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Originally posted by Free Thinking:
That's what Endemol want from him. All housemates are given a role I think. They are meant to be easy stereotypes that people can identify. I find more interesting when the more real and rounded aspects of people on the show are revealed. You'll see the video auditions are always ridiculously over the top, not the full people at all.

But he wasn't joking. Glance
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Laugh OHG, I can understand you getting annoyed with people judging him on his appearance, but are we not allowed to judge him on what he says and does now? Big Grin

WEEEELL what he ACTUALLY said was, "I take photos of me "having a P where ever I go" he then went on to say, I DONT take pictures of my c*ck just a bowl and a stream"
hardly a MAJOR crime just a bit of "laddish" fun if ya ask me,
BUT SOME people then take GREAT delight in rushing in to call him a "pervert" and LIE about him, saying he takes photos of himself taking a dump,
people are free to like or dislike whoever they wish, but by distorting or outright LYING about what he said, they just show THEMSELVES up as the twisted spite mongers that they are,

99% of the Anti Marcus posts are to do with personal issues about his looks, and lets not forget MY favorite one "he LOOKS like he smells"
I dunno maybe its ME, but given the choice, of who I would want to have a pint n a laugh with down the pub, Marcus (for ALL his faults...and he has many cause he aint perfect, like most of us) OR the TYPE of person who would make a statement like, "he LOOKS like he smells"
I know who I would rather spend time with, Nod
old hippy guy
WEEEELL what he ACTUALLY said was, "I take photos of me "having a P where ever I go" he then went on to say, I DONT take pictures of my c*ck just a bowl and a stream"
hardly a MAJOR crime just a bit of "laddish" fun if ya ask me,
BUT SOME people then take GREAT delight in rushing in to call him a "pervert" and LIE about him, saying he takes photos of himself taking a dump,
people are free to like or dislike whoever they wish, but by distorting or outright LYING about what he said, they just show THEMSELVES up as the twisted spite mongers that they are,

99% of the Anti Marcus posts are to do with personal issues about his looks, and lets not forget MY favorite one "he LOOKS like he smells"
I dunno maybe its ME, but given the choice, of who I would want to have a pint n a laugh with down the pub, Marcus (for ALL his faults...and he has many cause he aint perfect, like most of us) OR the TYPE of person who would make a statement like, "he LOOKS like he smells"
I know who I would rather spend time with,


Nothing wrong with saying "he looks like he smells" cause he does. Im not a fan of either Kris or Charlie but what about your "Charlie is a wanker threads" or "Kris is a wanker" the only person who goes on about wanking is Marcus lol! Marcus is def the biggest wanker in the house.
Originally posted by frenchbread:
WEEEELL what he ACTUALLY said was, "I take photos of me "having a P where ever I go" he then went on to say, I DONT take pictures of my c*ck just a bowl and a stream"
hardly a MAJOR crime just a bit of "laddish" fun if ya ask me,
BUT SOME people then take GREAT delight in rushing in to call him a "pervert" and LIE about him, saying he takes photos of himself taking a dump,
people are free to like or dislike whoever they wish, but by distorting or outright LYING about what he said, they just show THEMSELVES up as the twisted spite mongers that they are,

99% of the Anti Marcus posts are to do with personal issues about his looks, and lets not forget MY favorite one "he LOOKS like he smells"
I dunno maybe its ME, but given the choice, of who I would want to have a pint n a laugh with down the pub, Marcus (for ALL his faults...and he has many cause he aint perfect, like most of us) OR the TYPE of person who would make a statement like, "he LOOKS like he smells"
I know who I would rather spend time with,


Nothing wrong with saying "he looks like he smells" cause he does. Im not a fan of either Kris or Charlie but what about your "Charlie is a wanker threads" or "Kris is a wanker" the only person who goes on about wanking is Marcus lol! Marcus is def the biggest wanker in the house.

no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Well, OHG, he did also actually say he pointed the camera down the toilet and took a pic of his turd when it was halfway out.

Pardon me if I think that's a bit uncalled for Red Face

Yes, OHG, we actually heard him say that! Laugh Laugh

And he made sure it was clear that he actually put the camera between his legs, not just a snap of himself sitting on the bog! Big Grin
Nothing wrong with saying "he looks like he smells" cause he does. Im not a fan of either Kris or Charlie but what about your "Charlie is a wanker threads" or "Kris is a wanker" the only person who goes on about wanking is Marcus lol! Marcus is def the biggest wanker in the house.

no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

This was to Old hippy guy Moon i dont comment on your so and so is a "wanker" posts!! Pls leave me alone!!
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Well, OHG, he did also actually say he pointed the camera down the toilet and took a pic of his turd when it was halfway out.

Pardon me if I think that's a bit uncalled for Red Face

well I didnt hear that bit, I just heard the bit about the P, IF he DID take a photo of a half excreated turd, and then TOLD people that IS a "tad" off,...
dont get me wrong I am NOT a fan of Marcus, I think he is a bit of a nob, but he is FAR from being my LEAST favourite in there,
and I love the way he brings the "weirdos" out of the woodwork, I think 90% of what he says is pure wind up, Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

Karly has been in the diary room to complain that he smells.

When Sree mentioned his smelly breath, all the other housemates looked a bit embarrassed, but in a 'I know it's true, but you shouldn't mention it really' sort of way! Ninja
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Nothing wrong with saying "he looks like he smells" cause he does. Im not a fan of either Kris or Charlie but what about your "Charlie is a wanker threads" or "Kris is a wanker" the only person who goes on about wanking is Marcus lol! Marcus is def the biggest wanker in the house.

no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

This was to Old hippy guy Moon i dont comment on your so and so is a "wanker" posts!! Pls leave me alone!!

I wasnt aware that I was going out of my way to "bother" you, but ya see this is a PUBLIC forum, and when and where I see a post I dont agree with I will exercise my RIGHT to say so,
IFI say something nasty or personal DIRECTED at YOU, then you may tell me where and when to post, me for it, Roll Eyes
old hippy guy
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

Karly has been in the diary room to complain that he smells.

Yes and Sree said it.
Thanks Demantoid!! Big Grin and Blizzie and Skylark Thumbs Up

Big Grin
I dont care if Ghandi said it, if I cant smell him...then he doesnt smell,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I think 90% of what he says is pure wind up, Big Grin

Some people have said that from the beginning, but I've yet to see any sign of that being true.
I think it was wishful thinking, tbh! Laugh

Nod His defenders keep saying it's "ironic", but I really believe he's so totally lacking in self-awareness, he honestly does think he's "cool-as-eff".

Why else would he think he stood a chance with Noirin?
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

Karly has been in the diary room to complain that he smells.

Yes and Sree said it.
Thanks Demantoid!! Big Grin and Blizzie and Skylark Thumbs Up

Big Grin
I dont care if Ghandi said it, if I cant smell him...then he doesnt smell,

You've never seen Kris wanking, either Ninja
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
I think 90% of what he says is pure wind up, Big Grin

Some people have said that from the beginning, but I've yet to see any sign of that being true.
I think it was wishful thinking, tbh! Laugh

Nod His defenders keep saying it's "ironic", but I really believe he's so totally lacking in self-awareness, he honestly does think he's "cool-as-eff".

Why else would he think he stood a chance with Noirin?
He hasnt got any social skills at all. AND HE DOES SMELL !!!! legs it for my tea lol xxxx
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Well, OHG, he did also actually say he pointed the camera down the toilet and took a pic of his turd when it was halfway out.

Pardon me if I think that's a bit uncalled for Red Face

well I didnt hear that bit, I just heard the bit about the P, IF he DID take a photo of a half excreated turd, and then TOLD people that IS a "tad" off,...
dont get me wrong I am NOT a fan of Marcus, I think he is a bit of a nob, but he is FAR from being my LEAST favourite in there,
and I love the way he brings the "weirdos" out of the woodwork, I think 90% of what he says is pure wind up, Big Grin

He did say it, I can assure you. It was just before he started talking about the pee-pics.
Pretty revolting, and the sort of thing a smutty 11-year-old would say, or admit to, rather than a supposedly adult man.
Marcus (for ALL his faults...and he has many cause he aint perfect, like most of us) OR the TYPE of person who would make a statement like, "he LOOKS like he smells"
I know who I would rather spend time with,

Old hippy guy this bit is directed at me! Anyway i cant be bothered with explaining my posts to you. Why should i? last time i spent ages!! i cant be bothered to do that again and again. You will still see my anti-Marcus posts though
oh AND..... MY Kris is a WANKER thread is also meant in a lighthearted and "fun" way, I certainly would NOT say he smells no matter how many HMs said it, NOR would I call him a pervert,
and I say again MOST of the anti Marcus threads are due to the fact he aint a bronzed polished pin up typical feminised woMAN, and that he is an "average" blokey bloke,
he IS making an arse of himself over Noirin, but how many "blokes" can say they aint ever tried to "punch above their weight"?
and at first she didnt do a lot to "put him right" did she? poor sap, Laugh
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

Karly has been in the diary room to complain that he smells.

Yes and Sree said it.
Thanks Demantoid!! Big Grin and Blizzie and Skylark Thumbs Up

Big Grin
I dont care if Ghandi said it, if I cant smell him...then he doesnt smell,

You've never seen Kris wanking, either Ninja

ROFL Laugh Laugh Clapping
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Marcus (for ALL his faults...and he has many cause he aint perfect, like most of us) OR the TYPE of person who would make a statement like, "he LOOKS like he smells"
I know who I would rather spend time with,

Old hippy guy this bit is directed at me! Anyway i cant be bothered with explaining my posts to you. Why should i? last time i spent ages!! i cant be bothered to do that again and again. You will still see my anti-Marcus posts though

and I would defend you right to post em, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by frenchbread:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
no see the diference is I can say that Kris IS a WANKER....cause he IS, cause he is MALE,
PLEASE tell me how someone LOOKS like they smell,

Karly has been in the diary room to complain that he smells.

Yes and Sree said it.
Thanks Demantoid!! Big Grin and Blizzie and Skylark Thumbs Up

Big Grin
I dont care if Ghandi said it, if I cant smell him...then he doesnt smell,

You've never seen Kris wanking, either Ninja

its a safe bet that he does though Big Grin
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
oh AND..... MY Kris is a WANKER thread is also meant in a lighthearted and "fun" way, I certainly would NOT say he smells no matter how many HMs said it, NOR would I call him a pervert,
and I say again MOST of the anti Marcus threads are due to the fact he aint a bronzed polished pin up typical feminised woMAN, and that he is an "average" blokey bloke,
he IS making an arse of himself over Noirin, but how many "blokes" can say they aint ever tried to "punch above their weight"?
and at first she didnt do a lot to "put him right" did she? poor sap, Laugh

oh AND..... MY Kris is a WANKER thread is also meant in a lighthearted and "fun" way, I certainly would NOT say he smells no matter how many HMs said it, NOR would I call him a pervert,
and I say again MOST of the anti Marcus threads are due to the fact he aint a bronzed polished pin up typical feminised woMAN, and that he is an "average" blokey bloke,
he IS making an arse of himself over Noirin, but how many "blokes" can say they aint ever tried to "punch above their weight"?
and at first she didnt do a lot to "put him right" did she? poor sap,

Old hippy guy i have told you many times now i do not have a problem with Marcus just because of his looks, the whole package is gross inside and out.
I am not a fan of Kris's but i can say you have a problem with him because of his looks.

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