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I didn't know that, Stonks. I put my disturbed sleep pattern down to "the change". I've just had a quick look into Vitamin D deficiency and it's quite common in people with Crohn's disease (like me) and can cause other symptoms like pain and weakness in the joints - which I also have, but had put down to getting older. Maybe I should ask the doc to check it out - although some doctors get stroppy if they think you are self-diagnosing.
Just ask Yogi, its your body, I have a stroppy doctor but I've learnt to be as stroppy as him, it was me that pointed it out to my specialist that I thought I suffered from SAD, he was shocked how low my vitamin D levels came back and I take vitamins everyday and since having my injections I don't get winter depression either..
Just ask Yogi, its your body, I have a stroppy doctor but I've learnt to be as stroppy as him, it was me that pointed it out to my specialist that I thought I suffered from SAD, he was shocked how low my vitamin D levels came back and I take vitamins everyday and since having my injections I don't get winter depression either..

You are quite right Stonks. When I go for my monthly blood tests, I'll ask the nurse if she can check it out.
I'm going to ask a silly question, mainly because I've never suffered (thankfully) from insomnia, well nothing serious anyhow.  But do those of you who suffer from it actually feel tired during the day?  Is it that you're just not tired at all, or you're tired but for some reason you can't go asleep?

My mother has crohne's disease and says she suffers from insomnia.  But then she seems to sleep well enough during the day
I'm going to ask a silly question, mainly because I've never suffered (thankfully) from insomnia, well nothing serious anyhow. But do those of you who suffer from it actually feel tired during the day? Is it that you're just not tired at all, or you're tired but for some reason you can't go asleep? My mother has crohne's disease and says she suffers from insomnia. But then she seems to sleep well enough during the day
I myself never felt tired at all but times I drank alcohol I'd be tired and falling asleep in the day....
I think there are so many reasons agree with some of the above.. illness.. lack of a certain vitamins .. ..habit..stress/ worry,I dont believe sleeping pills or other aides are the answer because of the addictve side to most of them but if it helps and you are okay with it that is fine,it really is a vicious circle and one that is very hard to break I have been there but never taken any remedies to help me,I have been sleeping so much better lately even falling asleep whilst watching telly or posting on here waking up at all hours in the morning going to bed and still managing to sleep,I do still get blips that I am awake all night and I get back into that vicious circle, but all in all I am so much better after years of bad sleeping habits,it is awful and it does affect your health I would not wish it on anyone ..

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