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Talk about "punch drunk"....I know someone who was in Oxford with him as an undergraduate....they were at a party and everyone got very drunk and the booze ran out....but Gove seemed to continue getting more and more out of was later discovered that he had been upstairs drinking perfume from the bottles in the bedrooms and bathroom

Originally Posted by Amythist:

Talk about "punch drunk"....I know someone who was in Oxford with him as an undergraduate....they were at a party and everyone got very drunk and the booze ran out....but Gove seemed to continue getting more and more out of was later discovered that he had been upstairs drinking perfume from the bottles in the bedrooms and bathroom

Originally Posted by Amythist:

Talk about "punch drunk"....I know someone who was in Oxford with him as an undergraduate....they were at a party and everyone got very drunk and the booze ran out....but Gove seemed to continue getting more and more out of was later discovered that he had been upstairs drinking perfume from the bottles in the bedrooms and bathroom

I can't say I'm surprised. He's one of those unattractive boys who try to do what comes easy to most others and it turns out crap, so now he has some clout, he wants to clout the teachers and pupils alike. Banker.

cologne 1
Originally Posted by Amythist:

Talk about "punch drunk"....I know someone who was in Oxford with him as an undergraduate....they were at a party and everyone got very drunk and the booze ran out....but Gove seemed to continue getting more and more out of was later discovered that he had been upstairs drinking perfume from the bottles in the bedrooms and bathroom

At least his breath would have smelled nice

Originally Posted by Amythist:

Talk about "punch drunk"....I know someone who was in Oxford with him as an undergraduate....they were at a party and everyone got very drunk and the booze ran out....but Gove seemed to continue getting more and more out of was later discovered that he had been upstairs drinking perfume from the bottles in the bedrooms and bathroom

Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors eh? 


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