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Every time I hear him talking he seems to be spouting cheap self help book claptrap. His aversion to Sunshine borders on the psychotic. Everytime he starts bitching his eyes look as big as saucers. He seems to add drama to the most simple of situations, and even a musunderstanding he seems, go on about not for hours, but for days! Why the hell did he apply to go on an entertainment show if all he is going to do is moan and bitch?

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He is only nineteen and an incredibly immature nineteen year old IMO ...........he just talks the talk ................he comes out with absoloute crap - in years to vome he'll look back on this experience and cringe! If your nineteen - accept that you're young - have fun - be frivilous - all the psychobabble he spouts just sounds bloody ridiculous. Perish the thought but - I'd rather listen to Brian bloody Belo than him - at least he was there to have a laugh.
Soozy Woo
he spent yesterday, beofre the eviction task, sliming around sunshine,( she had a chance of winning,lol) the same sunshine he wouldn't want to acknowledge and would ignore because she ' is ruining my time in bb'

when dave wins, yes the same dave govan thinks is  'dangerous' and ' not to be trusted' and 'fake'  and away govan goes to slime around him....

Unfortunately, Govan doesn't quite realise that,
he can't quite 'get away' with bitching at a girl - the way a girl would at her own gender (if you know what I mean). Nor is he 'endearing' to a large proportion of the GBP with 'concealed' bias...  

And it doesn't help, when he behaves like a limp-wristed snarling hobbit.

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