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Smug, pious, self satisfied 'celebrities' boasting and gloating and parping on about their AMAZING weight loss?!  And putting it out on DVD making mountains of dosh, and jumping around the screen with their stupid aerobics sequence that they expect us all to do an hour a day, and with their stupid expensive diet that features all the most expensive food/liquids? 

Its the same every bloody january, a bunch of nobodies that I couldn't care less about put out these DVDS and wail 'if I can do it so can you!'

There's some flipping morning presenter who I have never heard of currently parping on (a small-ish brunette) and then there's Cheryl Baker who shows a pic of herself deliberately pushing her tummy out, when she was a morbidly obese size 14!  And there's so many more............I'm always glad when the smug twats put it all back on. (Colleen Nolan, Natalie Cassidy, Charlotte Church, Kerry Twatona, to name but a few.  Maybe THEY should be made to pay every penny back to every person that's bought their 'diet' DVD/book.....)  ARGH!  Sorry but I needed that rant, because I am sick of seeing them on my telly.  I wish they would sod off back to their smug self satisfied little homes and get off my telebox!

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i've got coleen nolan's keep fit dvd...........its shite.........there is no way on gods earth she lost that amount of weight by 'do this for an hour at least 3 times a week and the results are amazing'! isn't even hard to do.......doesn't put your heart rate up........and is basically just way in hell did she lose weight just doing those exercises

i've got a far few of em..........davina's are good.........kate lawlers cardio combat is as well......and the billy blanks ones......

they're ok to do on days you're not at the gym etc.........but they're not what they promote themselves as.....imo....
Hi spongie and marguerita.  I think Davina's was one of the few that was OK, because she is genuinely a bit of a fitness buff and has stayed slim and fit, but most of the others are just in it for the money, and I don't know whether to feel angry or whether to laugh when the daft gits pile it all back on! LOL @ Rexi   I hate tea but i will get some coffee!

Claire Nasir I think is the girl you're on about (weathergirl). I saw her on Loose Women the other day. She looks fab but if she loses any more she'll be a head on a stick. Have to say Kerry Katona does look good, she hasn't lost too much (just a shame she still talks like she's off her head on narcotics). Cheryl Baker looks alright as well. Natalie Cassidy looked ill when she lost the weight, it was too much (too soon).

January is the time a lot of people talk about going to the gym or getting fit which is why the tele is swamped with them at the mo. Claire Nasir was talking about high intensity boxing (I think?), an exercise that is high impact and will get results in half the time of aerobics (or summat - I was half listening and playing Sonic).
Bev Callard has another one out too; she has had loads.  What's the point..?  It's the same every time IMO.  Then there's that woman off Corrie who plays Gary's mom (Windass?)  I just saw them both advertised.  Clair Nasir is the one I was on about, thanks Karma  

I have had friends of mine suggest what I mentioned earlier too, should people be allowed their money back, if the person whose DVD they buy, piles the weight all back on?  Like Colleen Nolan for example.  It smacks of hypocrisy when she has bleated about how amazing she is for losing so much weight and making people spend money to see how she did it, and then she's gone against everything she stated in the DVD (obviously!) because she piled the all weight back - and more!  I know most people put weight back on when they have lost it, but not everyone brags on national tv and in magazines and makes a fortune from DVDs from doing it.
It would be easy for anybody to lose weight and tone up with a personal trainer and dietician on hand....along with having nothing else to do except work on losing weight....they're not like the normal person who has a full time job, kids etc...their job IS losing the weight for the 12 months before their shite DVDs come out....I can honetly say I never have, and never will buy one either....
The Devil In Diamante

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