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So are there extremists on this march or not, or are these people engaging in a peaceful protest and being labelled as something they're not?

Well as someone else posted out the group organising the demonstration are a group that are banned in this country under the terrorism act - that would suggest to me there are going to be extremists - obv we don't know that for a fact but evidence at the moment suggests there will be extremists!!
There is not, and  absolutely never has been, any political motive or agenda from the good people of WB, who turn out time after time, to show respect for the fallen, and to honour their return home!  For the extremists to try and sully the fine reputation of this small village, is disgusting, and will do their cause (whatever it is) no good at all.   It's looking very likely they will be refused permission, but if they do go ahead, then hopefully the media will give them no coverage.
So, if someone has extreme views about, say, the NHS spending money on patient transport or something like that, then those people shpould not be given the right to freedom of speech?
Well that depends - if that person thought that as a result the answer would be to go out and murder NHS management then no they should not be given fos - however if someone just disgareed with it and that is all there is no problem - no one is being hurt!!
Well as someone else posted out the group organising the demonstration are a group that are banned in this country under the terrorism act - that would suggest to me there are going to be extremists - obv we don't know that for a fact but evidence at the moment suggests there will be extremists!!
Well then, in response to your original post, yes it is right for people of the Muslim faith to march through Wooten Bassett imo.  There is only an assumption they are extremists, and even at that who's to say they are of the terrorist persuasion of extremism
I think that some people are grouping all Muslims into one stereotype. Most Muslims are wonderful people and are not terrorists. Just as most Christians don't blow up abortion clinics.
I like that Suzi. I agree, as with most people who have beliefs of a higher power you always get those that are going to go that little too far.

Just a question, can anyone name a war that wasn't fought based on religious beliefs of some sort?
It will be interesting to see if these peaceful protesters protest with their faces covered and I'm not just talking about the women here!

Most peaceful protests no matter how well intentioned are usually hijacked by groups intent on causing trouble and I foresee the same happening here.  What interests me is will our Police arrest those that are hell bent on causing trouble?
Well then, in response to your original post, yes it is right for people of the Muslim faith to march through Wooten Bassett imo. There is only an assumption they are extremists, and even at that who's to say they are of the terrorist persuasion of extremism
I have nothing against ordinary peaceful muslims marching to remember their war dead however i do think it should be held somewhere other than WB - it just feels wrong for it to be somewhere that in many ways is special for the families of the soldiers killed!!
If they're protesting peacefully then I think they have, and should have, the right to do that.  It's also the right of people and the media to ignore the filth that these people represent.  That's what democracy is all about: we get to hear views we don't like if we choose to listen.  If I lived in WB and had some influence then I'd fill the place with democracy symbols and quotes from Voltaire and then clear the streets completely.
Reference: hevva
I have nothing against ordinary peaceful muslims marching to remember their war dead however i do think it should be held somewhere other than WB - it just feels wrong for it to be somewhere that in many ways is special for the families of the soldiers killed!!
That's why it should be ignored, or redirected to Pakistan, or Afghanistan, or the Yemen.
Well then, in response to your original post, yes it is right for people of the Muslim faith to march through Wooten Bassett imo. There is only an assumption they are extremists, and even at that who's to say they are of the terrorist persuasion of extremism
because the group organising the march are banned in Britian for their extremist beliefs.

I would love it if believers of Islam were to march to mourn the dead in Afghanistan but that is not what this march is about unfortunately
I have nothing against ordinary peaceful muslims marching to remember their war dead however i do think it should be held somewhere other than WB - it just feels wrong for it to be somewhere that in many ways is special for the families of the soldiers killed!!
So you'll allow them march if they're marching for your reasons?

Count yourself lucky you're not put in a position that would push you to take part in such a march.
I think we tend to forget that it's not only British soldiers that are dying, but there are also many people dying in other countries because of extremist behaviour.
Havent read the rest of this yet but will do in a min to see how it pans out.

However, just picking up on that, when I first started reading it, I thought, of course they have a right to be upset at the loss of their own people, just as much right as we do. And after all, those who sign up for the army know what they're potentially getting into. BUT, I dont agree with them purposely selecting WB as the place for their campaign.  To me it's nasty, vindictive and downright bloody evil. They have clearly stated the reasons why they have chosen there aswell, and it just makes a complete mockery of not only our soldiers, but their victims aswell. These are not people searching for peace or resolution.

*goes off to read rest of thread*
From their website:

"It is quite extraordinary, that with well over 100,000 Muslims killed in Afghanistan in the last 8 years that those military serviceman who have directly or indirectly contributed to their death are paraded as war heroes and moreover honoured for what is ultimately genocide."
Genocide?  What idiots. 

That's the reason they are giving for the march so thats the example I used - i'm hardly gonna sit here and list every possible reason why they may choose to march!!!
Ok, so apart from the other things on this thread that have confused me, now you've confused me too.

You think it's ok to march for the reason they've stated but think they should be banned from marching.

*scratches head*
Abo offline 759 Forum Posts Today at 12:45 (Edited: ) Reference: Their home page has a letter from 'Anjem Choundry'. I presume that's the infamous Islamist tosser resident in the UK. yep & if you google him or Al-Muhajiroun you will get more of a fuller view of his beliefs & true reasons for being disruptive.
This march is purely to cause incitement.I thought we had a law about incitement.
Why didn't they choose to march in London?I'll answer that because they wouldn't cause the incitement that they will in Wooten Bassett

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