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I don't think we should be talking to our children about the effects of alcohol at the age of nine, at all
They should be allowed to be children and have fun without worrying wot might (or might not ) be happening 4 years into the future.
They shouldn't be going to such parties in the forst place - thats wot we should be concentrating on.
I don't think we should be talking to our children about the effects of alcohol at the age of nine, at all They should be allowed to be children and have fun without worrying wot might (or might not ) be happening 4 years into the future. They shouldn't be going to such parties in the forst place - thats wot we should be concentrating on
But i do think that kids want to grow up so fast these days that i think these issues should be addressed when needs be.
I do think we should talk to our children.. throughout their childhoods about all these kinds of things...  you just tailor it to their age so that its understandable to them.

As for the advert...  I'm not sure if it really works...  there are a whole load of other issues there.. not just alcohol...  

in fact the caption shouldn't be "don't let alcohol decide"... but something more like "talk to your child about life, morals, consequences, dangers.... arm them with the knowledge to enable them to make the right decisions when you are not there to do it for them"
I have always talked to them probably more openly that alot of parents.  and just told them the facts.

Only cos... I know from my own childhood that it was lack of information, or wrong information from my parents that made me dismiss everything they had ever taught me and decide I knew best, I was indestructible... and down the teenager from hell path I went!  

Its easier said than done though.. and right now I am walking around with my heart in throat I am so scared about what my daughter is or isn't doing.

So far though... I have underestimated her... she's made better decisions than I would have done...

she's at a party right now.. .in Surrey.   She keeps sneaking away to ring me or text me cos she knows I am paranoid that she is taking drugs, getting drunk & being taken advantage of!
You're right about BB etc Ditty.  I attended a school parents meeting years ago when a new Child Protection programme was being introduced.  It was based around Good Touch/Bad Touch and was very simple.  A parent at the meeting mentioned exactly what you said using Home & Away as an example.  
Two other parents went through her for a shortcut and basically accused her of being a bad parent for allowing her children watch Home & Away.

You can't turn a blind eye to what's going on and we have to give our children the skills to be able to cope.
Eugene's Lair 922 Forum PostsYesterday at 16:02 (Edited: ) Reference Soozywoo Yesterday at 23:25: Am I the only one to find that ad incredibly disturbing
I find it disturbing too!
They are worring children about too many things at too early an age IMO. Not all children reach the same level of understanding about the world at the same time.
So now they are worried about climate change,parents smoking fags,war on terror. alcohol,sex, drugs,how much tax they will have to pay in the future! Exams! What happened to hopscotch?When did parents relinquish their rights to decide when and how said subjects are to be discussed?
So now they are worried about climate change,parents smoking fags,war on terror. alcohol,sex, drugs,how much tax they will have to pay in the future! Exams! What happened to hopscotch?When did parents relinquish their rights to decide when and how said subjects are to be discussed?
I'd like to know that too!

As for the adverts i cant help thinking of the kids used to make it, I wouldn't want mine having to say those lines, they'd be scared of growing up!
I read something a couple of days ago, a parent arrived to pick up their 6 year old daughter from school to find her shaking and on the verge of tears.  Upon questioning it came out that her class had been shown a film showing male and female genitalia and penetrative sex I find that very disturbing and extremely high-handed on the part of the school.
I read something a couple of days ago, a parent arrived to pick up their 6 year old daughter from school to find her shaking and on the verge of tears. Upon questioning it came out that her class had been shown a film showing male and female genitalia and penetrative sex I find that very disturbing and extremely high-handed on the part of the school.
Really??? OMG if that's true that's just dreadful - I'd be furious if my daughter was shown this kind of thing in 3 years time! Which country was it in?

Parents should know when and what kind of sex ed is going to be done and how it's approached. I'm shocked to the core at reading this... Six years old for Gods sake!
I read something a couple of days ago, a parent arrived to pick up their 6 year old daughter from school to find her shaking and on the verge of tears. Upon questioning it came out that her class had been shown a film showing male and female genitalia and penetrative sex I find that very disturbing and extremely high-handed on the part of the school.
That can't be true can it? If it is that's really bad, think i'd wait til all kids were away from school and knock the teacher out as they left if they did that to my kids lol
Well to be serious for one moment
In a protective, well rounded and nuturing household ... a 7-8-9yr old does not need to know about sex, alcohol etc ... i never did and if i had of been told i wud have been furnished with knowledge i simply did not need to know.
As a pre-10yr old i simply did not need to know about sex n drug n rock n roll
And really nor is there any need to know for my own proetection ... that cos i was protected in the first place.
i knew basic right from wrong - roles of parents and friends - i didn't need to see penetrative sex to know my uncle should not be touch my ho-ho-diddily
I believe that we should be honest with our kids with truths  they can understand and handle.

For instance my daughter (7) asked me how babies get into mummy's tummies, I didnt think she needed/should know about the birds and the bees just yet so rather than lying to her i said i thought she was a little too young for that info and would she mind waiting a few years to talk about it. Her being the sensible little girl she is was totally fine with that and i didnt have to give her a made up lie or infomation i couldn't water down enough for her age

I think kids do need knowledge to keep themselves safe and learn how to make abscissions for themselves as they get older, but as someone pointed out let them be kids for a while first, it doesn't last long enough as it is don't make childhood any shorter.
Reference:  Jen
That can't be true can it? If it is that's really bad, think i'd wait til all kids were away from school and knock the teacher out as they left if they did that to my kids lol
I find it really odd Jen.   Even in secondary school we had to sign permission slips for the kids to attend sex ed classes.

In primary school they are supposed to cover the basics in year 6 (when they are 10/11), and again.. you have to sign a permission slip for your kid to participate.

When my boy was 7 or 8 there was a lot of admin, forms & stuff to fill out to cos the teacher wanted to show the kids the film Watership Down... on account of it having content maybe not suitable for young kids.  (I did allow my boy to watch Watership Down, but not before telling him it was a bit on the dark side... and to prepare himself for a dirty great scary rabbit in it!)

To show a class of 6 year olds anything sexual is not right... and its not normal for that to happen.
EXACTLY OZZY - there is meant to be more controls and protection in place than there has ever been.
So why rob a child of their childhood?
If we have all this protection in place and we provide a protective home life then surely that is enough.
I am disgusted that a child shud see penetrative sex and any children of mine (pre Comp School) wud be pulled out of such lessons - they simply do not need to know the mechanics of sexual intercourse for crying out loud
Really??? OMG if that's true that's just dreadful - I'd be furious if my daughter was shown this kind of thing in 3 years time! Which country was it in?
It was supposed to be in this country.  As I say I read it, I didn't meet anyone this had happened to but like everybody else I found it extremely disturbing.
But... re: government warning ads in general... the ones we were subject to as kids were way way worse in my opinion.    they were bloody terrifying.   The train tracks ones...  the one with scary death bloke waiting for us in the pond (warning us against swimming in such places)...  Or the Charley the cat ones... which didn't actually get the message across to me (I can remember thinking... oooh.. .puppies.. I'd go and see the puppies...  it failed to explain what the bad mans real intention was).

And as for "robbing kids of the childhood"...   careful Renton... different people parent in different ways,and though one persons parenting style may not be another's... we tend to try to respect their right to do it how they feel is right.  However we do it, it is motivated by love for our kids.

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