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Marguerita offline LiveCloud VIP Membership 52,324 Forum Posts Today at 2:41 PM Last Edited: Reference:LL I had such high hopes that she had now grown a backbone Pity he would not grow a backbone and see what she is ..goes both ways.
Of course it does, but I think most of us were cheering her on when she was getting him told.  Now, she is more or less backing down because she thought he was going to walk.  She is a silly girl and she should've stuck to her guns.
In a thread a few days ago, someone very accurately described Josie as an enabler, in that she helps JJ1 justify his awful behaviour by keeping on rewarding him for it. The main blame still lies with him, though. Even though he's the sort who would claim someone else 'made' him do it, and that it was 'their' fault
She does enable him,she passed his compliance test with flying colours,each time she's all over him like a rash or she slips under that duvet with him despite what had previously occurred she's showing him she'll tolerate his behaviour.
definitely................he uses the 'i'll leave' or 'i won't talk to you again' card everytime she stands up to him...........and of course during one of their first rows he came out with the classic 'you made me do it' in response to her complaining he had a go at her

he knows just the right times to chip away at her if he thinks she's'getting comfortable'.......a quick....'you're thick' or something along those lines makes her once more question if she's 'good enough for him' or question what he sees in her.....and helps to 'keep her in line'

he tried turning the tables on sam when he confronted him about showergate.....'if you'd of waited sam,i was gonna talk to you one on one.but no you had to come steaming in'....and off he went ranting cos sam had gone against john james' terms...deflecting blame

he's manipulating,controlling and a nasty bit of work
Reference: spongey
definitely................he uses the 'i'll leave' or 'i won't talk to you again' card everytime she stands up to him...........and of course during one of their first rows he came out with the classic 'you made me do it' in response to her complaining he had a go at her he knows just the right times to chip away at her if he thinks she's'getting comfortable'.......a quick....'you're thick' or something along those lines makes her once more question if she's 'good enough for him' or question what he sees in her.....and helps to 'keep her in line' he tried turning the tables on sam when he confronted him about showergate.....'if you'd of waited sam,i was gonna talk to you one on one.but no you had to come steaming in'....and off he went ranting cos sam had gone against john james' terms...deflecting blame he's manipulating,controlling and a nasty bit of work
Reference: lee
Spongee tbf Josie also used the he was going to tell you to your face in defence of JJ to Sam.
she did say that yes......but this is how john james works in relation to josie.......and i mentioned sam to stress the point how he turns the tables onto other people....take corin........when they had that bust up weeks ago and she stood up to him he hated it.....but in his eyes she won't go near him......not cos she doesn't want anything to do with him.....but cos 'he won and she's scared'.............he's now ignoring josie apparently and this is her punishment as he's not pleased with her.....he'll keep it up until he's satisfied she's begged for forgiveness and he's got her back where he wants her......its how men like him operate
I agree Deman but she has loaded the gun many times stood back watch it all take off then started telling him off there is something not quite right about her.
Very true. She also controls him with the threat of taken away her affection, so then he threatens to leave. I don't think he's ever done it for another reason.
cologne 1
Christ! Do you think anyone could survive 30,000 words of analysis on him? I'd just draw a graph on his 'anger curve differentiation'.
 Cross-referencing to his neediness index.
Seriously though, as the visiting shrinks said when they came downstairs at Fawlty Towers to find Basil hopping on the floor like a frog, "there's enough material there for an entire conference."

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