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Now I do like  a good scary film...not the blood and guts slasher types  they are rather predicatble and boring.,tnough they have their place .  Now a film that scared me years years ago was "The haunting" The original one from the the sixties,,,not the more recent one.Nothing was ever shown..all noise and atmosphere..I remember shitting myself one weekend when I watched it alone..
What's so wrong about it?  His whole agenda is to show those who have been injured that there's hope.  I couldn't believe his story when I heard it, it's the most amazing thing I've ever heard.  If you saw it in a Steven Seagal movie, you'd be like, yeah right as if that would happen.

Fair play to the bloke, after what he did he's entitled to do a bloomin bit of ice skating without being criticised for it
Fair play to the bloke, after what he did he's entitled to do a bloomin bit of ice skating without being criticised for it

I'm not criticising him in any way - like I've said from what I have seen he seems a nice enough lad.  there is just something about his inclusion (not about him) that  makes me feel uncomfortable and I can't put my finger on what it is.
You mean something funny about the program makers?  That they're trying to exploit him or something?

You mean, like how they exploit the fact that it was "This Morning" that brought attention to the fact Kerry Katona was "just not right" when she did her infamous interview over a year ago and have televised her new series? Or how Kerry Katona appears on "This Morning" at least once a week Now?  And don't get me started on Jeff Brazier, who is now the sole parent of Jade Goody's children after Jade's death!

Of all the celebrities that are appearing on Dancing on Ice, just a few are not employed by ITV, the soldier being one of them.
HI Skylark - I copy and paste and then highlight and use the red font.

Temps - I know, it's just a bone of contention with me, the whole idea of "celebrity" these days.  I honestly believe in second chances (or third and fourth chances for some), but have a real problem with"celebrities" that have yet to really prove their status.

For me, a celebrity is someone who is a role model, someone that children and young adults can aspire to be like.  The soldier is such a person and Kerry Katona is not.
I think they are scraping the barrel as far as "celebrities" are concerned. There's been too many of these so called "celeb" shows, and most of the people that go on them are about as far removed from being a celeb as the sun is from the Earth!

For that reason alone I don't watch it

As for PP's opinion - if she feels uncomfortable with a soldier being in it and isn't sure why ... and is asking peoples opinion on it ... why can people not simply state their opinion without taking the p!ss? I know PP often posts to provoke, but it's very easy to understand is it not? If you want to engage with her then post reasonably, if you don't then there is no need to make any comment.

Having had a break for a while from here, I ventured back and have just been quietly reading without commenting for a while recently. It comes across as 6 of one and half a dozen of the other whenever I read a thread started by PP!
I know what you mean Suzi.  I don't like the idea of people being labelled as a celebrity because of who they slept with/went out with/were married to.  Fair enough some folk have earned the celebrity status, the likes of Ivana Trump for example, through default, but Jade's ex is really pushing it.  He does seem like a nice guy though, so I'll let him pass

Kerry Katona, she was in Atomic Kitten, unfortunately she also left just as they hit the big time, but she did put quite a lot of graft in with the group, so she is I suppose entitled to hold onto some celebrity straw.  She annoys me I have to say, but I do feel sorry for her.  She does seem to be trying her best bless her

It's the WAGs that get up my goat.  it's enough that they're trying to grab the limelight from the sports personality they're connected with, but to then go on and try and make a career out of it is like a prostitute trying to enter the Olympics   Rebecca Loose (however way it's spelt)  really ruined it for everyone
I think they are scraping the barrel as far as "celebrities" are concerned. There's been too many of these so called "celeb" shows, and most of the people that go on them are about as far removed from being a celeb as the sun is from the Earth!

For that reason alone I don't watch it

As for PP's opinion - if she feels uncomfortable with a soldier being in it and isn't sure why ... and is asking peoples opinion on it ... why can people not simply state their opinion without taking the p!ss? I know PP often posts to provoke, but it's very easy to understand is it not? If you want to engage with her then post reasonably, if you don't then there is no need to make any comment.

Having had a break for a while from here, I ventured back and have just been quietly reading without commenting for a while recently. It comes across as 6 of one and half a dozen of the other whenever I read a thread started by PP!

Well said Pepsi
oh, that's true stonks I like the Madeley girl I have to say. She's always nice and polite and it's lovely to see a happy family on a Sunday night that's not living in Candleford I can't believe she's put her occupation as model though. Seriously? With that chin? *fixes her Ms Universe sash*
I've got to the age I don't know the ice skaters from the so called celebs....
And throw an iron over that sash while your there....
Well I don't watch the show but I too have a problem with the definition of celebrity nowadays. It seems by and large to be the same old tired wannabees and hangers on desperately looking for another chance to get their mugs in Heat or Hello. Thankfully as I don't watch much telly and never read the sleb mags I manage to avoid most of them.
As to a soldier taking part in a show - I have no idea who he is or if he had some kind of Sleb status before he was picked for this show. If he did have then it seems to me that that he has as much claim to be there as the someone who is there because they slept with someone or because their parents are famous.
If not, I have to admit that I am slightly uncomfortable and I know I probably won't be able to express accurately why. But what makes me uncomfortable is the way that we seem to be buying into an increasing jingoism in this country. A kind of Yay Go Military thing. I don't have a problem with the armed forces, fully accept that it is not the individual soldiers faults that they are sent to make war and kill people in places they should never have been, and that as this country has sent them to do these things that, as citizens of this country, we should ensure that they are treated with respect and given what they need but I find it disturbing that the media seem to be constantly thrusting the military and it's personnel at us.
I know that's clumsy and doesn't explain it right but it worries me
I hear ya Veggie...but this guy is phenomenal.  His jeep was under heavy fire, grenades and all being chucked at them, he, his commander and other members of the platoon or whatever were injured, but he kept on going and managed to get them all back to safety and carried them out of the jeep or tank or whatever he was driving.

Then on another occasion, they were hit with a rocket and even though he was hit and suffered major head injuries, he again drove them all back to safety.

I swear it's like a I said before if you saw it in an action movie you'd scoff at the scriptwriters for being so fantastical...he's like a real life BA

Apparently he's the only living person to be awarded the Victoria Cross, I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it seems to be quite a heroic thing
if he was a tennis player...that was some tennis ball the threw at him    Oh I'm going to rot in hell

I've never watched it before, I usually get caught up with CBB and so am all reality tv'ed out by the time DOI comes on.  But as there's no CBB this year I decided to give it ago, especially because Craig McLaughlin was in it, but sadly he didn't make it passed the qualifiers

I'm amazed that the contestants get such low scores for lack of arms and lack of this or that, I think they should all get a 10 for being able to keep upright   And don't get me started on Baby Spice being on the Judging Panel
People are being a bit unfair on Jeff Brazier. He was a TV presenter before he met Jade and he does the job very well, from what I've seen of him. Also, I never got the impression that he used his 'Jade's Ex' label to get more attention. In fact, I think he would rather people forgot about it!

agrees with this ^^^

didn't he do Shipwrecked years ago when trying to get into TV  ..long before the Jade era..  he's a good presenter too.. relaxed and easy going..  got a good head on him.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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