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I've just been doing some ironing, and found Growly Junior's ipod in the pocket of her jeans.  It was in a cold wash which I did yesterday, and was then tumble dried  I've been googling and now have the ipod sitting in a bowl of dry rice to aborb the moisture. All the advice says not to turn it on, but I'm not sure it it's on or off at the moment.

 It's a nano, I think it's a 4th generation, and has a slider switch at the top.  In one position, it shows a red dot, and in the other position, there's no colour.  Can anyone tell me which position is off please?

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I found you some advice.........

1 Do not attempt to turn the Nano on immediately after taking it out of the washing machine. Remove all cases and covers. Allow them to dry separately.
2 Place the Nano over a small portable heater. The fan should be set at low.
3 Monitor the temperature of the air coming out of the heater with a meat thermometer. Adjust the temperature control until the air blowing over the Nano is approximately 150 degrees. This should heat the unit enough to evaporate any water that is on the inside, but not enough to melt the cover or internal parts. Keep the Nano over the portable heater for 3 hours.
4 Remove the device from the heater and continue to air dry overnight. After a 24-hour drying period, turn the Nano on. If it doesn't turn on, charge the battery. The charging icon should be displayed.
5 Once the battery is charged, try to use the Nano. The only consequence we've found is that the battery does not seem to hold a charge as long as it used to, but charging more often is better than having to replace your Nano.


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