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She's an over rated little gobby twit. I've always said she was under qualified to judge and tonight proved my point. I agreed with EVERYTHING Louis said, and Simon just leaps to her defence all the bloody time, it's actually quite nauseating to watch the Cheryl Cole charm offensive PR operation in action. From the Piers Morgan 'Really pet I had no idea what questions were going to be asked and I'm shocked we just talked about me as a victim' debacle to the Jay Kay 'raised eyebrows Ricky Lake styleee attitude I aint applauding HIM' scandal to the Louis and Danny getting shouted down if they DARE to disagree with prissy knickers, it's becoming ridiculous.

About time she got knocked off her bloody pedestal. She's been hyped up as the nations sweetheart, she who can do no wrong and all that crap. She wants to be known as this fiesty fiery force of nature with a heart of gold and have everyone love her and nobody dislike her and she gets the hump if anyone has the guts to disagree. Bollocks.
That shes never heard of Crocodile I the only one quite amazed by that? The gasps of shock from members of the audience suggested im not alone.
I couldn't believe it - I'm not exactly knowledgeable when it comes to mucis and even I know it.  Just shows a pathetic little chav she is really - claims to be a professional "musician" yet she doesn't know this sone - laughable!!
A bit harsh, she's not of the age to know that song automatically IMO.  It's a bit of a oldies commercial radio staple but if that's not your thing then it's not your thing.  I can't remember the last time I heard Crocodile Rock, must be many, many years ago.  I'm not a fan of Elton's as I can't stand his voice - so I do tend to avoid his music.

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