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I.m replying without having read all the posts (I will with interst btw) however, at 51 I had the Mirena coil fitted during an initial meeting with my gynae (back in the begining of July) - I had really regular periods in my youth but during the past 5 years or so they were beyond a joke (I've had 3 children) - I can't take HRT as my Mum died 15 yrs ago from breast cancer - but my periods would last for weeks on end and hardly a day in between; not only was it unbearably inconveinient but expensive! I went to a woman doc one day and she sent me off for a scan for fibroids - nothing, thank godness - and during my appointment with the gynae he ofered this option of the coil - I said - go for it - as there was nothing that could be worse than what I was going thro' - my period carried on for 3/4 weeks after it was fitted(this period occured after I had to take northisterone to go on hols) however, since I've felt bloated, but haven't as yet had a period! I'm liberated! *touches wood*

Forgot to say, I had to take blood clotting tablets before - 'transexamic acid' it really worried me but I had to take them to 'have a life' if you understand.
The Devil In Diamante online 3989 Forum Posts Today at 14:21 (Edited: ) Reference: my period carried on for 3/4 weeks after it was fitted Same here GMA, but it was no worse than having my very irregular periods Once they settle down, it's fine...
Fingers crossed! i guess it's the less of two evils - at least I can go to the gym without panicking, or awaking at night 'flooding' (sorry, I don't mean to sound graphic) now I just feel 'hot' unbearably, hot - even my only indulgence (a glass or two/3 of wine) hits home with 'heat/sweats' I'm like a human 'hot water bottle'.
or awaking at night 'flooding'
Snap! The only thing is, I used to take the pill straight through if i was due on when I went away to stop having a period, however, when I switched to the mini pill that didn't work as I took that least now my periods are regular as clockwork. On the mini pill I'd blled, then stop, then bleed a few days later and so on....thankfully, no embarrassing situations in my bikini!
The Devil In Diamante
Reference:  Saz
Now I dont know which one to get again!
I know.... I've been there too!   Its really a case of trying til you find the right thing for you.   The implant seems to have a different name now... so perhaps they have improved it.

I'd say go for the hormone coil thingy... but as you haven't had kids I'm worried it might hurt having it put in.
Hiya Saz

I had Implanon inserted just after having Aila and I haven't had a problem. Didn't hurt at all going in , healed very quickly and haven't had a period since. Not even any symptoms

They wouldn't give me a coil as they said I was too young Was 22 at the time *shrugs* but glad I went for Implanon.

Oh and I haven't put on a pound. I actually lost weight but I think that was just the baby weight coming off
My children were all born by c-section and it really hurt getting the coil in and they said it was because of that (the doctor assumed I didnt have any children coz of the trouble they had )

The mirena coil is what gave me all those problems I had Saz when I tried it for my endometriosis problems, made everything worse and I ended up having to be on the pill as well to try and stop the bleeding (almost continuously for 6 months, I was off work almost the whole time...and remember those pain killers I was on ), I hated it but they wouldnt take it out as they are expensive and 'take time to settle' nearly killed me. They eventually took it out under general anaesthetic when I was getting my MEA operation...was the worst thing I ever did!

But dont let that put you off

Isnt there a male pill or injection now? Why should you have to be the one putting all the stuff in you?
Isnt there a male pill or injection now? Why should you have to be the one putting all the stuff in you?
Well, I was taking the pill for heavy periods - and it did help, but dear god the headaches

So the doc suggested I get the coil instead... and I wasn't sure and I asked about the implant, and she said it would work too.... I've been looking at stuff online and weight gain seems to be more common with the implant than the coil... I'm really worried about that Though I didn't put any on cos of the pill - any weight gained was solely down to cake eating
Can't they try you on another pill?
She said there were only really 2 types of pill in terms of the way they worked... the combined hormone one which I had and a single hormone only one... it has to be taken at the same time every day (the one I had allowed a 12 hour margin of error, the other one is only 3) and cos you are so fertile in your 20s she said it wouldn't be suitable for me

re. the weight gain it was a couple of stones... I wouldn't be happy with that A couple of pounds is fine really, but none of my clothes would fit and stuff And B might not fancy me anymore
Saz.... I googled Norplant & Inplanon... to see if they are different.... it would appear that they are, and that Norplant was withdrawn because of the side effects....

So it might be worth giving it a go..... 


What implants are available?

In the UK at the present time, there’s only one – and its name is Implanon(introduced to Britain in 1999 though not to the USA until 2006). More details about this brand in a moment.

However, there used to be another one, called Norplant, which consisted of six matchstick-like rods – and which lasted for five years. It was withdrawn in 2001 (largely because of problems with side effects), and all Norplant rods should really by now have been removed – because they’ve all run out of hormone!

If by any chance you still have a Norplant in your arm, then it is almost certainly not protecting you against pregnancy any more. You should have it removed when you can.

There is also an implant called Jadelle, which is used in some countries – notably Bangladesh. It may come to the UK eventually.
Reference: Saz
And B might not fancy me anymore
I think you know what I would normally say about that!

Does a couple pounds make that much difference? (Honestly I am useless but I really dont know about weight)...

If you have still have a lot of questions maybe go back to the doctor or get referred to a specialist? Everything affects everyone in different ways (as you'll have read in here, some people love Mirena, it nearly killed me).
Well monitor it then Saz.  

If you do seem to be gaining weight then it could be water retention...   or, and as I think it was when I was on the pill/had in the Norplant... it was more that I was more inclined to gain weight... in other words I had to adjust my diet/exercise accordingly.

If you just expand like a balloon.. then get it removed!
I've had 2 bog standard copper coils.  First was after I had Madam, had it in for 3 and a half years, got it took out when we were trying for the little 'un.  Then had another in after I had him (got it at my 6 week check)...had that till oooh I dunno couple of years ago, when Mr L had the snip.  They made my periods heavier but I have really heavy long ones anyway-getting it removed has cut them down from about 12/14 days to about 10...
It was uncomfortable getting it in and out but no worse than a fact I'd say the whole procedure was VERY similar to a smear.

I liked them because it was just a case of getting it in then forgetting about it, aside from the yearly check (which was nuffink, just a quick erm poke )

I couldn't take hormonal contraceptives after Madam coz my blood pressure was skew settled after the bairn far as I know.

That was probably no help at all

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