OK I owe €765.23c on my credit card and I have €300 in my wallet do I
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Pay off credit card, otherwise that bill will just get bigger and bigger!!
Agree, pay it off. And tell peeps you can't afford to splash out too much this Crimbo. It's better than starting the new year up to your neck in debt.
This means I'll have to get dressed and go down town.
I`m sensible and boring so I`d pay it towards the credit card bill.
Work out what you need in terms of food, power, heating, and other neccessary stuff. Pay the rest off.
Everything paid. This is whats left over this week.
Pay most of it off, keep a bit back for a nice bottle of wine and treat yourself for being sensible
Former Member
I would go shopping, particularly if I only owed that amount on my card.
Former Member
id rejoice that my credit card was so low and probably do the fandango !
I should check my wallet more often just won €30 on the lotto. Wahoo.
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