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Earlier in the series my favourite CBB7 housemate, Katia, was criticised on the basis that she wasn’t a celebrity – she was only in there based upon who she had dated – and shouldn’t even have been on the show at all.


I just wondered if FM’s feel that the same applies to the suddenly popular Alex?

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I don't differentiate between CBB housemates and BB housemates.

We get to know each set of HMs over time, even if we think we know them already.

Alex is just Alex, to me.

Katia was fairly boring.
I hadn't heard of some of the "celebs" that BB chose so got to know about them while in the house. As for Alex it's his lighthearted personality I've come to like and, he's made me laugh more than some others. Vinnie doesn't think Alex could turn the public around in 3 weeks from boos to cheers, would like to see him proved wrong.
Yellow Rose
I initially thought the same about Katia as I did about Alex - neither were celebrities.  However, Alex has won me over as he's a nice, good natured lad who's a little naive but basically harmless.  His only fault as far as I can see is that he's tangled up with Ms KP.

I also didn't (still don't) consider Nicola a celeb either
Well there are many lists of celebrity aren't there? A thru' to Z lol and I suppose it depends on what TV progs you watch, what sport you follow etc if you know their names or Jimmy White is a snooker pro but those who don't follow that particular sport probably wouldn't know who he is.  Alex is a cage fighter and is well known on that circuit and has also done some acting I believe 

Katia was fairly boring

Wasn't to me, I enjoyed her on the limited LF more than the portrayal of her on the HL show.

As for Alex he wasn't well known but he did have his Hollyoaks part and his Cage Fighting,he will be known now though.

The celebrity title in the show has always been a joke so couldn't care less how famous or not they are.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I would be hard pressed to describe many CBB housemates over the years as "celebrities".
It seems that the producers use the criteria of "If somebody has heard of them they'll do for CBB."

A bit of publicity in the media makes you a `celebrity`  these days.
But my idea of celebrity is very different.
Back to Cold Sweat's  thread title: - no I wouldn't call Alex a celebrity.

Katia was apparently working as a waitress before the Ronnie thing as that was how he met her according to the papers. They are the ones who printed the story so thats how people came to know who she was or criticise her antics.

darloboy (Play The Game!)
I didn't know Katia, Alex or Nicola T before the show started. I certainly don't have an issue with Alex - but as ever i'm just a bit suspicious regarding the possible existance of double standards and gender bias. As i said in my OP i have heard it suggested that Katia did not deserve to be a housemate - and i think this may have also been hinted at by some of the older housemates. For instance, the dismissive reaction of Ivana when given confirmation of what Katia was famous for - yet Alex is clearly one of her favourites.
Cold Sweat

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