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It's not okay to rob anyone but to short change someone who cannot see and then tell a national TV programme - well words fail me.

I cannot understand why she would ever think that it was okay to do that.

I am also struggling with the fact that she is only supposed to be 18. How old do you have to be to be an air hostess? Also she has been doing the glamour modelling rounds for a couple of years as well. 

What kind of parents would let their 16 year old make semi nude websites?


I can honestly say that without exception this years contestants have been the biggest load of self serving wannabees ever to grace a BB programme.


Of course it's not ... but lets be fair I reckon we've all done something we are not proud of. I suppose it's Alex's fault that this has come to light as she must have told them this but really I find it a bit of a cheap trick to discredit her. Before you jump down my neck, I don't condone robbing a blind person ... but as I already said, we've all done something at some point that others would deem a bit on the dodgy side ..... Either you have or you're lying

Originally Posted by Videostar:

Alex short changed a blind woman because the blind woman was "rude",  well, thats the excuse doing the rounds at least.


On DS there are plenty of Alex supporters actually saying that it's refreshing that someone (Alex) wasn't honest to the blind woman as that would be un PC, so actually Alex is a hero in many ways.

Alex said the woman was "rude" in her defence when the other HMs questioned her about it,

I think she was trying to justify her actions to herself rather than anyone-else...


As for being rude or "un-PC" to a blind person: did anyone watch Derren Brown's "Gameshow" on C4 last Friday? It crossed BB of course, but I recorded it. It was mainly about group activity in situations like riots and lynchings, but it also dealt with how people act differently when they're protected by anonymity, such as wearing a mask or on the internet. If you're talking to a blind person you don't know, you'll feel anonymous. Add to that the fact that Alex thought the woman had been rude to her, and you have a situation where she's able to convince herself that robbing the woman is justified. It's not of course, and Alex realizes that in the cold light of day, so she has to look for excuses...


IMO, throwing the "PC" line into the equation (as some Alex fans seem to be doing) is a smoke-screen. As I keep pointing out, the term "PC" is only ever used in a negative sense: "Oh, all those PC do-gooders are having a go at Alex now.".  

Fact is that anyone who knows someone who's disabled will know that they often have to put up with a lot of cr@p, and the people responsible for that cr@p will often invent excuses to justify it. During BB9, there were a lot of claims that Mickey was faking his blindness. This is fairly common, and it's not just blind people that get it: I saw a documentary where a wheelchair-bound man took the (female) producer into his local bar to show her what he often has to put up with. Within minutes, a group of lads he barely knew were trying to convince her that he was faking his injuries and could really walk...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eileen Over:


I cannot understand why she would ever think that it was okay to do that.

I am also struggling with the fact that she is only supposed to be 18. How old do you have to be to be an air hostess?

That has bugged me from the very first night.  She now works in McDonalds so the air hostessing must have been a few months ago at least....and how long does the training take?  Can you leave school at 16 and apply to become one? 


I find it incredibly odd that she felt the need to say this during auditions.


I guess they ask 'What's the worst thing you've ever done?'


If this is indeed the worst thing she's ever done (although pretty awful) then she can't be all bad.


I wonder what the others admitted to - and will we ever find out?


I agree the timing is pretty cynical.

Soozy Woo

As I think of Alex, and this not too related to her but does anyone remeber that awful preacher bloke in one of the BB's who used to pretend he was wheelchair bound in order to get people into his church? I really hated him, and I can remember wanting him out so badly! Funny I can't even rmember his name...But he was a total liar and a Charlaton.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

As I think of Alex, and this not too related to her but does anyone remeber that awful preacher bloke in one of the BB's who used to pretend he was wheelchair bound in order to get people into his church? I really hated him, and I can remember wanting him out so badly! Funny I can't even rmember his name...But he was a total liar and a Charlaton.

I almost feel guilty about replying to this as I admire your ability to forget his name, but you're thinking of Dave who - remarkably - finished 2nd last year.
A really unpleasant bloke, and the inability/unwillingness of the press to pick up on his dodgy behaviour was one of the big scandals of BB11...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

As I think of Alex, and this not too related to her but does anyone remeber that awful preacher bloke in one of the BB's who used to pretend he was wheelchair bound in order to get people into his church? I really hated him, and I can remember wanting him out so badly! Funny I can't even rmember his name...But he was a total liar and a Charlaton.

Sinister minister Dave...


This happens all the time, people trying to short change blind people, and trust me, we are no more or no less likely to be assholes than the rest of society. Also some hairdressers think it's really funny to give blind people stupid haircuts.


I am actually surprised that the blind person let themselves get short changed. Even here in the US where all the note denominations are the same size I have methods to check my change.

Originally Posted by Roxan:

I am actually surprised that the blind person let themselves get short changed. Even here in the US where all the note denominations are the same size I have methods to check my change.

The moment I heard Alex's story I thought of Ray Charles, who's early reputation for being "difficult" was partly down to his insistence in being paid entirely in single dollar bills. It was a simple but effective way of ensuring he didn't get short-changed...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:


I guess they ask 'What's the worst thing you've ever done?'



They DO ask this..   on the forms when you get to auditions..   along with other questions such as "what is the most embarrassing thing you have done?"   etc..  


Daughter struggled with that question at auditions..    she text'd me (i was outside waiting for her) to ask what answer to give.   Obviously its one of those questions where you find an answer that is both interesting, but not tooo bad 

Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cynical timing of this revelation.


The floating voter might think twice.

It did seem a bit suspicious that Alex's was the only "bad" story, and it was kept till last.

It may simply be that the other HMs just hadn't admitted to anything particularly bad involving money (which was the subject of the task), however I did see someone over on DS point out that because of all the fuss over Alex, the question of how Jay managed to afford a car costing ÂĢ55,000 went largely ignored...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Eugene's Lair:
Originally Posted by velvet donkey:

Cynical timing of this revelation.


The floating voter might think twice.

It did seem a bit suspicious that Alex's was the only "bad" story, and it was kept till last.

It may simply be that the other HMs just hadn't admitted to anything particularly bad involving money (which was the subject of the task), however I did see someone over on DS point out that because of all the fuss over Alex, the question of how Jay managed to afford a car costing ÂĢ55,000 went largely ignored...

i was wondering about the car as well  he must have paid for it out of his escorting fee's 


Well, I am in two minds about this.  Firstly, of COURSE it is nasty to short change anyone deliberately, and it does seem worse when its a blind or disabled person: I am not being PC, as I have to admit that 'PC gone crazy' does my head in: it's just that disabled people: (especially blind,) are vulnerable people in society...  whether anyone likes to admit it or not...  But then again, I do agree with the points made (from some,) that people acting like she is some kind of monster, are pretty pious, because we have virtually ALL done something we should be ashamed of, and anyone that actually HASN'T (supposedly!) .... well aren't YOU just perfect..?  Hope you enjoy your place you have guaranteed for yourself in heaven!


Also, I also questioned Alex's excuse for shortchanging her... she said 'she was rude to me' because she had made up her mind to steal from the woman before (unless she meant she had been rude during the flight BEFORE she stole from her...)


And I too am confused about how she can have had so many jobs by the age of 18.... I am actually almost certain that you have to BE 18 to be an air hostess...I am wondering if it's true... that she ever was one...

I do wonder if this may cost Alex her place as the winner though...  Up to when this came out, I was sure she may win... not I'm not...

Originally Posted by sparkles:

Well, I am in two minds about this.  Firstly, of COURSE it is nasty to short change anyone deliberately, and it does seem worse when its a blind or disabled person: I am not being PC, as I have to admit that 'PC gone crazy' does my head in: it's just that disabled people: (especially blind,) are vulnerable people in society...  whether anyone likes to admit it or not...  

My OH would double over laughing if anone described me as vulnerable - and then stand back and wait for the fireworks!


People really need to get over this "treading on eggshells, shhh dont ask" attitude to disabilities!


Roxan, I don't want to go into detail, or talk about people I know personally who are disabled...... and I don't want to get into a debate about this.... but some disabled people ARE more vulnerable than non disabled ones... it depends on the disability and the person...

I am glad that you don't feel vulnerable, and your husband thinks you are not....  but the fact is that some people in our society who are disabled ARE more vulnerable... maybe not all, but some are...  I think sometimes when it comes to a subject like this... you can't do right for doing wrong and there is always someone who is always offended no matter what you say... So I'll say no more on this thread.     

Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:

As I think of Alex, and this not too related to her but does anyone remeber that awful preacher bloke in one of the BB's who used to pretend he was wheelchair bound in order to get people into his church? I really hated him, and I can remember wanting him out so badly! Funny I can't even rmember his name...But he was a total liar and a Charlaton.

Dave 'the monk'

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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