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I seem to be in the minority here, but little girls love dressing up. As long as it is in the house, i think it is ok. My daughters bedroom used to be filled with her friends dressing up , maybe different days now, She is 26 now and went thru the Spice Girls thing. Once she hit 16 and going out up town different rules!!   I used to clomp around with my mums stuff on, high heels, make up etc Its just fun and part of a girls childhood IMO  But as i say, certainly not for going outside
Maybe check with her parents about the make-up/nail varnish thing first?

If it's ok, then some glitter nail varnish is nice. Or find out what she likes or what colours (again, from her parents), Claire's accessories do some lovely stuff for little lassies, blingy and twinkly and all that.

If she likes Glee, then tickets to their tour might be an idea? Or the Xmas album or the other DVD they've got out? I've always thought girls were easier to buy for than boys.
I think makeup is completely wrong for a 10 year old.  Someone gave my daughter makeup for her 10th  birthday and I was furious; it went straight to the charity shop. Little girts don't look nice or cute covered in makeup, even if they are just playing around indoors. 

I don't agree at all that all little girls love dressing up - mine certainly didn't and neither did most of her friends. I don't like things which reinforce stereotypes,but especially things which sexualise children at such a young age.
And I think nail varnish is just as bad - it is full of chemicals which will damage tender young nails, as will nail varnish remover.  Plus if she wears it into school,  there is every chance that they will make her remove any nail varnish with acetone which will be even harsher.   I suppose as a last resort perfume is sort of acceptable for a 10 year old, but I think a DVD or something that is not gender stereotypical would  be much better.
I don't agree at all that all little girls love dressing up - mine certainly didn't and neither did most of her friends. I don't like things which reinforce stereotypes,but especially things which sexualise children at such a young age.
I didn't either Growly And I also don't like gender stereotype things... I had train sets, cars and lego when I was little - so much cooler than the 'girls toys'
Yes, I had lots of toy cars and lego when I was little, and I loved my collection of little plastic cowboys and indians.  But I was never allowed to have a train set    I was really careful not to force girly type toys and clothes on Growly Jnr, and to let her pick what she seemed to like.  My mother in law bought her a baby doll when she was about five, and was really upset when Jnr said it was horrible    It got abused for a while and then went to a boot sale
My neice is 11 and my daughter is 8, i think 10 is a little old for 'play' make up but a little young for real 'grown up' make up, for my neice i have bought Cheryl Coles new album and a sparkly purse with a sparkly charm to match.

I think the nail varnish idea is good but maybe check with her mum first? You never know she may ever suggest something from her list you could get her, atleast then you know its something she wants.

Both my neice and daughter LOVE new clothes so maybe an outfit? maybe take a female friend along to help you pick one out?

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