she's tried hard to mature, even if she's not there yet.
She has been through some hellish times but, to her credit, she never milked that on BB7 at all, and she hasn't done so this time either. If Makosi had gone through a fraction of her suffering, you can be sure we'd all know about it, over and over...
I loathed her last time, but I can see she's tried hard to mature, even if she's not there yet. She has been through some hellish times but, to her credit, she never milked that on BB7 at all, and she hasn't done so this time either. If Makosi had gone through a fraction of her suffering, you can be sure we'd all know about it, over and over...
Spot on, I really feel for her, and this time round I like her.
Senora Reyes
I never liked Ulrika last time, but I can see why she's exasperated by Nicki.......I think she's been quite restrained in only pulling faces.......I'd be tearing my hair out by now.
Although Nikki has shown concern for Ulrika's worrying skinniness, apparently, by quietly talking to her about her own eating disorder and offering some advice.
Reference: Demantoid
Although Nikki has shown concern for Ulrika's worrying skinniness, apparently, by quietly talking to her about her own eating disorder and offering some advice.
Yes.......and that was nice, but Nicki has a habit of being really fickle about most of them.
I'm not really defending Ulrika here........just understand a bit better why she gets a gob on with Nicki  .
Yes, Nikki believed she'd made a genuine friend in Ulrika.  I think Nikki seemed disappointed that apparently this isn't the case.
I think Ulrika made an effort with Nikki in the first few days ..............after the sulking and shenanigans by Nikki in the majorette task she probably sees Nikki for what she is. A silly spoilt, self obsessed individual. FGS Ulrika is a mother of 4 and probably doesn't tolerate tantrums and sulky behaviour from them ......................why the hell would she pretend to be a 'friend' to Nikki?

Ulrika didn't have the easiest of childhoods but she didn't turn into a completely self absorbed little brat like Nikki.
Soozy Woo
Fair enough, but none of us turn out the same as each other, even if our circumstances are identical. Walk in someone else's shoes and live a year of their life, and all that..
yEAH i'D GO ALONG WITH THAT ................BUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO nIKKI TO MAKE her turn out like that?

it's contrived and contrary. How she's got the nerve to question why Ulrika was a bit off with her is beyond me. adults really don't act like that and be expected to be afforded any sort of respect do they? I would imagine that any mother in there wouldn't have time for Nikki.
Soozy Woo
yEAH i'D GO ALONG WITH THAT ................BUT WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO nIKKI TO MAKE her turn out like that? it's contrived and contrary. How she's got the nerve to question why Ulrika was a bit off with her is beyond me. adults really don't act like that and be expected to be afforded any sort of respect do they? I would imagine that any mother in there wouldn't have time for Nikki.
What makes anyone anorexic to the point where they were hours from death, as Nikki apparently was? I doubt she'd take 'contrived' to that point, seriously.

As I say, I couldn't stand her first time around, but I empathise more with her this time. Compared to the others, she's been through hell, yet never once have I heard her even talk about it, never mind whinge about it.
She can question Ulrika same as all of us here can, if we want.
she's been through hell, yet never once have I heard her even talk about it, never mind whinge about it.
If she's never talked about it how do you know? She has talked about it plenty. I'm not being unsympathetic here .............anorexia is one thing .................being a spoilt brat and acting the little girl is quite another. I'm not calling her anorexia contrived ...........I'm calling her ridiculous childish act and tantrums contrived,
Soozy Woo
If she's never talked about it how do you know? She has talked about it plenty. I'm not being unsympathetic here .............anorexia is one thing .................being a spoilt brat and acting the little girl is quite another. I'm not calling her anorexia contrived ...........I'm calling her ridiculous childish act and tantrums contrived,
If she has, I've never seen it on BB7 live feed or this time.
If she has, I've never seen it on BB7 live feed or this time.
Sorry ..........didn't realise you meant in the BB house. She has spoken many times on the outside.

Do you think the fact that she;s suffered with anorexia excuses her quite frankly childish, ridiculous OTT behaviour? personally I don't. I see it as incredibly rude and disrespectful to the people she is sharing a house with. I'm sure they all signed up to share a house with adults - not a spoilt child.
Soozy Woo
Sorry ..........didn't realise you meant in the BB house. She has spoken many times on the outside. Do you think the fact that she;s suffered with anorexia excuses her quite frankly childish, ridiculous OTT behaviour? personally I don't. I see it as incredibly rude and disrespectful to the people she is sharing a house with. I'm sure they all signed up to share a house with adults - not a spoilt child.
Nikki spoke out in the hope it would help fellow anorexia sufferers. Ulrika has spoken on the outside about her life too, to make money from newspaper articles and book sales  - did the others sign up to live with someone who can't keep a husband for more than a couple of years before moving on to the next?
OK, cheap shot.

But I don't see Nikki's behaviour as anything like as bad as Makosi's, who constantly refers to herself in the third person and insists no-one must mention the thing with Anfonee - while raising the subject herself all the time.
I can't believe I'm defending Nikki. I hated her with a passion last time, but she's far from the worst in there.
Nikki spoke out in the hope it would help fellow anorexia sufferers.
i really am not criticising her for doing so. I was simply responding to you saying that she'd never talked about it.

I honestly have no problem with that. When I've seen her on TV with regard to that issue I've seen a very different person ............that's why I say her behaviour is contrived in the house.
Soozy Woo
i really am not criticising her for doing so. I was simply responding to you saying that she'd never talked about it.

I was talking about inside the house, where all the others wear all of their complexes on their sleeves. Nikki, to her credit, doesn't. She might be a nightmare at times, but she has never, as far as I know, even spoken about her aniorexia, never mind used it as a tool to sway votes.

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