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You've said you don't agree with him being there but havent said why.

No I haven't - I have said that his inclusion makes me feel uncomfortable and that I actually don't know why this is.  I really would appreciate if you would lose the antagonistic tone you appear to have with me of late - if you dislike me that is fine but maybe in that case it would be best if you didn't speak to me.  I will not allow this thread to descend into chaos and nastiness like others have done.
Oh  for goodness sake PP.  I just asked why you didnt want him on there.  I am being perfectly reasonable and asking a simple question and you lunge at me and accuse me of being antagonistic.  PP, youre totally out of order here.,  I just simply ASKING A QUESTION,  You started this thread and said you don't feel comfortable with a soldier being on the show and I just asked WHY.  Why can't you just answer the question without going mad at me and trying to start an argument?  You can't start a thread like this and attack and shout at people who ask you simple questions.

So I shall try again: why do you feel uncomfortable with him being on there?
Maybe it's your wording?

I thought instead of asking 'Is it right' which gives the impression that it is wrong for him to be there...perhaps 'The Soldier on DOI - what are your thoughts on him being there?' especially as the OP has said she cannot pin point why she feels uncomfortable about him doing the show. The question title of the thread gives off the wrong impression I think.

Disclaimer - This is not an attack, baiting or anything else of that manner btw, merely a constructive observation!
Good idea to put a disclaimer karma.    I actually only asked a question, thats all, and I feel afraid to post anything else on here now, in case I am deemed as being confrontational or antagonistic.  Actually i will leave the thread now as I feel uncomfortable and I feel like anything I say on here will be misconstrued.
I have always thought that what these 'celebrities' have done in the past was irrelevant.
I thought the criteria was that they, vaguely, come under the heading of 'celebrity' even if that status is V, W, X, Y, Z list.
If more than a couple of people have heard of you you can be a contestant.
I don't much like it when contestants on any talent / competition show leans on a bit of sympathy which is not related to the task in hand.
But other than that I don't see a problem.
It doesn't trouble me because I don't watch it.
Stonks...that pisshead Denise Walsh springs to mind.,her poor hubby ...Gawd! I hate her and those daft Loose women bints.,Bunch of eejits on lunchtime Tv,.,.Grr Now then I did like the show when it first started and Kaye Adams (a true journalist) was in we have that feckin ' Coleen Nolan,and that Corrie reject..and others.
Reference: sparkles
Good idea to put a disclaimer karma.    I actually only asked a question, thats all, and I feel afraid to post anything else on here now, in case I am deemed as being confrontational or antagonistic.  Actually i will leave the thread now as I feel uncomfortable and I feel like anything I say on here will be misconstrued.
Don't be put off.

Not everyone will misconstrue you.
Stonks...that pisshead Denise Walsh springs to mind.,her poor hubby ...Gawd! I hate her and those daft Loose women bints.,Bunch of eejits on lunchtime Tv,.,.Grr Now then I did like the show when it first started and Kaye Adams (a true journalist) was in we have that feckin ' Coleen Nolan,and that Corrie reject..and others.
Totally agree katty, how the feck does ITV condone a woman of her age or any age bragging about being blathered all the time, she looks rough and she is rough, she's just an old dipso, I used to really enjoy the show but can't abide it now....
Stonks...that pisshead Denise Walsh springs to mind.,her poor hubby ...Gawd! I hate her and those daft Loose women bints.,Bunch of eejits on lunchtime Tv,.,.Grr Now then I did like the show when it first started and Kaye Adams (a true journalist) was in we have that feckin ' Coleen Nolan,and that Corrie reject..and others
And breathe Katty 
Aw.. I know loads of people liked it Joe...  Mr Ditty thought it was good.   

Totally unrelated to Inception...  but when I went to find out how to spell Chihauhua (cos I can never remember) I put Chiwawa into google  and something odd came up on the bit where it previews what google images could find..... 

I daredn't click on the pic to see if its actually a dog... or a scary stuffed toy

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