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Interview: IBB meets… BB7″s Sam!


Our next ex-housemate interview is with BB7″s ‘AMAZING!’ Sam Brodie where we discover what life has been like since the show, what opportunities he has taken recently and who his favourite housemate of all time is.

Hi Sam, thanks for chatting with us. First of all, how would you rate your experience in Big Brother looking back, especially as BB7 was one of the more popular series?
I really enjoyed my experience. Looking back on it, I was very young and still quite naive and as a direct result of the show I learned a lot about myself and others around me. Even now looking back at the experience it still annoys me that I did not go into the house the first day (on the launch) as was initially intended by the producers. Going in after the launch night probably went to my detriment and it also contrasted so much with the more positive experience I had when I was involved in the guinea pig show prior to BB7. I actually won the popularity vote in the guinea pig house and Aisleyne was voted off first. This was of course the opposite to what happened on the actual show. With the array of interesting characters they selected my year, it did not come as a surprise to know it was voted as the most popular series to date.

Are you still in contact with any former housemates?
I am rarely in touch with my fellow housemates on the phone now, although we are still in direct communication via Facebook, Twitter and on the odd rare occasion by SMS. I keep in touch with Glyn, Susie, Aisleyne, Imogen, Richard and Lea.

Recently, Big Brother has changed quite a bit. What do you make of the more recent series when compared to the oldies?
Interestingly enough I have found all the newer shows less interesting, because they have become somewhat predictable in the characters they put in, and I actually stopped watching after BB9. However I did manage to catch a glimpse of the final Ultimate Big Brother series and Brian deserved to win.

You were evicted with 53.7% against Nikki, who went on to become one of the most popular housemates ever and even appeared in Ultimate Big Brother last year. If you had stayed in the house over Nikki, do you think you would have become just as popular or even win the series?
Well, I really can’t say, my cards were dealt, and I took it on the chin like a good sport. I’m sure if I stayed on after week 3, I would have made it near to the end of the show, as far as going to say If I could have won the series, I really don’t know… I would have liked to think I would have come in third at least. It’s in the past now, and they will be memories I shall cherish because I just feel very grateful I left with a nice reception of cheers and that I was closely voted off (50/50) with my opponent Nikki.

Who is your favourite Big Brother housemate ever?
Well my number one favourite housemate has still got to be Jade Goody. She was highly entertaining with her witty, sometimes stupid comments and antics, which she paid for in the end, but there was an innocence about her people did not see. I was very happy to have had the chance to meet her and get to know her, she was a lovely girl, sorely missed, but by far the best most successful housemate ever in my opinion.

What have you been up to since Big Brother?
Since Big Brother, I learned the true meaning of what ‘Infamy’ was all about (Famous for the wrong reasons), and had a pretty tough time being ridiculed in silly little stories in the press, which directly affected me publicly. There were many rumours I read on online threads suggesting that I was mentally ill and had been hospitalized after my ordeal on the show, which was actually on the contrary.

What really happened was that I briefly moved back home to Scotland, before packing up and deciding to relocate to Indonesia in January 2007. I got called up by a TV station for a brief interview on a show called Insert! back in 2008 and have been on day time television ever since. I started doing appearances here and there for various prime time shows, and became a household name after a few years. I currently have a cooking show on MNC lifestyle TV and also do regular presenting slots for various channels and have starred in a few sitcom/soap drama series. I am also the joint owner of an orphanage called ‘Mama Sayang’ (Mama Cares) which I personally fund. Helping these amazing kids have truly given me another meaning to life. I also changed from my female persona, and am living life as a male now. I married my girlfriend and we are currently awaiting anxiously for the birth of our first child due in August.

Big Brother has a new home in Channel 5. Do you have any expectations for the new series?
Well I had mixed views when I found out that the show was going to be commissioned again. I wish Channel 5 all the luck with the show, and as to my expectations, Big Brother does not cease to amaze me with its never ending bag of tricks and surprises. Good luck Channel 5!

What is the one thing you would like to see changed about Big Brother when it is launched on Channel 5?
I leave that entirely up to the public and viewers to decide, I just hope they still decide to keep Davina on because it would not be the same without her presence. I would be honored for some involvement in the show though if it was offered.

Inside Big Brother would like to congratulate Sam on the birth of his baby daughter since we conducted this interview. We wish you all the best throughout your new parenthood.

You can follow Sam on Twitter @Sam_Brodie

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I didn't recognise him! I was about to ask you who the heck it was (then I came up with the bright idea of reading a bit of the article. )

I was just about to say "who the heck is he" then I read on too

Originally Posted by Ducky:

I didn't recognise him! I was about to ask you who the heck it was (then I came up with the bright idea of reading a bit of the article. )

They do say that helps,genius idea 


Actually he is quite handsome (as a man) - I wonder why the trans gender thing went wrong - TBH - he/she wasn't really feminine - it makes you think maybe it was a ploy to get into the house. Surely if you genuinely feel that you've been born into the wrong body you're that way for life aren't you?

Soozy Woo

I am also the joint owner of an orphanage called ‘Mama Sayang’ (Mama Cares) which I personally fund


He looks like some other BB contestant (who I've totally forgotten) in that first photo.

I'll have to go and google as it's irritating me now!

Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

I am also the joint owner of an orphanage called ‘Mama Sayang’ (Mama Cares) which I personally fund


He looks like some other BB contestant (who I've totally forgotten) in that first photo.

I'll have to go and google as it's irritating me now!

Here is a list of all BB contestants


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