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I just love it if I get a zit nowadays ..

DON'T EVE !N GO THERE! I do not like taking medication but the two menopausal symptoms I've got is problem skin (prior to this I've always had good skin) and hot flushes. I'm doing my utmost to avoid any medical intervention as I believe it's a natural process (I rarely take any medication of any kind and thankfully very rarely need to visit the doctor)I'm beginning to wonder if I do need help though ........I'm hoping I'm over the worst
Soozy Woo
Sats, I can't advise......coz I needed and had the 'op' go see your doc

I know it's pathetic but I hate going to the docs ........................i have to be dying. perhaps I should bite the bullet and go. I was kind of hoping I could endure it ............if I knew there was an end in sight I would - haven't a clue how long it goes on.
Soozy Woo
sooz - it was absolutely the right thing for me at the time. My GP said that it is perfectly safe so long as you don't take it for years after your menopause would naturally end.

Talk to your GP ... maybe a low dose would help  ... although, with the winter that we have in front of us, perhaps it is a blessing for you
I've been having flushes intermittently for about three years now, and the last year has been particularly bad.  I really wanted to manage without taking HRT, and have taken various different supplements.  I've found that Menoforce sage tablets have helped me the most, coupled with a high dose of Vitamin C and ginseng.
BTW the reason I didn't want to take HRT was because I was worried about what would happen at such time as I had to come off it.  My mother had a hysterectomy 35 years ago, and has been on HRT ever since.  Every so often her GP tries to get her to stop, but within a couple of days of reducing her dosage, she gets serious flushes again - even at 83!  I felt that it was better to try to get through the menopause symptoms without taking HRT if I possibly could.
although, with the winter that we have in front of us, perhaps it is a blessing for you

Not when you're Christmas shopping in crowded shops .- it was a nightmare today .....................other than that it's manageable TBH - I kick the quilt off when in bed (husband is a heavy sleeper) or simply throw open the french windows or back door when at home. I'll give it a few weeks and see ................I hate taking medication of any kind - even paracetamol!
Soozy Woo
I didn't know what the subject really was, however now I'm here......... She won't mind me saying this.... Mrs Joe was forced off patches eventually and went through a period (sorry) of trying all of the usual suspect stuff. We suspect some things work for some individuals, but she eventually drifted into Red Clover capsules. All OK now!
Garage Joe
but within a couple of days of reducing her dosage, she gets serious flushes again - even at 83!  I felt that it was better to try to get through the menopause symptoms without taking HRT if I possibly could.
OMG!!!!. I'd prefer to ride it out but ...............i really am open to advice. It's something that's not really discussed isn't it?
Soozy Woo
I'm now 54.I was "peri-menopausal" at a  few years later I took HRT,bloody brilliant! However | came off it after 6 years,so you get the benefit of helping heart,bones etc.However you really just delay the symptoms.I've had hot flushes for a few years etc.Mood swings not too bad really.

I asked my doctor(female) how long do the symptoms last? Her reply ,how long is a piece of string! har!  It's not that bad actually.I'm glad I  took HRT,I'm on calcium vit d tablets now because  it showed a lack in a blood test.However I'm Scottish,we don't get much sunshine up here.I suspect half the population are Vit D deficient.
People always throw their hands up in horror when they hear how long my mum has been on HRT, inlcuding me!  But then she points out that she is probably the healthiest 83 year old she knows, and she is adamant that the HRT has kept her young.  I can't really argue as I don;t know another person her age who does what she does - she built a porch about 5 years ago, re-roofed her garage a couple of years ago, re-tiled her kitchen this year, and still chops down trees 
I'm not knocking it at all if it suits people, I just wanted to try to avoid it myself if I could, knowing how it affects my mum when she tries to reduce her HRT dosage.

I have found the age tablets really do help, Soozi.  They cost about ÂĢ13 for a month's supply and are worth every penny.
I have found the age tablets really do help, Soozi.  They cost about ÂĢ13 for a month's supply and are worth every penny.

What are they called and where do you get them? Although TBH - I'm hankering after a new conservatory - might go to the docs and get some HRT - might give me the motivation to start digging out the foundations . Seriously - I think it's wonderful that it's helped your mum - I have a friend who swears by HRt - new lease of life and all that. I find tampering with hormones a frightening thought though.
Soozy Woo
Real, that's a really insensitive and ignorant comment. I don't think you would find it funny if you were having problems going through the menopause.

How many times do i have to say," I AM NOT REAL". Stop insinuating i am him!!! I have stated who i am in another thread. Look it up if you missed it.  I dont find it funny tbh as my OH has gone through the same thing. She couldnt take HRT coz of probs so i know first hand what the husbands have to go through. Take my comments with a pinch of salt. Am just here to chat and try to make friends Unlike Real, who tends to take offence to accusations like these, i am totally different and will apologise where i think necessary.
If i offended anyone with my joviality on this thread i apologise. But please stop thinking i am Real. I am a relative of him, and he does what he does and i do what i do. He told me he had been banned on here numerous times and i came here to see what all the fuss was about. Judging on the comments here, i am getting the jist that any new member is the subject of the Forum "Mafia"  whereas newbies are subject to a mass " PM " debate-" who is this?"  "who could they be?" Stop with the paranoia and accept new members Ask yourselves the question " where have all the old members gone and why?". Again i state------"I AM NOT REAL ".. just a rellie. ( Who hopes will be allowed to stay, and not be tarred with the same brush as he was."
Crispy Christmas

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