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Adele, Jessie J and Lady gaga spring to mind.


I think Adele has written some decent songs, but I am oh-so-bored with her now.  The same croaky breathy voice and the same depressing lyrics.  She HAS to change her style, at least a little... coz she is becoming a bit dull now  


Gaga is OK, but I have had enough of her now too, and her 'shocking' outfits..  and predictable videos and songs...  


And Jessie J, IMO is just bleedin' awful..  I can't stand the sound of her voice, and her latest song stinks... And all she talks about is how she was bullied at school (like nobody else was) and she likes to let people know she is supposedly bisexual, but she doesn't like people to make a big deal out of it (why mention it then?'  When I introduce myself, I don't tell people I am heterosexual.  )


Are there any music stars that grate on you, or who you used to like but have had enough of now?  or any tv stars or actors even...

Replies sorted oldest to newest

LOVE the Gaga and Adele.

Jessy J - can anyone else not see the irony of this rather self righteous song Price Tag?


" it's not about the money,money, money,

  we don't need your money,money,money,

We just want to make the world dance

Forget about the price tag"


So presumably having sung a song about the evils of consumerism, we can expect her to donate all her royalties from this song to a worthy cause? Can we heck as like...

It is an oxymoron and it makes me mad

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

LOVE the Gaga and Adele.

Jessy J - can anyone else not see the irony of this rather self righteous song Price Tag?


" it's not about the money,money, money,

  we don't need your money,money,money,

We just want to make the world dance

Forget about the price tag"


So presumably having sung a song about the evils of consumerism, we can expect her to donate all her royalties from this song to a worthy cause? Can we heck as like...

It is an oxymoron and it makes me mad

Maybe that's the laugh she and others that sing the same stuff are having at us 

Originally Posted by Eileen Over:

LOVE the Gaga and Adele.

Jessy J - can anyone else not see the irony of this rather self righteous song Price Tag?


" it's not about the money,money, money,

  we don't need your money,money,money,

We just want to make the world dance

Forget about the price tag"


So presumably having sung a song about the evils of consumerism, we can expect her to donate all her royalties from this song to a worthy cause? Can we heck as like...

It is an oxymoron and it makes me mad

Ahhh, I knew I would know her music ... I like that one ^^^


Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

my pretendy ipod.

I asked hubby to turn off the record player today ... I think a pretendy ipod beats that

ROFL ............Mr woo insists on calling DD's LP's - it cracks the kids up . I'm not really sure how I refer to our hi fi (is that the correct term?) - preferable to music centre which is what I think I usually call it!

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

my pretendy ipod.

I asked hubby to turn off the record player today ... I think a pretendy ipod beats that

ROFL ............Mr woo insists on calling DD's LP's - it cracks the kids up . I'm not really sure how I refer to our hi fi (is that the correct term?) - preferable to music centre which is what I think I usually call it!

hmmm, yes ... I think I would usually call it a music centre  Even that seems really old-fashioned.


I'd love a new fangled docking stationey thingy, and to get rid of all this music centre stuff that hubby has about our sitting room


LOL, loving these posts, thanks folks.   I actually don't dislike gaga or adele. I am just bored  with them now, but I really can't be doing with jessie J.  Don't mean to offend her fans sorry, and don't get me wrong: I don't think she is awful or anything, and she is Ok as a person, but I think she is over-rated.  And whilst we're putting lookilikee pics..


Jessie J and Hilary Devey.  Hilary looks like what Jessie will look like in 25 years    And i'm sorry but that horrible flat bob haircut suits NOBODY imo.

Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by Rexi:
Originally Posted by Ducky:

my pretendy ipod.

I asked hubby to turn off the record player today ... I think a pretendy ipod beats that

ROFL ............Mr woo insists on calling DD's LP's - it cracks the kids up . I'm not really sure how I refer to our hi fi (is that the correct term?) - preferable to music centre which is what I think I usually call it!

hmmm, yes ... I think I would usually call it a music centre  Even that seems really old-fashioned.


I'd love a new fangled docking stationey thingy, and to get rid of all this music centre stuff that hubby has about our sitting room

i bought daughter a docking station last year and she loves it, i just put that on full blast when i'm in the bath 


most chart music annoys me these days I absolutely LOATHE rhianna, she is on all the time, in the papers every day with her arse hanging out or more lately grabbing her crotch... her songs are average & her voice emotionless & robotic.....eeeeeeewwwwwwww..


katy perry sings flat.. 


adele, though talented is overplyed, thereby ruining her


jls? well, nice boys but not exactly exciting are they?~


bruno marzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


boring boring boring 


bah humbug 



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