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From time to time I've had a phone call from someone claiming to be from or connected with Microsoft saying that they have had reports that my computer is slow or has problems which they will fix.


Over the past couple of days I have received 3 of these calls. I've just called in at my local computer repair shop and they have confirmed that they've had several customers saying that they've had these calls in the last couple of days. Just ignore the callers and put the phone down on them. I don't know if they are targetting my area or if this is national but beware of these sort of calls.


This is a well known scam. Microsoft will never make such phone calls and won't pass on details of error reports sent to them to others:

ActionFraud confirm that these calls are a fraudulent scam:





Replies sorted oldest to newest

I seem to get these type of calls in spates EL ...and I tend to think they target certain areas for several days before moving on . I actually enjoy thinking up new ways to annoy them The last time I used to say  * hang on.. I will just fire up my computer ..... And then play a very  loud tune from my ITunes library down the phone at them  

Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Saint:

Me too - that's when i said i was going into prison so i didn't need their service!!

He said,

"No you don't understand  - you have a problem"

And i said,

"I know i killed someone" 

 No way...did you really Saint?

I really did say that and it went straight over his head LOL

Originally Posted by Saint:
Originally Posted by Roger the Alien (fka noseyrosie):
Originally Posted by Saint:

Me too - that's when i said i was going into prison so i didn't need their service!!

He said,

"No you don't understand  - you have a problem"

And i said,

"I know i killed someone" 

 No way...did you really Saint?

I really did say that and it went straight over his head LOL

LOVE IT!!!   That's soooo funny  



Not had any for a while but I keep them on for as long as I can cos that means they are not phoning someone who may be more susceptible to their con..


I use various ways of keep them chatting but my favourite was when they mentioned windows I talked to them for a half an hour about my double glazing..


when the guy finally realised I was taking the piss he called me a barsteward then offered to shove his 9 inch dong up my  ar.... .   well I think you can guess. . I just said . .you so wish you had 9 inches. .he huffed and puffed and swore some more then put the phone down on me

Mount Olympus *Olly*

oh and another one for keeping them on the line and away form those more likely to believe them is they talk you thru how to look at various problems then try to get you to let them into your PC.  they say click this click that and I'm going yeah yeah ok... .


at the end when they say so what is the access code to let me in to your PC  I say I don't know, I haven't got a computer. .


that makes them mad as well

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

oh and another one for keeping them on the line and away form those more likely to believe them is they talk you thru how to look at various problems then try to get you to let them into your PC.  they say click this click that and I'm going yeah yeah ok... .


at the end when they say so what is the access code to let me in to your PC  I say I don't know, I haven't got a computer. .


that makes them mad as well

   I burst out laughing reading that!


Wish I had your nerve Olly  cold callers walk all over me 




I get loads...I love thinking of new ideas to keep them on their toes, so far I have used...


I've not got a computer

I have an Apple Computer

Are all our computers infected in the police station?

OMG..does that mean they have all our clients bank detail?

You should be ashamed trying to scam money out of pensioners and those that actually have no idea this is a scam,  and that your boss really is a scum ball.


that's off the top of my head...oh, and the usual eff off you moron when I've had a bad day


Originally Posted by Dame_Ann_Average:



I get loads...I love thinking of new ideas to keep them on their toes, so far I have used...


I've not got a computer

I have an Apple Computer

Are all our computers infected in the police station?

OMG..does that mean they have all our clients bank detail?

You should be ashamed trying to scam money out of pensioners and those that actually have no idea this is a scam,  and that your boss really is a scum ball.


that's off the top of my head...oh, and the usual eff off you moron when I've had a bad day


I'm the same Dame.... 

Originally Posted by Aimee:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I've never had one of these calls, I feel left out.

Me neither 

I haven't either, although my father did a while back. The scammers clearly thought they were calling me (because I used to move around a bit, I had some stuff registered at my parents' house for practical reasons), so it was: "Is that Mr Lair?" "Yes, speaking.", and then my father played along. It was ages before he had to admit that he didn't have a computer... 


However a couple of weeks ago I got my first case of a scam where they phone you up and claim that you're due a repayment on a bank charge. Before the bloke could ask me for my bank details, though, I immediately asked him which bank had made the "bogus" charge. That threw him, and of course he realised that if he named a bank I haven't dealt with, he'd be caught out. It all went downhill from there...

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
We haven't had them for a while. Mrs Jer perfected the idea of saying that it wasn't switched on and should she switch it on.  Lot's of time wasting and then she would say should she put it on BBC or Channel 3. They use some really fruity language don't they?

As mentioned previously, I haven't had this particular scam yet, but I've had calls from other scammers and cold-callers and I'm often surprised at how rude they can be. Have they no concept of "social engineering"? Do they really think that swearing or being rude to me will make me more likely to fall for their scam?

Eugene's Lair
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Not had any for a while but I keep them on for as long as I can cos that means they are not phoning someone who may be more susceptible to their con..


I use various ways of keep them chatting but my favourite was when they mentioned windows I talked to them for a half an hour about my double glazing..


when the guy finally realised I was taking the piss he called me a barsteward then offered to shove his 9 inch dong up my  ar.... .   well I think you can guess. . I just said . .you so wish you had 9 inches. .he huffed and puffed and swore some more then put the phone down on me

You should find out the branch they are calling from and complain!

Originally Posted by Garage Joe:
On a more worrying note, did anyone see the article about CryptoLocker in Saturday's Grauniad?

I didn't but have heard about this before. Link to the Guardian article:


I have received this type of email supposedly coming from a bank a couple of times. My ISP had flagged them as spam and so I was very suspicious about them and didn't fall into the trap. If you ever get such an email never click on the link contained in the email. Also I noticed that in both emails I could see that it had also been sent to other email addresses very close to mine - that was a clear sign that the email was fraudulent as that meant they were sending it to other people besides muself.


Link to another Guardian article with their tips for not getting caught.


El Loro
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:

Not had any for a while but I keep them on for as long as I can cos that means they are not phoning someone who may be more susceptible to their con..


I use various ways of keep them chatting but my favourite was when they mentioned windows I talked to them for a half an hour about my double glazing..


when the guy finally realised I was taking the piss he called me a barsteward then offered to shove his 9 inch dong up my  ar.... .   well I think you can guess. . I just said . .you so wish you had 9 inches. .he huffed and puffed and swore some more then put the phone down on me

You should find out the branch they are calling from and complain!

they're not from any branch tho Jen. .it's a scam set up by some bloke and all originating in India .. I believe at some point someone tracked down the guy behind it all tho my memory is hazy..


actually on one of  the calls I said where are you calling from and he said Birmingham. . I said yeah right of course you are, phone number please. .he rattled off some number which was not a b'hm std code and went bonkers when I called him a liar. .they really do get annoyed easily

Mount Olympus *Olly*
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:
Originally Posted by Jenstar:
Originally Posted by Mount Olympus *Olly*:


actually on one of  the calls I said where are you calling from and he said Birmingham. . I said yeah right of course you are, phone number please. .he rattled off some number which was not a b'hm std code and went bonkers when I called him a liar. .they really do get annoyed easily

  You are such a W.U.M. Olly  

b.t.w. every time I read your "....I don't know I haven't got a computer" post ^^^^ I get tears in my eyes from laughing  I shall think of it in moments of depression!




I can't find the particular clip on You Tube but there was one a while ago that was hilarious. There are a few but this particular one was funny.


It ended with him saying - 'I'm sorry I can't see it - I can't see anything'.


The guy on the other end is getting really frustrated and says 'Why can't you see it?'


He replies 'Errrrrrrm cos I've got my hands over my eyes'



^^^- Doesn't sound funny I know but it is.



If anyone has a link for it please share - I'd love to watch it again. I think it was Rawky who posted it in the first place on here a few years ago.


As for these calls - I love these particular ones as I do lead them on and wind them up a bit. They do really get so angry it's quite funny.


Cheers for the heads up - I'll get my cerative thinking head on and hope for a call.

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:

I can't find the particular clip on You Tube but there was one a while ago that was hilarious. There are a few but this particular one was funny.


It ended with him saying - 'I'm sorry I can't see it - I can't see anything'.


The guy on the other end is getting really frustrated and says 'Why can't you see it?'


He replies 'Errrrrrrm cos I've got my hands over my eyes'



^^^- Doesn't sound funny I know but it is.



If anyone has a link for it please share - I'd love to watch it again. I think it was Rawky who posted it in the first place on here a few years ago.


As for these calls - I love these particular ones as I do lead them on and wind them up a bit. They do really get so angry it's quite funny.


Cheers for the heads up - I'll get my cerative thinking head on and hope for a call.

 Made me giggle Soozy. I don't know why I find these so hysterical Maybe its the thought of payback, for all those rude harassing cold callers/scammers . Worst one [ well technically I called them] was when I tried to cancel my AOL account. The customer service person on the other end got all heavy handed along the lines of... don't you appreciate all the excellent service and good value we've given you ie how could you be so thick and naÃŊve to not see that.

Ok those weren't the words used, but that's what it felt like. Like I was a moron or something.



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