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Reference: Katty
I also suffer from Tinnitus so have the TV on low as back ground noise all night.

I totally empathise as I had that problem for several months and whenever there was no background noise, like when trying to fall asleep, the high pitched ringing in the ear was so frustrating to listen to. At the time I was experiencing it I did some research online and was staggered by the  apparently tens of thousands of people who had to live with the same thing. I only get it very very occasionally now, I'm just grateful I don't have it every day like I used to.
Yellow Rose
I've had sleep problems since I was a child, mainly because my mum used to keep me up until the early hours of the morning when my Dad (who I did love) would roll in from the pub & bash her, she thought if I was there he wouldn't, but he did.

Dear EA, I know from my own experiences and that of many others I've come to know over the years, whether online or off, that our childhood experiences and memories can play a major part in our adult life. Finding resolution/ healing/forgiveness/counselling or whatever each person needs is a personal journey that I know some have the determination to make and others cannot get beyond the fear or confrontation. (((((((((Hugs))))))))) for you
Yellow Rose
Alas with tinnitus,there is no cure.You have to manage it,the tiny fine hairs in your auditory canal,don't function as well as they should..As I stated  low distracting noise,not music, works best  for me.I did have my hearing etc checked out at the Auditory clinic at the hospital.My range was unusual in that it was low noise ,that I couldn't pick up.Most tinnitus sufferers react to high pitch tones...ah well.
Thanks Yellow & Blizzie, I loved them both, they loved each other to destruction, my oldest Son is 28, I really should get over it, they are both dead, sometimes in the wee small hours memories rear up. Yellow I'm sorry they nicked your 'Title' I will always think of you as 'The Gentle Duchess'

EA   It's good that you loved both parents because you felt no judgement towards either even though the circumstances of their life together had an effect on your life, ((((hug))))) Through circumstances I've come across many both online and off who have either hatred or fear (if one or both are still alive) of their parents. The ones I've come to know are some of the kindest, gentlest and most giving of people I've come across, there's nothing they wouldn't do to help another, it's like they would do anything to help someone else but have such difficulty in helping themselves to lead a happy and fulfilling life because they find it far too painful to address their past - which I do know is horrendous in many cases.

Yes EA like others I've lost my title which you so kindly suggested to Admin for me  but I thank you for your kind thought, take care, God Bless and I truly hope you can find a way of healing the past - if you ever feel the need to   xxxxx
Yellow Rose
Hi Blizz, yep I'm on Tramadol, have taken the maximum today. Cant take owt else cos I'm on Tamoxifen aswell. I'm so tired but cant get any respite from the pain. I've got a prolapsed disc that's just flared up majorly in the last couple of weeks. Was on the mend on Friday but it went again yesterday. I bloody hate backs. I want a new one
That's interesting you've had probs since your pregnancy EA, I'm the same. Cos my son was so huge when he was in my tum and all your muscles/tendons relax (or summat?) it can weaken everything. I slipped the disc a few years ago and have never been right since. I want a pelvis like Elvis, a back like Madonna and a good shot of morphine!

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