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That doesn't mean she's never heard it?
The original post says 'never heard of Crocodile Rock' not 'never heard Crocodile Rock'.

She could have never heard the song, or any other Elton John songs for that matter (who wouldn want to?) but heard OF the song title if like people in this thread say it's a famous song from years ago.
Crunchy  Nuts
Reference: cologne
And I have heard him sing that one plenty of times. Anyway, Crocodile Rock IS Elton John, whatever way you want to spin it.
I'm not denying that it is one of his songs, but it is hardly his 'signature tune' and I haven't heard it for years. How would you expect people a lot younger than us to have heard it?
Well I'll take your word for it, because I'm not gonna sit here and pretend to be a know it all about Elton John cos I aint. It's just that I've heard some of his other songs during my 24 years on this planet, but never that one to my recollection.
That's ok Crunchy, I don't expect you to desert Cheryl in her hour of need, but if you don't know that song, you are as bad as your fantasy.
cologne 1
Going back to RiverRocks outburst about Cheryl being an aggresive chav and peoples general comments making her out to be some sort of evil psycho bitch, well I don't think she's bad...
But I do think she should show Louis (even though he's a plank) a bit more respect considering he played a big part in getting her into Girls Aloud and setting Girls Aloud off so that they didn't go the way of One True Voice. But in the heat of the moment we all get snappy when we're being protective (I should know). 
That's all
Crunchy  Nuts
A bit harsh, she's not of the age to know that song automatically IMO. It's a bit of a oldies commercial radio staple but if that's not your thing then it's not your thing. I can't remember the last time I heard Crocodile Rock, must be many, many years ago. I'm not a fan of Elton's as I can't stand his voice - so I do tend to avoid his music.
Someone on here said their 11 year old daughter has heard of that song, age has nothing to do with it, famous music has no age limit,  classic songs whether you like them or not are timeless.
"She's an over rated little gobby twit. I've always said she was under qualified to judge and tonight proved my point. I agreed with EVERYTHING Louis said, and Simon just leaps to her defence all the bloody time, it's actually quite nauseating to watch the Cheryl Cole charm offensive PR operation in action. From the Piers Morgan 'Really pet I had no idea what questions were going to be asked and I'm shocked we just talked about me as a victim' debacle to the Jay Kay 'raised eyebrows Ricky Lake styleee attitude I aint applauding HIM' scandal to the Louis and Danny getting shouted down if they DARE to disagree with prissy knickers, it's becoming ridiculous.

About time she got knocked off her bloody pedestal. She's been hyped up as the nations sweetheart, she who can do no wrong and all that crap. She wants to be known as this fiesty fiery force of nature with a heart of gold and have everyone love her and nobody dislike her and she gets the hump if anyone has the guts to disagree. Bollocks".

Karma, I've had my disagreements with you but on this one I applaud every word of that.
Those of you who say you've never heard that song, ok fair enough (although im still shocked at you) but Cheryl is in the music business, how on earth can she not have heard that song EVER in her 28 years of life,  she must not have listened to any music radio stations in her's quite bizarre.

That in my opinion makes her a joke in regards to being a judge on a music talent show.
Oh and BTW while im on a rant about the little drama queen.....this over blown nonsense and press shock and horror over Cheryl's "illness" sorry but when she was talking about her illness on TV recently she started crying like she had just been told by her doctor that she had cancer or aids...............SHE ONLY HAD BLOODY MALARIA FFS, it's hardly a killer, it's like the chicken pox, not nice when you've got it but you'll be fine in a few weeks.

Thats the same as a man who has a normal mild cold claiming that he has the flu.

So I guess this should have been called "Cheryl flu"
Oh and BTW while im on a rant about the little drama queen.....this over blown nonsense and press shock and horror over Cheryl's "illness" sorry but when she was talking about her illness on TV recently she started crying like she had just been told by her doctor that she had cancer or aids...............SHE ONLY HAD BLOODY MALARIA FFS, it's hardly a killer, it's like the chicken pox, not nice when you've got it but you'll be fine in a few weeks. Thats the same as a man who has a normal mild cold claiming that he has the flu. So I guess this should have been called "Cheryl flu"
With all due respect Malaria is a little more than a cold and no people do not tend to recover in just a few weeks - not in the tropical countries where it is rife.

Have you had malaria? Because unless you have, it is probably not a good idea to just dismiss it.

Oh and Chicken pox in adults is very nasty and it too can kill.

Just for further clarification....

Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by a eukaryotic protist of the genus Plasmodium. It is widespread in tropical and subtropical regions, including parts of the Americas (22 countries), Asia, and Africa. Each year, there are more than 250 million cases of malaria,[1] killing between one and three million people, the majority of whom are young children in sub-Saharan Africa.[2] Ninety percent of malaria-related deaths occur in sub-Saharan Africa. Malaria is commonly associated with poverty, and can indeed be a cause of poverty[3] and a major hindrance to economic development.

Five species of the plasmodium parasite can infect humans: the most serious forms of the disease are caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Malaria caused by Plasmodium vivaxPlasmodium ovale and Plasmodium malariae causes milder disease in humans that is not generally fatal. A fifth species,Plasmodium knowlesi, is a zoonosis that causes malaria in macaques but can also infect humans.[4][5]

It is naturally transmitted by the bite of a female Anopheles mosquito. When a mosquito bites an infected person, a small amount of blood is taken, which contains malaria parasites. These develop within the mosquito, and about one week later, when the mosquito takes its next blood meal, the parasites are injected with the mosquito's saliva into the person being bitten. After a period of between two weeks and several months (occasionally years) spent in the liver, the malaria parasites start to multiply within red blood cells, causing symptoms that include fever, and headache. In severe cases the disease worsens leading to hallucinationscoma, and death.

Reference:Crunchy Nuts
Just watching it on ITV2 now... Typical of this forum Basically this thread has been started because Cheryl said 'The song isn't a familiar one to me', probably because like Louis said it's from 1972 She never said she hadn't heard of it at all Typical GaGajoyjoy something out of nothing.
I agree Crunchy, I didn't realise it was that old, I thought around 1974 but there you go, anyone who heard that song as a child when it was getting regular airplay will be well into their 40s by now.  You hear the oldies from time to time as you go through life, it's easy to miss various songs especially if you're not a fan.
Reference: Videostar
h and BTW while im on a rant about the little drama queen.....this over blown nonsense and press shock and horror over Cheryl's "illness" sorry but when she was talking about her illness on TV recently she started crying like she had just been told by her doctor that she had cancer or aids...............SHE ONLY HAD BLOODY MALARIA FFS, it's hardly a killer, it's like the chicken pox, not nice when you've got it but you'll be fine in a few weeks. Thats the same as a man who has a normal mild cold claiming that he has the flu. So I guess this should have been called "Cheryl flu"
You're way off here Videostar.  You couldn't be more wrong if you tried. 

Issyjinglebells I totally agree. Not that it should really be debatable any more than debating the existence of gravity.  Videostar is badly mistaken.

Videostar, Malaria is as serious as Aids and cancer and according to some estimations has been easily responsible for far more human deaths (billions) than any other disease and can kill at any age and still kills many thousands (if not millions) a year to this day.  Sickle Cell Disease is a genetic consequence of Malaria.

Malaria is definitely not comparable to a cold.  Malaria has had a profound effect on all of human history and even said to be responsible for the fall or decline of empires.

It can be treated but if not diagnosed early enough treatment will fail.

If Cheryl Cole and her doctors say she was in a critical condition then you can be sure they were telling the truth.
Last edited by Carnelian
I can't stand Cheryl anymore but tbh I'm 26, have heard LOADS of Elton songs and when I heard Paige singing last night I didn't remember the song.  Cheryl is a judge though and as someone said they are given the song choices prior to the show so she should have at least had a quick listen to the songs she wasn't familiar should all judges.

Are they struggling with themes this year?  They've been pretty bad so far IMO.
Erm... Malaria 'is' a killer and Cheryl was very, very sick with it - she owes her life to the doctors who treated/saved her.

I don't think she actually meant she's never heard the song. I think she made an error. It came out wrong as I can't believe that someone in the music industry would have heard the song really...

Yes she needs to give Louis a bit more respect but Louis needs to get some more lines to use in his critique as he says the same things week in week out and it's soooo predictable.

Simon would never instruct people to shut up whilst screaming and shouting after all the acts as it's those people that pay his bills!

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