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Found this over on DS, there's a lot of stuff there about Dave and John James seen on LF that I didn't know.

Why Is Big Brother 'Protecting' Two Of The Nastiest People In The Show?

Dave and John-James are very different people if you only watch the highlights and not the livefeed.
Livefeed Dave is often very aggressive with others having already slapped Mario hard in the face and hit Sam across the back with a coat hanger. Both times he has been called into the DR. Dave has also used his religious speech and humour to tell Mario that his son will think that Mario will burn in hell and that he feels like Jesus Christ with Mario cast as Judas. He has also continued to badmouth and moan about Mario for picking him for eviction to anyone that will listen including Steve whom Dave also voted for in the nominations. Dave has done this in the past with other people including his good friend Ben but the highlights never show this behaviour.
Instead Dave is shown as a loveable and jolly religious man who loves his family and keeps things calm in the house. How could that awful Mario put his name on the board?
John-James is even worse. This guy will argue just for the sake of it as long as you are female. He has argued with most of the females in there including Josie and reduced a few to tears. He has been violent in the way he dragged Sunshine to the pool too. He has accused Rachel of only being in there to secure magazine deals when he has also stated that he would consider offers. He even stepped up this fauxmance with Jodie when he was told by new housemates that their relationship was getting good coverage even though he also makes sure to tell viewers and other housemates that he only sees her as a sister.
This guy has broken many rules with covering up or taking off mics and has proved to be a hypocrite when it comes to tasks. Only yesterday he moaned and whinged until Rachel agreed with him to walk out on the task. Last night he told Dave he only gave up because she was crying. He told others that he hasd a huge tantrum in the DR to get his own way and if it was shown he would surely be voted out. I dont think he has much to worry about there as his worst behaviour is never shown.
JJ also verbally threatened Mario that he would be extremely annoyed and angry at him if he picked Josie. He continued to dig at him for the rest of the day for picking Dave. Yesterday every housemate thought he was going too far with his behaviour. Even JJ2 was trying to distance himself. but we hardly ever see any of this on the highlights as BB is pandering to their fauxmance and the teenage voting base.
Indeed, last night he came ascross as quite reasonable in the highlights when on the livefeed he continued to argue with Mario and moan at him for his choice.
I still want to know why Dave and John-James are being protected so much?

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If someone could post a video of this alleged assault Id believe it.Sadly Ive seen a lot of very twisted stuff written about housemates which isnt true or is highly exaggerated.
The face slap is part of his Typewriter thing....
Dave prods the HM in the chest repeatedly then he slaps their face pretending he is pushing back the typewriter carriage but he uses more force than is necessary.
Ive checked it all out as much as is possible without actually seeing it....the typewriter thing while being weird is playful and while Dave gets accused of being too rough in his play is hardly the "assault" that some posters are making it out to be.

The Sunshine thing was ages ago and JJ had warned her that he would throw her in the pool if she chucked water on him and that was playfighting too.She knew that.

Trouble is things like this can go too far, but I think the OP has an agenda and their take on things is way over the top imo.Its bordering on the sinister how far people will go to discredit others ,not nice.
An interesting read promoting an agenda of the poster's own.
I agree that the HLs are edited to suit C4, and that a lot of the whingeing and whining are omitted, but the show is an hour long and they can only show so much of it because it's repetitive.
The fauxmance, while it annoys anyone over 15, is seen as pandering to a perceived fan base by C4, they ignore the fact that a wider proportion of the demographic watch BB.
As for Dave, the man is despicable and all in all has been given a favourable edit by BB, but it has to be said, C4 are very wary of what behaviours they show since the Shilpagate affair, so any outright aggression  etc, won't be shown on the HLs.
I just don't see anyone, hms or otherwise as 'all good' or 'all bad' as the poster from DS seems to, maybe for e.g. Dave is a jolly religious man who loves his family and keeps things calm some of the time, certainly I've seen some of that and efforts on his part to be Christian like, whilst at other times he falls well, well short of that..  I'm not  a fan of Dave or John James by a  long way, but somehow the post makes them both sound like the devil incarnate with no redeeming features. Trouble is when you read things like: his son will think that Mario will burn in hell and that he feels like Jesus Christ with Mario cast as Judas, it sounds terrible and much, much worse than it was 'cos it  totally misses the 'humorous' way in which the comments were made.....I know, I know, many a true word spoken in jest and all that, but it just wasn't as malicious and literal as that post/written word  makes it sound....and as for the John James and Mario thing, Mario asked JJ what he thought about what he had done and JJ gave an honest answer, and Mario kept coming back to it after that too...and as for 'playfights,' well don't they nearly always end in tears with one person going too far?
Just to point out that Dave makes many of his malevolent remarks with a smile on his face.
Feeble attempts to disguise nastiness with a light style or a smile, does not make it less nasty.
The general gist of the DS item,  confirms what we already know about editing.
The press, film, television - editing in all these fields can (if the editor so chooses) wildly distort the facts.

but it just wasn't as malicious and literal as that post/written word makes it sound.

Thank the LAWD for common sense.
When I saw this earlier I so wanted to post the same ...........I didn't relish the thought of being called argumentative though. Somehow you word it better than me.
it's nice to see that not everyone sees things so black and white
Soozy Woo

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