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I've 'heard' people on here mention they have the contraceptive implant before, and would like some advice/info on it. I was taking the pill, but it was giving me migranes, so have stopped at the doctor's instruction... she gave me 2 options; mirena coil (sp?) and the implant. I've read through the information leaflets and think the implant seems a better option for me... I was just wondering if people had experienced any side effects? I know its vain, but I really dont want to put on weight

Any men who are still reading, this thread is bound to be full of wimmin talking about periods and stuff. You have been warned

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Sazbomb, I was the same on the pill and recently opted for the copper coil, I also didn't want to put weight on and the copper coil doesn't release hormones like some of the others do.

The implant was not good for me as I'm too squeamish. I tried the mini/ micro pill (that you take everyday) first, but still felt shocking...the coil hurt a little when inserted but I can honestly say, my periods are no problem, abit of stomach ache the night before and they are not heavy at all (they did say the coil may cause my periods to be heavier) is without a doubt one of the best decisions I have made....I have also lost a little bit of weight
The Devil In Diamante
oh Devil, it was a different coil to the one you mentioned... she said it wasn't copper I was a bit squeamish about checking the threads... also, it seemed like a bit of a hassle
I told them i didn't want the mirena (sp) coil as I didn't want any hormones and I think that contains them (not 100% though)...checking the threads is easy, just have a feel fer them. They will call you back around 6 weeks after having it fitted to check it is still in the correct position...I can't stress enough how happy I am with my decision...I couldn't bear to see the implant in my arm

Your Doctor probably knows which coil with suit you and that may be different than me, but on the whole, no hassle.... I had a choice and chose the copper coil.

My Friend had the merina (sp) coil and she loves it as she got really bad PMT, she is much better now....
The Devil In Diamante
I used the Mirena coil for about 10 years, and it was wonderful - it suited me far more than any other contraceptive I've ever used.  The amount of hormone it contains is tiny, and I didn't put on any weight at all becasue of the coil.  In fact, I put about 5 lbs ON when I had to have it removed.  I have read a lot of negative reports about the Mirena coil, on one particular forum especially, and quite a few people do seem to get headaches and say they have gained weight, but I think the people who post on medical related forums tend to do so because they've had problems, not because they are happy with things.  The biggest advantage of the Mirena was that I hardly had a period for 10 years.  The worst thing about it was the pain in having it changed. My first one was inserted when I had a general anaesthetic for another problem, so I didn't feel a thing, but you have to have the Mirena changed every 5 years, and I can honestly say that the pain of having this done was worse than childbirth.  And that's coming from someone who would never go through the pain of childbirth for a second time

But the Mirena really suited me, and I was devastated when I had to have it removed.
and I can honestly say that the pain of having this done was worse than childbirth

I was almost being talked around there Growly

From the leafelts, the implant sounded like it would suit me better, and I thought I could give it 6 months and if I hate it, then I can get it taken out and try the coil?

Moonie, you can stay I just thought it was fair to warn any lurkers about the nature of the thread
side effects are different for everyone, personally though i put 3 stone on within a month of implanon..and i didn't change my diet or lifestyle at all (despite doctos telling me i must have sat on my bum eating cakes or something) been very hard to lose that weight too

but just because someone has put on weight doesn't mean you will. sadly i hve to pretty much avoid hormonal contraception.....and the idea of the coil disturbs me an dthe OH lol. in the end OH has opted for the snip but i dont know the conditions of that atm.
I won't lie Sazbomb, having it inserted felt like the Doctor was trying to rip my womb out of my 'mimsy'....but for me, the pros far outweight the cons... No headaches, no PMT, klighter periods and regular periods ( on the mini pill (that I took every day) I'd bleed as and when, sometimes for a few days every week....the coil is worth considering, but do ask about the copper coil as well if you decide to go down that route, they might say yes....

Oh, and my Friend who had the Mirena fitted was a big girl, she has managed to shed around 3 stone since...
The Devil In Diamante
the implant doesn't hurt though...least i dont think...and when they remove it i was PMSL at the doctor and the nurse both pulling at the pliers to get it out...was like that story about the giant turnip i read when little

i may have put on weight, but it DID work...i know cos i still managed to get laid . periods were a bit erractic though, i could have none for months then a light one, or a heavy one (never normal lol).

it was nice to have something to stop me getting pregnant that i didn't have to worry about...unlike a pill (which i can't take due to risk of dying lol).

bloody men dont know how easy they have it ...well...mine does
I have the implant (rod) & this is my 8th year, 3rd one. Never had a problem. When they remove it they can tell if you have put much weight on because of the tissue grown around it. The only thing that is a pain with thte implant is having to keep your arm pressure bandaged for 2-3 days cause its hard too sleep. Other than that I recommend it
I had the Norplant implant rods.   They were a complete nightmare for me.  I couldn't 'see' it myself... but they made me depressed and agoraphobic (have never suffered from it before, and never have since).  They put me on Prozac as I couldn't work out why I was depressed.  But then things just got even worse.  

Eventually my boyfriend at the time (twas Pondlife actually...and he is not normally perceptive in any way about most things) MADE me go and see a different doctor.  As soon as he saw I had Norplant in he rang through to reception and got his next two appointments shifted to another GP and took me through to a treatment room to have them removed, oh and he stopped the Prozac.   My mental health returned to normal gradually over the following three months.   Though I did then get pregnant with my son (ooopsy!).

After I had my boy I went to a family planning clinic 'for a chat'.... before I knew it they had me a couch and were fitting me with the copper coil (didn't hurt... but then I had just had an 10lb baby).  The coil did give me horrendous period pains and stuff... but for me it was a trade off that was worth it....   I am sane & not pregnant... that'll do for me.

LOADS of friends have the mirena coil and they swear by it.  You don't even have periods with that.  When I go and have my current coil changed I may give it a go.  I didn;t last time I had it changed cos the Norplant has left me not wanting to have any hormone stuff.... but as someone said above.... the hormones in the mirena are very small localised doses.
Hoob... do it!    

Honest, the freedom of not having to worry every month that you're pregnant again is liberating.   The pill and the mini pill were useless for me... some of them made me feel pregnant, some of them made me put on weight at an alarming rate...  and then there was the fact that I was hopeless at taking it (daughter is the result of a few missed pills!).
Hoob... do it! Honest, the freedom of not having to worry every month that you're pregnant again is liberating. The pill and the mini pill were useless for me... some of them made me feel pregnant, some of them made me put on weight at an alarming rate... and then there was the fact that I was hopeless at taking it (daughter is the result of a few missed pills!).
I second that Hoob, for me, the coil has been a good decision....the implant was a definate no, no as I couldn't bear to see it under my skin, I feel queasy thinking about it...**shudders**...I don't have to worry about not taking the pill now, and the mini pill i was on had to be taken within a certain time scale each day!!!
The Devil In Diamante
Hi Hoob! I've had the implant now for about 2.5 years and i can't wait to get it out ! I didnt noticed anything at the beginning but now i've put on weight and am horrendously temperamental, my periods are all over the show and i can go 2 weeks at the most without a show - sometimes they last for 3 weeks. Of couse everyone is different but mine really is starting to annoy me, i've been to the GP for loads of tests etc and they seem dubious or unwilling to take it out, i dont know whether to just be more forceful with them about it though.. Anyways i'd say no to having it with my experiences !
Should you give the rods a try Saz...  firstly I'd say keep a diary, or warn the bf or someone to 'keep an eye' on your state of mind.  The problem with what they did to me, was that I couldn't see it myself, which looking back is really really bizarre cos I actually was completely off my rocker at the time.  But I couldn't see it, and I couldn't connect it with the implant... til I'd had it removed.

Also... should you have it and then decide to get it removed... plan to have it done when you have about 10 days without needing to have your arm on show.   I had mine removed two days before New Years Eve....  My whole arm went purple/black/green/yellow with bruising.... it didn't hurt... but it looked impressive!   I got bought lots of sympathy drinks on New Years Eve that year !
they were relunctant with me too, athough for me it was probably the fact i was quite big and so pills are not for me, and not much else was either lol. implant was easier for them...esp as it was there already. they didn't like me leaving the clinic without a new one put in....despite me emptying their condom basket mind you the woman was quite snooty, esp when she saw i had a kid at 19 don't think it occured to her i was there to stop it happening again for a while!

i dont want another implant, if i do and put another 3 stone on i'd probably die or something
Reference:  Hoob
they didn't like me leaving the clinic without a new one put in....despite me emptying their condom basket

That was soooo true for me.   The Family Planning Clinic I popped round to, just to find out my options, was when I was living on an estate... it was at the Estate Clinic. I felt like a stray cat that had been picked up by PDSA or a Cats Home..... "QUICK, QUICK.... WE HAVE A FERTILE ONE HERE!..... NEUTER... NEUTER... NOW!"

I was on my back and having the coil in before I literally knew what was going on....

I walked back home ten mins later like ------->

mind you, I did mention that I had had to have the morning after pill prescribed a week after I gave birth to my son!
Reference: Maz
i was trying !! I've moved recently and not registered with a GP - have to sort that out then see about getting it out for sure !
If the first GP you see is unsympathetic, make an appointment to see a different one on your way out....if you still have no luck, go to the family planning clinic.... if they are arsey... go to the walk in centre! xxxx
Here in Bolton we have a walk in centre called Lever Chambers, I went to y Docs but they told me to make an appointment there....I had an appointment to discuss my options first, then a further appointment to have it fitted, I was in and out in 10 mins Then, a follow up appointment so they could check it was in place still (about 6 weeks later)...i don't have to see anyone for 5 blissful years now!
The Devil In Diamante

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