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If I wanted a shit music convention I surely would have asked for it. SKA is being forced upon me and now I am going to call the police. Don't you 'we were just having a laugh' me when it comes to ska I am as humourless as if someone said to me ska is great just imo 



Apparently the police have more important things to do than arrest fake people on the internet 

Originally Posted by Prometheus:

If I wanted a shit music convention I surely would have asked for it. SKA is being forced upon me and now I am going to call the police. Don't you 'we were just having a laugh' me when it comes to ska I am as humourless as if someone said to me ska is great just imo 



Apparently the police have more important things to do than arrest fake people on the internet 

Prom: If I wanted a shit music convention - I'd have rented a field and DJ'd my record collection to the masses and billed it as "The ska/taste free happening"

Originally Posted by Prometheus:
Originally Posted by Karma_:

Because on the internet if you can't reference a bonafide source then you need all sorts of mad disclaimers to show that your thoughts are your own and to prevent getting accused of speaking for the masses or majority. (Because doing something like that could mean getting burnt at the stake, in a digital way, natch).


There was a time on here when everyone was at the IMO gubbins, it was quite funny


I'm being told now IMHO is in my 'honest' opinion, implying they bloody lie the rest of the time. I won't believe anything I ever read on here again if it's not accompanied by IMHO 

Haha, it's HONEST as in 'I truly believe this' as opposed to dishonest.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by sproooot:
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

I may start using OALAEGOBSOTS - Opinions are like arseholes, everyone's got one, but some of them stink. 

YAY Blizz.........*Backs up the Blizz*           MOO. (My opinion only)  

Arseholes are idiotic people. Arse Holes are part of the anatomy. So shouldn't it be OALAHEGOBSOTS - IMHAHO, off course!

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've been online for many years and noticed on many Forums that to some IMHO means "honest opinion "and to others it means "humble opinion." I've not read any replies apart from the first response so no clues what others opinions are on this subject, so just stating my own. I've used IMHO on different Forums, my intention being that it's..In My Humble Opinion. Whatever the subject everyone's entitled to their own opinion

I've always thought it was Humble Opinion

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Yellow Rose:

I've been online for many years and noticed on many Forums that to some IMHO means "honest opinion "and to others it means "humble opinion." I've not read any replies apart from the first response so no clues what others opinions are on this subject, so just stating my own. I've used IMHO on different Forums, my intention being that it's..In My Humble Opinion. Whatever the subject everyone's entitled to their own opinion

I've always thought it was Humble Opinion

Nooo..   its honest opinion 


think about it Saz...   how many forum people could claim to have a humble opinion? 


As far as I've seen there are two uses for IMO on the internets. The first (which is the one I use it for if I ever do), is to avoid having some smart arse come along and imply that I'm trying to put forward my opinion as fact when it should be fairly obvious that it was just an opinion.


For example, if I say some movie or whatever is shit, it should be fairly clear that that is just my take on the movie and that I'm not trying to claim some universal viewpoint that everybody would think it's shit. So by doing that I'm saving time by not having to first of all read said smart arses response and secondly by not having to point out that it was just my take and that people are free to disagree with it.


The second use that I've encountered is those instances where people will say complete and utter nonsense and use IMO as a defence of that nonsense, as if we're just supposed to accept what they say when it's so glaringly incorrect all because of the IMO qualifier.


For example, putting IMO in the midst of a statement where you're declaring that you think a dog is actually a cat doesn't mean you can go around saying dogs are cats without expecting to be called out on it. These special types then seem to think that pointing out a dog isn't actually a cat is some kind of vile personal attack, but then that's because they're certifiable nutjobs...


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