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Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

I dont think that has anything to do with it. She said he should have picked his battle wisely...I suspect thats something she wished she'd have done. Why else would she lie to everyone about what went on and accuse him of bullying?

I can admire any woman who can stand their ground and represent good morals but not on the back of lying and manipulating a situation.

Something she has done a few times now...

What has nothing to do with it? That every criticism levelled at Bea during that little exchange could be levelled at David.. even down to the fake tears and the righteous indignation. Take the words away for a moment.. because we know that as far as use of language is concerned she has the advantage.. and look at the behaviour.

They are not getting on. He irritates the shit out of her and she irritates the shit out of him. They argue.. so what.. big deal. However, it is taken as some grand David and Goliath battle because Bea is preceived to automatically have the upper hand because of her 'intellect' and background. David is perceived as some childlike daft lump who is on the back foot. Big bad Bea kicks ikkle puppy Dave.

Yet this is the same Dave who bee-hatches with a vengeance, has worked himself up into a lather over the food issue, says he can tackle Marcus because he is 'a feisty queen' and while he may appear 'soft' he isn't and has himself said that he is not one to be messed with.

You'll be telling me he truly believes that the whole of the US go about their business as if they are in Grease the movie next.

He's not as daft as he'd have us believe. Nor is he as vulnerable as some here would perhaps like to think.

What I meant was that David wasnt playing the dumb card during the arguement! Big Grin

If you read back I have already acknowleded that they irritate the shit out of each other and dont get on. At least he didnt need to go off, lie and try to rally others into his battle.

Lets take the words away. Bea went away from the argument...lied to Marcus about what went on, then went back in to try and stick the boot in when Marcus was already havin a go!

David may have been after some sympathy, but he wasnt trying to round up a lynch mob. I dont particulary like either of them...but I think she came out of this worse. My opinion.

Incidently I have never bought either parties intelligence into this argument, apart from to say that David was the only one to show any intelligence in walking away from the confrontation with Bea and Marcus.

I wont be telling you that David thinks anyones life is like a Grease movie...because I dont think he does Big Grin

Originally posted by JacksonB:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
And also in defence of Bea ... i'd like to ask FM's what they would do in that sort of situation?

Personally (like it or not) i'd do whatever i could to get at someone if they'd hurt me, i'd have called him alot worse (knowing me) and probably would have went alot futher than to say that he wasnt that intelligent..

Thing is SOME FM's are so up their own backsides claiming there is no need for Bea to bring his intellect into it etc that they actually are starting to sound like the sorta person the Pope needs to hear about to begin the Sainthood procedure... Fact of the matter is no matter who you are, if someone hurts you you generally retailiate, if not to their face then i would bet my life on behind that persons back to your mate/OH/Mam or whoever - So DON'T come on here with your holy than thou attitude cos frankly, your talking shit

End of rant..carry on.
i thought she wasn't her usual cutting self, if you look at how she dealt with ken, how she reacted to dave was the complete opposite, no scathing rapier remark and no smirk.
maybe she was upset by it all, be nice to have live feed now and then..
Nod very good point. She was very different to Ken.
Originally posted by Trollop:
What I meant was that David wasnt playing the dumb card during the arguement! Big Grin

If you read back I have already acknowleded that they irritate the shit out of each other and dont get on.

Lets take the words away. Bea went away from the argument...lied to Marcus about what went on, then went back in to try and stick the boot in when Marcus was already havin a go!

David may have been after some sympathy, but he wasnt trying to round up a lynch mob. I dont particulary like either of them...but I think she came out of this worse. My opinion.

Incidently I have never bought either parties intelligence into this argument, apart from to say that David was the only one to show any intelligence in walking away from the confrontation with Bea and Marcus.

I wont be telling you that David thinks anyones life is like a Grease movie...because I dont think he does Big Grin


Woah there sweet cheeks.. I'm not having pops at ya.. Big Grin

Okey dokey then.. Big Grin well, he kinda doesn't need to play the dumb card.. in fact I don't think he tries to play the dumb card, he seems to favour the 'I'm so happy to be here bounding daft puppy' card. His ability.. as a quite a big, loud and sometimes verbally aggressive fella.. to play the childlike innocent is quite remarkable.

Taking the battle of 'wits' away.. she started by saying 'we hardly talk anymore'.. Dave, having whipped himself (with the aid of Lisa at the bus stop) in a froth about the whole food theft thing says his piece.. still the discussion remains reasonable.. Lisa comes into the kitchen looking like the grim reaper.. and watch Dave change. It went downhill, particularly for Bea when she went out of the kitchen.. she was stupid to pull out the 'B' word.. she was stupid to continue.. she was stupid to go to others and vent and lie. I don't think that argument was just about some bread and butter though.. she has been in situations (with Ken, for example) which have been far more stressful and kept her composure. I saw those two like two wind up toys.. Bea for Marcus, Dave for Lisa.. both have been handed the weapons loaded by the winders.. start it off and sit back and watch it go.

I don't see what Bea did as rounding up a lynch mob.. sometimes when you've had a disagreement you need to let the steam out.. they both did it.. they just utilised different ways to get 'there there, awwww they said what'.

Six of one and half a dozen of the other to me.
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Trollop:
What I meant was that David wasnt playing the dumb card during the arguement! Big Grin

If you read back I have already acknowleded that they irritate the shit out of each other and dont get on.

Lets take the words away. Bea went away from the argument...lied to Marcus about what went on, then went back in to try and stick the boot in when Marcus was already havin a go!

David may have been after some sympathy, but he wasnt trying to round up a lynch mob. I dont particulary like either of them...but I think she came out of this worse. My opinion.

Incidently I have never bought either parties intelligence into this argument, apart from to say that David was the only one to show any intelligence in walking away from the confrontation with Bea and Marcus.

I wont be telling you that David thinks anyones life is like a Grease movie...because I dont think he does Big Grin


Woah there sweet cheeks.. I'm not having pops at ya.. Big Grin

Okey dokey then.. Big Grin well, he kinda doesn't need to play the dumb card.. in fact I don't think he tries to play the dumb card, he seems to favour the 'I'm so happy to be here bounding daft puppy' card. His ability.. as a quite a big, loud and sometimes verbally aggressive fella.. to play the childlike innocent is quite remarkable.

Taking the battle of 'wits' away.. she started by saying 'we hardly talk anymore'.. Dave, having whipped himself (with the aid of Lisa at the bus stop) in a froth about the whole food theft thing says his piece.. still the discussion remains reasonable.. Lisa comes into the kitchen looking like the grim reaper.. and watch Dave change. It went downhill, particularly for Bea when she went out of the kitchen.. she was stupid to pull out the 'B' word.. she was stupid to continue.. she was stupid to go to others and vent and lie. I don't think that argument was just about some bread and butter though.. she has been in situations (with Ken, for example) which have been far more stressful and kept her composure. I saw those two like two wind up toys.. Bea for Marcus, Dave for Lisa.. both have been handed the weapons loaded by the winders.. start it off and sit back and watch it go.

I don't see what Bea did as rounding up a lynch mob.. sometimes when you've had a disagreement you need to let the steam out.. they both did it.. they just utilised different ways to get 'there there, awwww they said what'.

Six of one and half a dozen of the other to me.

I didnt think you were popping at me, my guns are still in my holsters Big Grin

I disagree about Bea letting off steam, she could have tried to stop Marcus getting involved. She went in with the cuddles and sad face to do just that, then shadowed him in so she could have another two pennies worth.
Originally posted by Trollop:
I didnt think you were popping at me, my guns are still in my holsters Big Grin

I disagree about Bea letting off steam, she could have tried to stop Marcus getting involved. She went in with the cuddles and sad face to do just that, then shadowed him in so she could have another two pennies worth.

Holsters you say.. guns you say.. oooo-errrr... Wink

She toddled off back to her 'handler'. As much as I quite like Bea's propensity to say what she's thinking.. this has Marcus' fingerprints all over it. Same as Dave's part has Lisa's mitts all over it. There was a run up to this.. and it was fed by Bea's annoyance with Dave and vice versa. Not to take anything away from their involvement natch.. but their re-groups and how they got their validation, it was quite interesting. Ninja

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