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Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
So she went off and made a mountain out of a molehill. As she always does. She asked why he wasnt speaking to her, he told her. If she wasnt prepared for his answer she shouldnt have asked.

The only thing she is guilty of is getting out of the kitchen and talking to people before he did! What was he like when he got to the bus stop with his little mate (who, by the way, will NEVER stick up for him, ever) then when he had enough of an audience the 'tears' started!!!

He didnt need Lisa to stand up for him he did a good job on his own. Even when he was confonted by both Marcus and Bea he had the good sense to just walk away from the situation and not carry it on. Unlike Bea who whipped Marcus up in a frenzy then put her boots on to try and get another few kicks in! Laugh
I think Bea was taken aback and upset at David's unwillingness to engage in conversation, preferring to accuse her of things and leaving it at that.
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Trollop:
Yes, she should not have called Dave a bully.

This was your statement not mine...did she call him a bully or not. Youre confusing yourself aswell as me! Big Grin
It was short hand...I should have been more careful Razzer

Blame the Barristers I say! Big Grin
Big GrinOh, your halo, by the way.. like? Big Grin
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

Exactly - you just hit the nail on the head Tupps Clapping
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

I dont think that has anything to do with it. She said he should have picked his battle wisely...I suspect thats something she wished she'd have done. Why else would she lie to everyone about what went on and accuse him of bullying?

I can admire any woman who can stand their ground and represent good morals but not on the back of lying and manipulating a situation.

Something she has done a few times now...
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

Exactly - you just hit the nail on the head Tupps Clapping
Clapping What I have been trying to say but failed miserably Laugh
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

Exactly - you just hit the nail on the head Tupps Clapping

As usual Laugh - i am glad Tupps is aboard the Bea train.. Valentine
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

Exactly - you just hit the nail on the head Tupps Clapping

As usual Laugh - i am glad Tupps is aboard the Bea train.. Valentine
Nod Thumbs Up
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
So she went off and made a mountain out of a molehill. As she always does. She asked why he wasnt speaking to her, he told her. If she wasnt prepared for his answer she shouldnt have asked.

The only thing she is guilty of is getting out of the kitchen and talking to people before he did! What was he like when he got to the bus stop with his little mate (who, by the way, will NEVER stick up for him, ever) then when he had enough of an audience the 'tears' started!!!

He didnt need Lisa to stand up for him he did a good job on his own. Even when he was confonted by both Marcus and Bea he had the good sense to just walk away from the situation and not carry it on. Unlike Bea who whipped Marcus up in a frenzy then put her boots on to try and get another few kicks in! Laugh
I think Bea was taken aback and upset at David's unwillingness to engage in conversation, preferring to accuse her of things and leaving it at that.

He did engage in conversation. He told her exactly why he wasnt speaking to her, about the accusations of stealing food etc.

He didnt shout, he couldnt be bothered to argue with her. I dont see anything wrong with that. They dont like each other, they have made that clear for a while in conversations with other people.

He was honest in his dislike and she tried to play it up and failed.
Irrespective of whether she called Dave a bully or felt bullied, Dave has a least enough native wit to realise the incendiary effect any use of the word has in how an HM is viewed on BB. I think he was therefore justified in trying to shut down the conversation as best he could. I saw it as Bea trying to escalate the situation, as evidenced by her subsequent interpretations of events to the other HMs and her continued haranguing of him. And final tearless crying. Nod
How are you punky? Hug
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Irrespective of whether she called Dave a bully or felt bullied, Dave has a least enough native wit to realise the incendiary effect any use of the word has in how an HM is viewed on BB. I think he was therefore justified in trying to shut down the conversation as best he could. I saw it as Bea trying to escalate the situation, as evidenced by her subsequent interpretations of events to the other HMs and her continued haranguing of him. And final tearless crying. Nod
How are you punky? Hug
Xochi!! Gerat to see you!! Hug Hug Valentine Where have you been hiding? I thought that was my job..
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

I dont think that has anything to do with it. She said he should have picked his battle wisely...I suspect thats something she wished she'd have done. Why else would she lie to everyone about what went on and accuse him of bullying?

I can admire any woman who can stand their ground and represent good morals but not on the back of lying and manipulating a situation.

Something she has done a few times now...

What has nothing to do with it? That every criticism levelled at Bea during that little exchange could be levelled at David.. even down to the fake tears and the righteous indignation. Take the words away for a moment.. because we know that as far as use of language is concerned she has the advantage.. and look at the behaviour.

They are not getting on. He irritates the shit out of her and she irritates the shit out of him. They argue.. so what.. big deal. However, it is taken as some grand David and Goliath battle because Bea is preceived to automatically have the upper hand because of her 'intellect' and background. David is perceived as some childlike daft lump who is on the back foot. Big bad Bea kicks ikkle puppy Dave.

Yet this is the same Dave who bee-hatches with a vengeance, has worked himself up into a lather over the food issue, says he can tackle Marcus because he is 'a feisty queen' and while he may appear 'soft' he isn't and has himself said that he is not one to be messed with.

You'll be telling me he truly believes that the whole of the US go about their business as if they are in Grease the movie next.

He's not as daft as he'd have us believe. Nor is he as vulnerable as some here would perhaps like to think.
Originally posted by brisket:
I thik David could have calmed things down if he had chosen to.
But he chose to be confrontational.
(Probably thinking his mistress Lisa would promote him.)

she asked him if he was alright as he'd seemed snappy.....he said he was upset that she'd accused him of nicking food....she then ranted on that she never said it and 101 other things.....he said he didn't want to talk about it.....

she took the convo and escalated it....saying she felt bullied and god knows what else....she did fake did he....

she repeatedly calls him on his intelligence(or lack of it as she sees it)....referring to him as stupid etc...

i think she thought she'd baffle him with her big words and walk out the winner......he stood his ground and she wasn't.....
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Irrespective of whether she called Dave a bully or felt bullied, Dave has a least enough native wit to realise the incendiary effect any use of the word has in how an HM is viewed on BB. I think he was therefore justified in trying to shut down the conversation as best he could. I saw it as Bea trying to escalate the situation, as evidenced by her subsequent interpretations of events to the other HMs and her continued haranguing of him. And final tearless crying. Nod
How are you punky? Hug
Xochi!! Gerat to see you!! Hug Hug Valentine Where have you been hiding? I thought that was my job..

I'm good thanks punky! Hug Valentine
I'd say don't give up the day job if your idea of maintaining a low profile is starting a thread like this! Laugh
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Irrespective of whether she called Dave a bully or felt bullied, Dave has a least enough native wit to realise the incendiary effect any use of the word has in how an HM is viewed on BB. I think he was therefore justified in trying to shut down the conversation as best he could. I saw it as Bea trying to escalate the situation, as evidenced by her subsequent interpretations of events to the other HMs and her continued haranguing of him. And final tearless crying. Nod
How are you punky? Hug
It's good to see you Xochi, but I don't agree. Bea only 'escalated' the situation when she realised he was not listening and actually said some hurtful things to her. She was upset and sure, she was going to tell her friends about it. Dave was much more in control, but that does not make what he said to be correct imo.
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Xochiquetzal:
Irrespective of whether she called Dave a bully or felt bullied, Dave has a least enough native wit to realise the incendiary effect any use of the word has in how an HM is viewed on BB. I think he was therefore justified in trying to shut down the conversation as best he could. I saw it as Bea trying to escalate the situation, as evidenced by her subsequent interpretations of events to the other HMs and her continued haranguing of him. And final tearless crying. Nod
How are you punky? Hug
Xochi!! Gerat to see you!! Hug Hug Valentine Where have you been hiding? I thought that was my job..

I'm good thanks punky! Hug Valentine
I'd say don't give up the day job if your idea of maintaining a low profile is starting a thread like this! Laugh
As you were not here for me to stalk, I had to do somthing Laugh Hug
Originally posted by tupps:
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by tupps:
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..

I dont think that has anything to do with it. She said he should have picked his battle wisely...I suspect thats something she wished she'd have done. Why else would she lie to everyone about what went on and accuse him of bullying?

I can admire any woman who can stand their ground and represent good morals but not on the back of lying and manipulating a situation.

Something she has done a few times now...

What has nothing to do with it? That every criticism levelled at Bea during that little exchange could be levelled at David.. even down to the fake tears and the righteous indignation. Take the words away for a moment.. because we know that as far as use of language is concerned she has the advantage.. and look at the behaviour.

They are not getting on. He irritates the shit out of her and she irritates the shit out of him. They argue.. so what.. big deal. However, it is taken as some grand David and Goliath battle because Bea is preceived to automatically have the upper hand because of her 'intellect' and background. David is perceived as some childlike daft lump who is on the back foot. Big bad Bea kicks ikkle puppy Dave.

Yet this is the same Dave who bee-hatches with a vengeance, has worked himself up into a lather over the food issue, says he can tackle Marcus because he is 'a feisty queen' and while he may appear 'soft' he isn't and has himself said that he is not one to be messed with.

You'll be telling me he truly believes that the whole of the US go about their business as if they are in Grease the movie next.

He's not as daft as he'd have us believe. Nor is he as vulnerable as some here would perhaps like to think.
*stands and applauds in awe!!* Well said Tupps!! Clapping
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by love greek sunsets:
they were both as bad as each other but she came off far worse
She did come off worse, but that does not make her the villain of the peace..
just her actions on a daily basis does that.
Who can tell, ultimately, the show is so heavily edited. Last night they showed Bea bragging to Freddie, and she looked ridiculous. But in fact she was joking. It was shown out of context. I think there is a lot that Bea said about Dave that is not shown. But who knows.
No one seems to see the fingerprints of Lisa across the whole affair. She spent the whole previous evening and into the night winding David up to have a go. Funny enough, the conversation between David and Bea seemed to be pitched at a low level of mutual distaste until Lisa came in to make sure that her protege was following instructions. Then it all kicked off and Lisa strolled away smirking, David had followed his instructions to the letter and none of it could be traced back to the prime mover.
Bea's subsequent histrionics were quite ill judged for someone who is usually in complete control as her and might even mean that she was genuinely taken aback at the way David had come at her.
captain marbles
Indeed marbles.. and when it came to the whole food theft issue.. who loaded the bullets for Bea to fire. His fingerprints are ignored.

David has spent so long telling Lisa that he thinks XYZ and is not a soft arse that he's now having to back it up a little. After all, she's not going to want a foot soldier with no cajones... she can't step herself and if he can't or won't he'd be no use to her.
Originally posted by captain marbles:
No one seems to see the fingerprints of Lisa across the whole affair. She spent the whole previous evening and into the night winding David up to have a go. Funny enough, the conversation between David and Bea seemed to be pitched at a low level of mutual distaste until Lisa came in to make sure that her protege was following instructions. Then it all kicked off and Lisa strolled away smirking, David had followed his instructions to the letter and none of it could be traced back to the prime mover.
Bea's subsequent histrionics were quite ill judged for someone who is usually in complete control as her and might even mean that she was genuinely taken aback at the way David had come at her.

Totally agree, and we are not seeing them for 3/4 of the day and from what I've seen of Dave and Lisa it's enough. Obviously Dave's been off with Bea for days and she asked him why and he didn't deny it. Obviously things have been getting back to Marcus, because he was wanting words with Dave over two different issues. Bea did handle it wrong, but I wouldn't trust Lisa or Dave as far as I could throw them.
At times Bea's entertained me, livened up the tedious Siavash/Noirin affair and made it watchable. Lisa bores me to death, taken a step back because Kenny told her she was unpopular and now with Dave the mouth by her side is starting to be the Lisa of old!
Originally posted by tupps:
Indeed marbles.. and when it came to the whole food theft issue.. who loaded the bullets for Bea to fire. His fingerprints are ignored.

David has spent so long telling Lisa that he thinks XYZ and is not a soft arse that he's now having to back it up a little. After all, she's not going to want a foot soldier with no cajones... she can't step herself and if he can't or won't he'd be no use to her.
True, tupps. Nod Looking at it from that angle, Marcus seems to have found her weakness for confrontation and used it to draw out one of the opposition. Is Bea being played rather than being the player she sees herself as? I'll be keeping my eyes on that now.
captain marbles
Originally posted by tupps:
Indeed marbles.. and when it came to the whole food theft issue.. who loaded the bullets for Bea to fire. His fingerprints are ignored.

David has spent so long telling Lisa that he thinks XYZ and is not a soft arse that he's now having to back it up a little. After all, she's not going to want a foot soldier with no cajones... she can't step herself and if he can't or won't he'd be no use to her.

C4 are not been fair to Bea in their editing. It was Marcus who started the food row. On L/F she was telling Marcus she doesn't like David, then Marcus called him a food bandit stealing food. Bea then said I never noticed that and Marcus went on to elaborate further about him stealing eggs etc.

Last night on the H/ls right at the end, C4 showed Rod and Sophie laughing their heads off at David the 'good guy' swallowing those sweets. They did not show Bea who joined them later and they were all laughing together.
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Originally posted by tupps:
Indeed marbles.. and when it came to the whole food theft issue.. who loaded the bullets for Bea to fire. His fingerprints are ignored.

David has spent so long telling Lisa that he thinks XYZ and is not a soft arse that he's now having to back it up a little. After all, she's not going to want a foot soldier with no cajones... she can't step herself and if he can't or won't he'd be no use to her.
True, tupps. Nod Looking at it from that angle, Marcus seems to have found her weakness for confrontation and used it to draw out one of the opposition. Is Bea being played rather than being the player she sees herself as? I'll be keeping my eyes on that now.

I think Bea is a bright and astute girl.. but I don't think she is immune to suggestion. Marcus is far more wily. Nod
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by tupps:
Indeed marbles.. and when it came to the whole food theft issue.. who loaded the bullets for Bea to fire. His fingerprints are ignored.

David has spent so long telling Lisa that he thinks XYZ and is not a soft arse that he's now having to back it up a little. After all, she's not going to want a foot soldier with no cajones... she can't step herself and if he can't or won't he'd be no use to her.

C4 are not been fair to Bea in their editing. It was Marcus who started the food row. On L/F she was telling Marcus she doesn't like David, then Marcus called him a food bandit stealing food. Bea then said I never noticed that and Marcus went on to elaborate further about him stealing eggs etc.

Last night on the H/ls right at the end, C4 showed Rod and Sophie laughing their heads off at David the 'good guy' swallowing those sweets. They did not show Bea who joined them later and they were all laughing together.

Yeah.. she did have a rough edit on the HL show last night. It'll be interesting to see how that pans out.
Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
And also in defence of Bea ... i'd like to ask FM's what they would do in that sort of situation?

Personally (like it or not) i'd do whatever i could to get at someone if they'd hurt me, i'd have called him alot worse (knowing me) and probably would have went alot futher than to say that he wasnt that intelligent..

Thing is SOME FM's are so up their own backsides claiming there is no need for Bea to bring his intellect into it etc that they actually are starting to sound like the sorta person the Pope needs to hear about to begin the Sainthood procedure... Fact of the matter is no matter who you are, if someone hurts you you generally retailiate, if not to their face then i would bet my life on behind that persons back to your mate/OH/Mam or whoever - So DON'T come on here with your holy than thou attitude cos frankly, your talking shit

End of rant..carry on.
i thought she wasn't her usual cutting self, if you look at how she dealt with ken, how she reacted to dave was the complete opposite, no scathing rapier remark and no smirk.
maybe she was upset by it all, be nice to have live feed now and then..

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