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Yes, she should not have called Dave a bully.
Yes, he did not shout at her at all and she over-reacted.


She was trying t have a conversation with Dave and he was having none of it, which is quite aggressive. I have just watched the whole thing again and Bea starts off trying to have a conversation with him and is quite reasonable. Dave makes statements which are closed and ones which he would not elaborate on when she asks. Dave is bitchy and I think that is what she was picking up.

Bea talked to Shiveas about Dave being nasty to her, that he lies, takes more than his share of food. I have never seen it but the show is heavily edited. Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air. There is a lot we have not seen and Dave is possibly quite bitchy indeed.

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Originally posted by Trollop:
Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air.

You have already quoted two things that she has whipped up out of thin air!

1/ Hes not a bully
2/ He didnt shout

I can give you loads more where this mingy hippie wannabe has whipped stuff out of thin air!

Your defence has failed Big Grin

She said she felt bullied, not that he was a bully. As I said Bea is a stirrer but there is some foundation to what she says about Dave. Dave was not listening to her at all, blocking her from replying. Perhaps she felt shouted down.
Originally posted by Trollop:
Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air.

You have already quoted two things that she has whipped up out of thin air!

1/ Hes not a bully
2/ He didnt shout

I can give you loads more where this mingy hippie wannabe has whipped stuff out of thin air!

Your defence has failed Big Grin

1. Someone so obviously being Lisa's henchman and picking on someone for no reason, out of the blue, is in the bully category i.m.o.
2. If you're nasty to someone and have a very loud voice - it can be perceived as shouting. How often have you said soemthing like "Oh so-and-so shouted at me when I got back" - when what you mean is you got a telling off.

Same old thing every year. Lets pick a HM - invariably female - and pick her behaviour to bits.
And also in defence of Bea ... i'd like to ask FM's what they would do in that sort of situation?

Personally (like it or not) i'd do whatever i could to get at someone if they'd hurt me, i'd have called him alot worse (knowing me) and probably would have went alot futher than to say that he wasnt that intelligent..

Thing is SOME FM's are so up their own backsides claiming there is no need for Bea to bring his intellect into it etc that they actually are starting to sound like the sorta person the Pope needs to hear about to begin the Sainthood procedure... Fact of the matter is no matter who you are, if someone hurts you you generally retailiate, if not to their face then i would bet my life on behind that persons back to your mate/OH/Mam or whoever - So DON'T come on here with your holy than thou attitude cos frankly, your talking shit

End of rant..carry on.
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Trollop:
Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air.

You have already quoted two things that she has whipped up out of thin air!

1/ Hes not a bully
2/ He didnt shout

I can give you loads more where this mingy hippie wannabe has whipped stuff out of thin air!

Your defence has failed Big Grin

She said she felt bullied, not that he was a bully. As I said Bea is a stirrer but there is some foundation to what she says about Dave. Dave was not listening to her at all.

She appologised for calling him a bully Big Grin
I must be watching a different show Confused
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
And also in defence of Bea ... i'd like to ask FM's what they would do in that sort of situation?

Personally (like it or not) i'd do whatever i could to get at someone if they'd hurt me, i'd have called him alot worse (knowing me) and probably would have went alot futher than to say that he wasnt that intelligent..

Thing is SOME FM's are so up their own backsides claiming there is no need for Bea to bring his intellect into it etc that they actually are starting to sound like the sorta person the Pope needs to hear about to begin the Sainthood procedure... Fact of the matter is no matter who you are, if someone hurts you you generally retailiate, if not to their face then i would bet my life on behind that persons back to your mate/OH/Mam or whoever - So DON'T come on here with your holy than thou attitude cos frankly, your talking shit

End of rant..carry on.

Clapping A bit of much needed sanity thank you Mummy Maz Thumbs Up

Dunno know how they can all fit on the forum, with their halos, wings + harps Laugh
Originally posted by Trollop:
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Originally posted by Trollop:
Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air.

You have already quoted two things that she has whipped up out of thin air!

1/ Hes not a bully
2/ He didnt shout

I can give you loads more where this mingy hippie wannabe has whipped stuff out of thin air!

Your defence has failed Big Grin

She said she felt bullied, not that he was a bully. As I said Bea is a stirrer but there is some foundation to what she says about Dave. Dave was not listening to her at all.

She appologised for calling him a bully Big Grin
I must be watching a different show Confused
She did.
Originally posted by RENTON:
I don't beleive Bea WAS wanting a conversation with David at all

She knew it was nom's time - she knew where the chat wud go

And revelled in it - both did

Bravo on oscar winning performances from both Bea and David

Drama Queens
Bea wanted to speak to Dave. She is very direct with people, but she started off very fair and open to him. He shut the whole thing down with his closed statements.
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Yes, she should not have called Dave a bully.
Yes, he did not shout at her at all and she over-reacted.


She was trying t have a conversation with Dave and he was having none of it, which is quite aggressive. I have just watched the whole thing again and Bea starts off trying to have a conversation with him and is quite reasonable. Dave makes statements which are closed and ones which he would not elaborate on when she asks. Dave is bitchy and I think that is what she was picking up.

Bea talked to Shiveas about Dave being nasty to her, that he lies, takes more than his share of food. I have never seen it but the show is heavily edited. Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air. There is a lot we have not seen and Dave is possibly quite bitchy indeed.

Well I saw it differently. Bea was trying to pick a fight, which is mainly what she does to everyone unfortunately. And perhaps greenandpink you have never come across someone like Bea in R/L I have.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
And also in defence of Bea ... i'd like to ask FM's what they would do in that sort of situation?

Personally (like it or not) i'd do whatever i could to get at someone if they'd hurt me, i'd have called him alot worse (knowing me) and probably would have went alot futher than to say that he wasnt that intelligent..

Thing is SOME FM's are so up their own backsides claiming there is no need for Bea to bring his intellect into it etc that they actually are starting to sound like the sorta person the Pope needs to hear about to begin the Sainthood procedure... Fact of the matter is no matter who you are, if someone hurts you you generally retailiate, if not to their face then i would bet my life on behind that persons back to your mate/OH/Mam or whoever - So DON'T come on here with your holy than thou attitude cos frankly, your talking shit

End of rant..carry on.

If she is so mentally superior, as she like to think she is, she would have let it slide. I would have done. David didnt loose his rag, I think she expected him to.

I dont get upset when people make up/say nasty things about me, not unless they are close friends who know me. I certainly wouldnt retaliate by being nasty back for the sake of it if they did! Id treat them with the ignorance they deserved.

Can I have my Sainthood now? Big Grin
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by greenandpink:
Yes, she should not have called Dave a bully.
Yes, he did not shout at her at all and she over-reacted.


She was trying t have a conversation with Dave and he was having none of it, which is quite aggressive. I have just watched the whole thing again and Bea starts off trying to have a conversation with him and is quite reasonable. Dave makes statements which are closed and ones which he would not elaborate on when she asks. Dave is bitchy and I think that is what she was picking up.

Bea talked to Shiveas about Dave being nasty to her, that he lies, takes more than his share of food. I have never seen it but the show is heavily edited. Bea is a stirrer for sure, but I don't think she would whip things up out thin air. There is a lot we have not seen and Dave is possibly quite bitchy indeed.

Well I saw it differently. Bea was trying to pick a fight, which is mainly what she does to everyone unfortunately. And perhaps greenandpink you have never come across someone like Bea in R/L I have.
I guess we have to agree to differ, Squiggle. No matter how I look at it, I just see Bea trying to talk to Dave.
If she is so mentally superior, as she like to think she is, she would have let it slide. I would have done. David didnt loose his rag, I think she expected him to.

Well he did really.. just because he didnt scream at her doesnt mean he didnt loose it - he was the one being nasty with his negative commments when she was asking a civilised question
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
If she is so mentally superior, as she like to think she is, she would have let it slide. I would have done. David didnt loose his rag, I think she expected him to.

Well he did really.. just because he didnt scream at her doesnt mean he didnt loose it - he was the one being nasty with his negative commments when she was asking a civilised question

So she went off and made a mountain out of a molehill. As she always does. She asked why he wasnt speaking to her, he told her. If she wasnt prepared for his answer she shouldnt have asked.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:

Well he did really.. just because he didnt scream at her doesnt mean he didnt loose it - he was the one being nasty with his negative commments when she was asking a civilised question

Bea is all too clever with her questioning. She elicits the kind of answer that invariably leads to situations that she can twist to her own advantage.
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:

Well he did really.. just because he didnt scream at her doesnt mean he didnt loose it - he was the one being nasty with his negative commments when she was asking a civilised question

Bea is all too clever with her questioning. She elicits the kind of answer that invariably leads to situations that she can twist to her own advantage.

I hate them clever wimmin innit.
So she went off and made a mountain out of a molehill. As she always does. She asked why he wasnt speaking to her, he told her. If she wasnt prepared for his answer she shouldnt have asked.

The only thing she is guilty of is getting out of the kitchen and talking to people before he did! What was he like when he got to the bus stop with his little mate (who, by the way, will NEVER stick up for him, ever) then when he had enough of an audience the 'tears' started!!!
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:

Well he did really.. just because he didnt scream at her doesnt mean he didnt loose it - he was the one being nasty with his negative commments when she was asking a civilised question

Bea is all too clever with her questioning. She elicits the kind of answer that invariably leads to situations that she can twist to her own advantage.

I hate them clever wimmin innit.

Maybe I should have used devious instead of clever Wink
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
So she went off and made a mountain out of a molehill. As she always does. She asked why he wasnt speaking to her, he told her. If she wasnt prepared for his answer she shouldnt have asked.

The only thing she is guilty of is getting out of the kitchen and talking to people before he did! What was he like when he got to the bus stop with his little mate (who, by the way, will NEVER stick up for him, ever) then when he had enough of an audience the 'tears' started!!!

But isn't that exactly the same as what Bea did, standing with the door opened so everyone could hear her trying to put down David once she had regained her composure after Davids excellent response to her narky cow face.

Then again with marcus and david she had to come into the kitchen..size up the situation..then pounce when the odds were in her favoure...The good thing is though, it will cost her a vote from Marcus if they are both still in next week..Marcus was appalled by her actions. as was I.
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:
So she went off and made a mountain out of a molehill. As she always does. She asked why he wasnt speaking to her, he told her. If she wasnt prepared for his answer she shouldnt have asked.

The only thing she is guilty of is getting out of the kitchen and talking to people before he did! What was he like when he got to the bus stop with his little mate (who, by the way, will NEVER stick up for him, ever) then when he had enough of an audience the 'tears' started!!!

He didnt need Lisa to stand up for him he did a good job on his own. Even when he was confonted by both Marcus and Bea he had the good sense to just walk away from the situation and not carry it on. Unlike Bea who whipped Marcus up in a frenzy then put her boots on to try and get another few kicks in! Laugh
They (Bea and David) are both 'guilty' of the same type of behaviour.. it's just Bea doesn't have the 'soft lad' angle going for her.. so it's going to look like she just kicked a defenceless puppy.

This is the same puppy who is quite aggressive in his bee-hatching and knows enough to exploit a situation by turning on fake tears.

I ain't buying it..
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by nosey rosie:
Originally posted by MysTerry:
Originally posted by Mummy Maz:

Well he did really.. just because he didnt scream at her doesnt mean he didnt loose it - he was the one being nasty with his negative commments when she was asking a civilised question

Bea is all too clever with her questioning. She elicits the kind of answer that invariably leads to situations that she can twist to her own advantage.

I hate them clever wimmin innit.

Maybe I should have used devious instead of clever Wink

Devious is good, muhahaha! Thumbs Up

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