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Originally posted by DanceSettee:
is this just because he had a go at Freddy?

I think Rodrigo is his own man.....Freddy's enough to make Gandhi want to punch him.....doesn't mean Rod's as nasty as the rest though

No he's definitly not as nasty as the rest but i can't quite work him out. He's just not what he seem's. Confused
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Rodrigo is lovely people should get a grip Confused if anyone dares speak to others who dont like Freddie they are nasty ,you cant go around that house 24/7 ignoring everyone for three months.

No but he doesn't have to join in the easy target bashing of Freddie.

Can't he have his own issues with Freddie without joining in others chats, and he's obsessed by Freddie wanting to be an MP.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Rodrigo is lovely people should get a grip Confused if anyone dares speak to others who dont like Freddie they are nasty ,you cant go around that house 24/7 ignoring everyone for three months.

Awwww sorry. I just don't like him. I find him sly and sneaky. He only went up in my estimation for a while, when he had a go at Noirin in defence of Angel. Since then, his digs at Freddy are wearing thin.
first i thought he was ok

then boring

then he disappeared

then he pops up and i like he has an opinion and not afraid to say it

he does not like freddie and he is allowed not to,but he goes behind backs about it

then lisa was petting his head on live feed and calling him her baby saying i will protect you,mommie dearest moment Eeker

And so what if freddie wants to be mp they are all wannabee something that is what bb is about these days

He is like norin flits around keeping all sweet
Originally posted by Videostar:
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Rodrigo is lovely people should get a grip Confused if anyone dares speak to others who dont like Freddie they are nasty ,you cant go around that house 24/7 ignoring everyone for three months.

No but he doesn't have to join in the easy target bashing of Freddie.

Can't he have his own issues with Freddie without joining in others chats, and he's obsessed by Freddie wanting to be an MP.
I see Freddie constantly harrassing the others to why they dont like him etc and talking behind their backs ,I think Freddie and Rodrigo are two really nice guys but Freddie would honestly do my head in if I were in that house ,and I can see were the rest of them are coming from and yes there are nasty people in there but for me Rodrigo is not one of them ,I also feel under the conditions they are living so close together it would be quite easy to go into to groups and talk about each other ,that is why it is called Big Brother this would happen they are not all going to get along, we will have to agree to disagree on this one Smiler
I would like Rodrigo better if he wasn't such a prig and so self-righteous. Even allowing for the language difficulty, he has no sense of humour. And, worst of all, he appears to be joining the sheep and showing very little individuality. My view has got nothing to do with his treatment of Freddie, which is a separate issue altogether.
Twee Surgeon
I don't think there is a team twat either. If you're referring to Lisa and Kris, they're not twats.

Kris with a K, is a thick, self absorbed donut. And he spells his name with K. That tells me a lot.

Lisa is a deluded, bitter, highly unpleasant woman who has the very worst combination of a gobby mouth and very little between the ears.

King Freddie, is an annoying, wishy washy, patronising, manipulative, passive agressive who seems to thrive at playing the victim. Clearly he has been studying David Cameron very closely.

The rest are a much of a muchness.

But I love Rodrigo, he always looks so very colourful and he has very white teeth.
Originally posted by Forest:

King Freddie, is an annoying, wishy washy, patronising, manipulative, passive agressive who seems to thrive at playing the victim. Clearly he has been studying David Cameron very closely.

"manipulative" ?? Im sorry but I dont know where your getting that from.

And the fact that you mention the tory leader in your rant about him tells me alot as to the real reason why you dislike Freddie.
Originally posted by Marguerita:
Rodrigo is lovely people should get a grip Confused if anyone dares speak to others who dont like Freddie they are nasty ,you cant go around that house 24/7 ignoring everyone for three months.

Rodrigo has his own opinion on Freddie, that isn't influenced by "The nasty crew" I respect him for that, he's very much his own man, and doesn't take crap.
Senora Reyes
Rodrigo is a disappointment. After the kerfuffle with Noirin, I was thinking that here was somebody with principles who wasn't afraid to stand up for them. Well, Angel was bullied that night, Freddie has been bullied for ages now, where's Rodrigo's sense of fairness. He's so fixated by his indignation that Freddie wants to become an MP or a writer on the back of BB, he sit's there and lets the others ride roughshot over him and then goes into the DR with a feeble excuse and nominates him. Don't like him.
cologne 1
Rodrigo is a disappointment. After the kerfuffle with Noirin, I was thinking that here was somebody with principles who wasn't afraid to stand up for them. Well, Angel was bullied that night, Freddie has been bullied for ages now, where's Rodrigo's sense of fairness. He's so fixated by his indignation that Freddie wants to become an MP or a writer on the back of BB, he sit's there and lets the others ride roughshot over him and then goes into the DR with a feeble excuse and nominates him. Don't like him.

Rodrigo is fair and that makes me wonder about freddie.
Rodrigo is entitled to his opinion.

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