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It is a heartbreaking story, part of me agrees with Deman about it being inappropriate. I understand the need to talk to someone/anyone if times like that, and it will raise the profile of the cancer even more, which in turn aids the charities, but part of me feels like its such a private thing, and there are lots of other families going through the same thing that haven't gone to such measures. As long as they didn't put so much effort into the blog/twitter that they forgot to enjoy their daughter for her final days then I guess its all a personal choice.
They were raising awareness for the rare type of cancer, alot of radio interviews etc, I think if you read the blogs, the last few days she rarely awoke and her mum and dad would take turns to always be with her.....
They were touched by so many people praying for her... but I see your point on whether it was inappropriate too.
Dreadfully sad, but also rather inappropriate. You'd think her family would have had better things to do during her last hours than post on Twitter. Why is it that an increasing number of people these days don't feel they're really living unless they're doing everything for an audience?
I agree... why do people feel the need to share such private details?

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