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she did say that yes......but this is how john james works in relation to josie.......and i mentioned sam to stress the point how he turns the tables onto other people....take corin........when they had that bust up weeks ago and she stood up to him he hated it.....but in his eyes she won't go near him......not cos she doesn't want anything to do with him.....but cos 'he won and she's scared'.............he's now ignoring josie apparently and this is her punishment as he's not pleased with her.....he'll keep it up until he's satisfied she's begged for forgiveness and he's got her back where he wants her......its how men like him operate
Spongee she was using it as a defence to what Sam had sat and listened to him say,not once did she condemn him not once did she say he was wrong,instead she justified it by saying he'd say it to his face....She sat outside with Corin saying how heartbreaking it was seeing Sam in bed crying,they went inside she hung over the couch laughing with the 3 amigos about what had happened,not so heartbroken she found it all hilarious....I know all too well how barstewards like him operate Spongee,how women stay with them because their options are extremely limited,some have no-where else to go, children are involved,finances,cultural expectations the list is endless but atm none apply to Josie ...She knows what he is,in her own way she condoned his behaviour calling the shots when it suits her.
i agree it is more difficult if children etc etc are involved.......but...........plenty of women stay with abusive b/f's/husbands when they have none of those too.......if someone makes you feel wortless and makes you feel like you can't do without them...and if they do leave you it's your fault.....those feelings are just the same with or without kids etc

yes they are in a bb house.....but the emotional blackmail is the same....he's telling her that cos she's upset him.....he'll leave..and it's therefore her's all put down to her.....he puts the blame and threat on her doorstep
No matter who he argues with he lays blame at their feet,the thing is when he initially tried it with her she went through him for a short cut,he retired to the closet doing Tiny Tears.She is capable when it suits her as she told him she's no Rachael, acknowledging the fact how he had treated that girl and subsequently how he has treated others ....Dump him and keep him dumped .
i doubt she'll dump him in the house tbh lee..........i've already seen posts saying 'oh she's giving him what for now just cos she's in the final.he's served his purpose'.......and tbh......i think if she were to dump him outside there'd be...'see? was just for the cameras...what a sly bitch'......she's damned either way imo......ppl are calling for her to wake up and see what he's like.....if she does she's accused of being manipulative and using him...if she keeps the 'romance' going it's all 'oh she's not a real friend to corin or she wouldn't be with john' matter what she does......on here......she's blasted for it
i agree it is more difficult if children etc etc are involved.......but...........plenty of women stay with abusive b/f's/husbands when they have none of those too.......if someone makes you feel wortless and makes you feel like you can't do without them...and if they do leave you it's your fault.....those feelings are just the same with or without kids etc
Spongee I know all too well children are not always involved,entrapment can originate from many other sources I saw ladies who's children where adults finally manage to get away ,ladies with no children at all,it goes without saying it happens with or without kids....IMO he has issues,by gawd he has issues but over the past few weeks I don't like what I see with Josie in many many ways.
lee xxx...........and that's fine......after all it'd be boring if we all liked the same h/mate!!'re spot on about him having issues........i do wonder how on earth he got through the tests!!.........i still think he's a complete and utter control freak........and as josie is closest to him she bears the brunt of his manipulation......i think she has moments where she wonders what the hell he's doing........but then he quickly turns back to mr nice guy with her.........there are little chinks of light in regards to him with josie.........but on the whole i'd say he's still got her exactly where he wants her
His sort do have that affect Isa but I'm sure you now realise ultimately they are cowards.
Hell yes.
But in all seriousness JJ1 is a troubled soul, he is deep down unhappy, He rarely smiles or looks relaxed and he just seems to worry all the time about how people perceive him - despite he denials that he does not care.
In a thread a few days ago, someone very accurately described Josie as an enabler, in that she helps JJ1 justify his awful behaviour by keeping on rewarding him for it.
Just like training a dog.

Then you get the ones who, on the surface, appear to others to be compromising, unselfish, easy-going...etc. But when shit hits the fan they morph into persecutor mode, leaving the other party (usually the more aggresive/assertive one) feeling guilty and apologising, and they do it in a very clever way too. Often those who behave like this will think their behaviour in the relationship is completely rational and rarely listen to a different viewpoint, even if this includes their behaviour towards members of the opposite sex that the aggressive/assertive partner may deem as insensitive and disrespectful.

It's usually the 'louder' one in a couple who is more moralistic too.
I think when it comes to JJ1 and Josie they both feed each other's egos. She looks up to him as being successful, good looking, intelligent and worldly so she feeds that need in him to be admired (for not a lot really). He keeps her there as someone to educate, like a protege almost. He knows he impresses her and makes her feel better about herself (and controls and manipulates but I don't think he would ever admit that).

I still say Josie aint daft though. She can hear the warning bells but she's choosing to ignore them, more fool her. Some have to learn the hard way.
Josie and JJ1 are the clearest examples of why  a co-dependant enabling relationship is Bad!..Both manipulate each other, both isolate each other "The under the duvet relationship" Had nothing at all to do with sex, JJ1 is not sexually attracted to Josie in the slightest, I have called him Gay jokingly, even Asexual, but he is niether..He is attracted to slim pretty girls, very sexual feminine girls..big breasts small waist, even if the breast are bolt ons he doesn't mind..Think Rachel1, Sophie Reade(BB10) He openly said he fancied Sophie...The trouble with JJ1 is that even though he is sexually attracted to women like this he also fears them,after all when he was younger, hot pretty girls, gave him grief.
I strongly believe behind all the "dislike" he claims to have for Corin, is a strong desire to have sex with her. This is where Josie has been completely wrong footed as she cannot see it, if she had, she would have seen off Corin weeks ago, as she did, Rachel1(Trust me Josie loved it when JJ1was putting the boot into Rachel),Sunshine, and Keever.
The upshot is both have huuuuge ego's and because of this thier whole relationship has cast a long shadow over the the house and the other HM's...Personally speaking they have completely ruined my pleasure of BB this year, and I can't wait to see the back of the pair of them. Another hope I have is that public completely wrong foot, Josie and JJ1, and vote Corin or Sam the winners.
Senora Reyes
Last edited by Senora Reyes
Trust me Josie loved it when JJ1was putting the boot into Rachael

She didn't IMHO, I thought she got on well with Rachael and comforted her after he slagged her off about the mag deal thing and made her cry.. Josie told him on LF before that she thought Rachael was a pretty girl and they were quite close to Govan, Shabby and co back then at the smokers bench.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I thought she got on well with Rachael and comforted her after he slagged her off about the mag deal thing and made her cry.
Makes her reaction today all the more puzzling imo,she saw how he treated Rachael and still hooked up with him , yet she's ranting today how she won't be with anyone who is nasty to women in relation to Corin.
She didn't IMHO, I thought she got on well with Rachael and comforted her after he slagged her off about the mag deal thing and made her cry.. Josie told him on LF before that she thought Rachael was a pretty girl and they were quite close to Govan, Shabby and co back then at the smokers bench.
Darlo I've come to realise that Josie's words, especially whether she is praising someone, "I love you Sam Pepper" or chastising JJ1 "Your'e being nasty JohnJames".... Are absolutely without realism or meaning...
Senora Reyes
After another morning of their latest load of the usual shyte  why would she say she'd rather have "a right good hiding" rather than have someone ignore her?   What a gal, she sure can pick her gentlemen
It's hard to keep up Tidds,we've gone from the she don't even get offered a drink from guys in RL to her last BF was a millionaire,
After another morning of their latest load of the usual shyte tiff why would she say she'd rather have "a right good hiding" rather than have someone ignore her? What a gal, she sure can pick her gentlemen!
What a biatch. She doesn't do women any favours spouting carp like this. Just go Josie, I've really had enough of you.
cologne 1

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