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Reference: Lecs
DanJ I couldn't get my head round the "dismembered" bit about the was a real WTF moment when I read it.
Me too. It's written with pure venom and with no other intention than to cause as much insult and outrage as possible. It certainly pissed me the hell off. If they wanna march, then let em march till they get bunions, just dont stamp over the ground where our country have respected our dead. I cant believe how riled up I am about this
Why didn't they choose to march in London?I'll answer that because they wouldn't cause the incitement that they will in Wooten Bassett
Actually, I think WB is an ideal place for its symbolism.  I'm not a fan of the media/MoD war hero campaign but it's clearly quite effective.  They're pissing on that.
pretty_p 476 Forum PostsToday at 20:26 (Edited: ) Reference: They're just not allowed protest no not if they believe it is ok to kill ppl just because they disgaree with their religion or don't live their lives according to their religion!!
But it's OK for British troops to kill innocent Muslim civilians because they happen to live in a country which has a government that doesn't agree with the US/UK view on how the world should be run?
i'm hardly gonna sit here and list every possible reason why they may choose to march!!!
I don't believe I asked you to...but if you're going to ask FM's for their opinion as a topic, perhaps it might be best to split the difference between the actual story and your take on the story and then we can chose to either disagree with the point at hand, or to disagree with an opinion.

Anyhoo....I'm off to watch BB
Zaccly. As has already been suggested, they've chosen the most controversial place possible.
Well, if they want to be in the media as an organisation and reach out to the most people then they've made a good choice.  What I'm saying is that it's not necessarily incitement but rather desired media presence.

I wonder if Choudary was truly outraged at the Danish cartoon thing when he was demonstrating about it.  Perhaps someone should remind him of what it feels like to be deeply insulted.
The fact that we've been thrust in to this bullcrap modern day Crusades is all the PR the extremists need. I do find it upsetting every time a fallen soldier makes their final journey through Wooten Basset, but I also feel that all the innocents that have died as a result of this bogus conflict deserve recognition (and if that's via a protest then so be it).
What's wrong with this country allowing them to take the p-ss out of our troops.We wouldn't be allowed to do it in their country,but we wouldn't insult them that way.Yet it's ok for them to insult us The lovely people of Wooten Bassett that turn out in all weather to honour our fallen are being ridiculed by fanatics. There will be trouble,which is what they are after,but it will escalate to greater heights,where their communities will be threatened.I fear if this is not stopped the peaceable peoples will be threatened

Thats absolutely spot on ;if these people disrepect our fallen soldiers it will escalate and
it will also deny the good people of WB to pay their respects - the MoD will use another base to land .

There are good muslims in the UK - but the bad ones are bad and we should deport them or have a Guantanamo bay camp to pursue WHY they are doing this and who put them up to it ??
awwwww look i wonder if this thread could possibly evvaa turn into a fight WHODA THOUGHT IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111
Does it really matter who started the thread? Personally I think it's been interesting reading other peoples opinions ................don't think a fight was intended - just a debate. For the record ...............i think the Muslim group have the right to demonstrate about the lost lives in Afghanistan but ................not sure that they have picked the right venue ............they obviously feel that they have. IMO .........the less media coverage the better IMO. A good debate on here though
Soozy Woo
There are good muslims in the UK - but the bad ones are bad and we should deport them or have a Guantanamo bay camp to pursue WHY they are doing this and who put them up to it ??
Surely a Guantanamo Bay style camp isn't needed to know why a protest march is being planned?  Perhaps people don't like to see British troops being involved in highly questionable wars in which countless innocent civilians are being killed.
Another one of those complex events.
Yes! They have the right to march through Wootton Bassett if they want.
IMO it's in extremely bad taste.
These loonies wish to impose a silly system of law based upon fairy tale and myth on us just after we got rid of the last one.
No good will come from their march. If anything it will cause trouble between them and other extremist fools and might drag the rest of HM subjects into it.

Arrests under "Conduct likely" may be appropriate at some point.
Garage Joe
Porto .. that wouldn't be good. Who would decide who the good and bad muslims are? Who knows what their real intentions are and it would just lead to more ill feeling and trouble. There is bad people in many walks of life, that is just how it is.
Hiya Lauren   Happy New Year to you  the smilies are not working here are they ?  I am doing OK thanks and I hope you are too ?? 

In answer to your question though the good Muslims,I feel and have seen from experience are quiet and law abiding ,no fuss dont provoke trouble - they do their work and get on with it  - this guy lives in a ÂĢ350,000 house,on benefits and does all he can to incite people to make trouble.Now  - you try doing that in a Muslim country  - you could be beheaded,as many Brits have been and he should be deported.
he should be deported.
To where would or could we deport him?  He's a British citizen and, as far as I know, he was born here.  That's like suggesting we 'deport' troublesome British Catholics to, say, Italy or Spain.  We are a properly-multicultural country now.  People like Choudary are British but don't like our mainstream culture or agree with our government's foreign policy.  Like, say, the Jarrow marchers, they want to protest and force changes.  If they do that peacefully then who are we to stop them?  If they break the law then the state should act as it would with any other law breaker.  The fact that they're British means that they're equal before the law and that cuts both ways ie. they should have the rights and freedom the rest of us enjoy but they should not get any special privileges either simply because they have a dual ethnicity.
yes deej any country.
Poland circa 1939?  Norway circa 1940?  Rwanda circa 1994?

We're part of the UN Security Council.  If we do as you suggest then we ought to relinquish that.  Of course, then we're still subject to the UN decisions but have no direct influence.  The rest of our influence in other world affairs, in finance and trade in particular, would collapse soon after I think.  Does that matter to the average citizen?  Well, probably.  We'd better get used to being a poor country.

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