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that sounds like a really good film title!

anyway-susan boyle..i dont much care for her, she's got a decent voice, but its not the kinda thing i would listen to-and lets face it-if she was a young good looking girl, all of this fuss wouldnt have happened

BUT! in her defence, she's not the one who gave herself 185 million tube hits-shes not the one who asked demi moore to turn up at the final tomorrow night-she didnt instigate going on the larry king show etc..

she an innocent abroad!
she was starved of oxygen as a child, which left her with learning difficulties, she lived with her old mom until her mom died,shes never been kissed let alone sh@gged!
shes led a very sheltered life in a small village

the villagers say she loses her temper when she doesnt get her own way and they nicknamed her 'rambo'!
everyone pissed themselves laughing when she walked on stage in her first appearance on BGT-she did that silly 'grinding' movement-which made everyone cringe-on her next appearance, she did a crap 'manuel' impression-'i know narrthin'
basically, shes child-like and not the full shilling ( Eeker)
shes had the piss ripped outta her all her life-shes been thrust in the limelight by people who see her with big $$$ signs in their eyes and she's been left to cope with it all on her own

and i feel sorry for her

i just wanted to say all that in defence of her recent behaviour

thank you

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Originally posted by china:
that sounds like a really good film title!

anyway-susan boyle..i dont much care for her, she's got a decent voice, but its not the kinda thing i would listen to-and lets face it-if she was a young good looking girl, all of this fuss wouldnt have happened

BUT! in her defence, she's not the one who gave herself 185 million tube hits-shes not the one who asked demi moore to turn up at the final tomorrow night-she didnt instigate going on the larry king show etc..

she an innocent abroad!
she was starved of oxygen as a child, which left her with learning difficulties, she lived with her old mom until her mom died,shes never been kissed let alone sh@gged!
shes led a very sheltered life in a small village

the villagers say she loses her temper when she doesnt get her own way and they nicknamed her 'rambo'!
everyone pissed themselves laughing when she walked on stage in her first appearance on BGT-she did that silly 'grinding' movement-which made everyone cringe-on her next appearance, she did a crap 'manuel' impression-'i know narrthin'
basically, shes child-like and not the full shilling ( Eeker)
shes had the piss ripped outta her all her life-shes been thrust in the limelight by people who see her with big $$$ signs in their eyes and she's been left to cope with it all on her own

and i feel sorry for her

i just wanted to say all that in defence of her recent behaviour

thank you

That is so true China, its a horrible industry it sucks people in and grinds them like a huge meat grinder and its always hungry. I like Simon Cowell because I feel he always gives an honest opinion but he is in it for Simon Cowell and no-one else and he makes no secret of that.
Originally posted by Russell teh Muscle:
So we should give her the sympathy vote? Afterall...she was only made a big deal out of coz people didnt expect someone that looks like her to make a noise like she did...she is over rated IMO

nah! ive just said what youve said!

im on about the way shes being treated by the media-i feel sorry for her
she doesnt deserve to win-shes got it made whatever happens
but shes only human and she doesnt deserve all the shit thats being thrown her way
Originally posted by Russell teh Muscle:
shes only human and she doesnt deserve all the shit thats being thrown her way

DO you not think the way she was on Tuesday said alot about her? Her reaction to going through that night(I think it was tuesday) said a lot about her...she EXPECTS to win nowNod

yeah it says it all about her!

shes-for want of a better word-backward!

she cant help the way she behaves!
Originally posted by Russell teh Muscle:
she cant help the way she behaves!

Ah, maybe thats where I aint gonna get it....I think tis all an actNod But then I am a miserable old cynical gitBig Grin

Even though I am not a miserable old git per se, I also assumed the same.
Having said that. It has been nice to catch up with repeats of the humorous TV Cop show "New Tricks!" whilst all this nonsense takes place.
Garage Joe
I agree China, Susan wasn`t responsible for the media hype and it`s unfair that she is suffering the backlash. If the stories of her learning difficulties are true, then the poor woman is ill-equipped to cope with all this media attention. Unfortunately, this makes me wonder whether winning the show might be a bit of a poisoned chalice for her.
I am not rooting for Susan to win and my favourite acts are Diversity, Shaun Smith, Julian Smith and Stavros Flatley, but I do feel that Susan is being treated harshly at the moment.
Completely agree, china Nod I've been saying from the start that the poor woman is socially inadequate, with very little clue about how to cope with all this massive attention. She definitely displays tantrum tendencies. Add all THAT to the raging hormones in a woman of her age and you're gonna have quite an explosive mix.

Good voice (but by no means exceptional). Other that this, it's her "oddness" that's being shamelessly exploited.

I hope she makes some money & some happy memories, and finds at least a measure of happiness out of all this. I'd hate to see her if & when the bubble finally bursts......Disappointed
What backlash has she suffered though? This is what I don't understand. To me, she has had nothing but support from the papers until yesterday when 1 negative story broke. I don't read the red-tops so don't know what they have said but if she can't take the rough with the smooth then she's never going to cope in the music industry. I blame it on the BGT media team for not preparing her better, but I certainly don't feel sorry for her.
The paperes (the Sun) were mocking her quite cruelly form day one. Every thing she wore was scrutinised. Her flies were half done and it was zoomed in on. A close-up of her droopy boobs through a gap in her blouse. It was a bit much.

Apparently she wanted to go to US an capitalise on her fame and she cannot as she is tied down by BGT contract. She probably wanted to go to town and have a full on make over but that was out of the question too. It must have been very frustrating for her.

To boot, she really did not sing that well in the semi-final (a dreadful song anyway) and her misjudged over the top hip wriggling was a real trun off for people.

But I still like her and hope she does really well Nod Go Susan!! Clapping
I think her gyrating is probably the thing I least like about her.

Someone made the point earlier that if it were a man of similar likeness to Susan, gyrating and fawning over Amanda, it wouldn't be considered acceptable, and I agree.

She's a volcano waiting to go off, for many reasons. Her lack of intimacy, her age, her apparent lack of social skills, her firey temper etc etc.

I think Susan Boyle has the potential to become a complete victim of her new found 'fame'.
Originally posted by StGeorgina:
I think her gyrating is probably the thing I least like about her.

Someone made the point earlier that if it were a man of similar likeness to Susan, gyrating and fawning over Amanda, it wouldn't be considered acceptable, and I agree.

She's a volcano waiting to go off, for many reasons. Her lack of intimacy, her age, her apparent lack of social skills, her firey temper etc etc.

I think Susan Boyle has the potential to become a complete victim of her new found 'fame'.
I think it might have happened already...sadly. SHe is a victim of her fame.

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