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Did you read the book on its own or as part of the Bachman Books? There was another book called The Long Walk which was part of that collection which is one of the best books I've ever read.
on its own.   And I didn't know there was a film of it..    I wanna watch it now 

Smarting - thats what the bloke with the curse thought at first...   but he just kept getting thinner, & thinner, & thinner...
I have yet to come across a 'good' gypsy. I know a woman who was in her local and it was Karaoke night, she requested 'Gypsy Rose' unbeknown to her there were gypsies in the bar and they gave her a kicking, she was hospitalised and off work for 1 month.

They benefit from healthcare provision yet pay no taxes. Thus angers me, they don't pay rates or taxes but they can swan about changing their cars every year while most people can't even afford to keep a car on the road.

He invented Bachman because he wanted to know if his success was just due to being in the right place at the right time or if he was really meant to be a writer. He likened it to The Beatles. He wondered if they would have been so big if Epstein hadn't discovered them.

So he sent his work out under a pseudonym to see if he could find a publisher. I don't really buy that story, I'm sure people knew it was him. His writing is easily recognisable and publishers talk amongst themselves all the time and I'm sure Stephen King's publisher pulled a few strings to make sure 'Richard' got noticed.
So he sent his work out under a pseudonym to see if he could find a publisher. I don't really buy that story, I'm sure people knew it was him. His writing is easily recognisable and publishers talk amongst themselves all the time and I'm sure Stephen King's publisher pulled a few strings to make sure 'Richard' got noticed.
ahhhhhh!    ok, thanks.

I don't buy it either.    So many manuscripts get sent to publishers, I think there is always gonna be an element of luck if someone actually reads it.
RR, replace the word Gypsy with "Irish person" in your post read it back to yourself then see if your post still looks acceptable? It looks pretty racist doesn't it?
No because then it would not make any sense, I am not saying there aren't any good gypsies out there, I am saying that y experience of them are bad.  Gypsies are not a 'race' so its not racist. they are people who create their own law outside the law and seem to get away with it.
My grandparents were real Romany gypsies who settled in Cologne, so I won't condem them and I do have the travelling spirit, but I just find it strange that they want to settle somewhere which doesn't belong to them when they are supposed to be gypsies and roaming the country. I've never understood that bit of discrepancy, but I love them, obviously.
cologne 1
It's rather a case of misrepresentation. The Roma people themselves probably are a race and are one of the most repressed peoples in Europe. Yet the people who in common parlance are called Gypsies are travellers and I'm afraid some of them have caused mayhem throughout the North East. The minority concerned are difficult to police.
Garage Joe
I have yet to come across a 'good' gypsy. I know a woman who was in her local and it was Karaoke night, she requested 'Gypsy Rose' unbeknown to her there were gypsies in the bar and they gave her a kicking, she was hospitalised and off work for 1 month. They benefit from healthcare provision yet pay no taxes. Thus angers me, they don't pay rates or taxes but they can swan about changing their cars every year while most people can't even afford to keep a car on the road.

TBF have in Ireland,North and South we have Travellers,Travellers and Gypsies are completely different communities with different traditions and origins.
But land tends to belong to somebody. Anyway, I don't mean the financial aspect, if they want to travel, why make this fuss about occupying a spot until they can buy it. I know all my family went around Eastern Europe until my granddad met my grandmother and they decided to settle down in a place which seemed safe at the time. He ended up in a concentration camp and came back a broken person.
cologne 1
All the Gypsys on the telly prog are Irish Travellers btw (apart from 1 girl tonight who said she was Roma)  We had a Roma lady in our local paper having a right old moan about how it was misrepresenting them...and that the culture was different.

Before I get the naive wooly liberal thing hoyed at me.  I do realise that some are shits.  Just like some Welsh people are shits, doesn't mean I have to hate all of Cardiff.
But land tends to belong to somebody. Anyway, I don't mean the financial aspect, if they want to travel, why make this fuss about occupying a spot until they can buy it.

Land belongs to nobody according to Mother Nature Humans decided that. Through force. But yes, if they claim to be free spirits it makes no sense to cling to somewhere they can eventually buy. Not that I understand any of it anyway...
I have tried to understand my biological family ever since I was old enough to do it, but I have not come to any conclusions.
Steeped in tradition, set in their ways, as long as it makes sense to them I don't suppose they care. I'm sure they care about you but the ways of the world are there for them to contradict at least that's always been my understanding of gypsie logic. I don't mean travellers (which I'm sure originated in Ireland and have spread like a virus to other lands) I'm not really sure what their priorities are outside of making everyone in their immediate vicinity miserable.
I know my brother cares about me, but he's the only one that is my proper sibling and I'm the only proper sibling to him. Unfortunately (fortunately), I was scooped up by my adoptive parents (before he was born, well just), he has had to put up with children's homes and my mother's second husband. Sorry, this thread as meandered from gypsies to my early homelife. No more.
cologne 1

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