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I might be over reacting here but I'll explain and you guys can tell me if I'm being silly or not.

I have had my daughter down to go to our nearest nursery in September. We applied last year and we are well into the catchment area and 10 min walking distance if that. We requested morning sessions and they said you get what you're given and if you're lucky you get the sessions that you want...

A 'friend' who lives spitting distance from a different school not too far from us (infact she can see the school and nursery from her house as she lives opposite it!!) (20 min walk for us) applied to the same school we applied to and they're just outside the catchment area.

Since applying she's subsequently sent her child to a nursery 15 min drive away as she's way too snobby to send her daughter to the school she lives opposite and will be sending her daughter to the main school from which her daughters nursery is attached.

Well we got the letters the other week from the school we'd applied to and were given bloody afternoon sessions... BUT my 'friend' has been offered the sought after morning sessions. She told me she has no intention of sending her daughter to this nursery or school. So I asked her if we could have her morning sessions and I'd ring the school to see if it were possible...

She then backtracked and said she needed to think about it and she's not decided yet where she wants her daughter to go which is bollux because all she's said for the last year is that she WON'T be sending her daughter there.

Ive just found that she's accepted the morning sessions and has told a mutual friend she's not going to send her daughter there but accepting now and will cancel it just before Sept!!!!

She knows how upset I am at getting the afternoons as it will mean my daughter having to change swimming and ballet lessons.

I've spoken to the school and we're on a waiting list for cancelled morning sessions or people not accepting the places but knowing that my friend won't be cancelling till the last minute makes me wonder if any more selfish people will be doing the same...

Ive since put my daughter into the nursery opposite 'her' house just for now until Sept as quite a few of our other friends have done and now she's regretting sending her little darling 5 miles away as we're all together in one nursery with local friends and she hasn't but snobbery taking the driving seat she won't change!

Am I being silly or do I have a right to be hacked off. I bloody hate all this nursery/school lottery and politics anyway and this is making it worse!

Sorry for rambling!

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I'd be bloody annoyed too! As you say, how many people accept sought after places that they have no intention of using????

I'd be very tempted to speak to the School, though I know it wouldn't do any good.

Can you not try and reason with her, and explain how important it is to you, that you would be grateful if she could make a decision soon?

On the plus side, Karma already seems to have bitten her in the arse as you're all together with friends, she isn't..
The Devil In Diamante
I'm glad I'm not over reacting then.

I did speak to the school and mentioned to them that I 'knew' someone who wasn't going to use their morning sessions and could I have them (I didn't mention any names) and they said I'd still have to go on the waiting list...

I asked them why some one just out of the catchment area and lived spitting distance from this other school got the morning sessions and we didn't and she just said it was the luck of the draw What's the bloody point eh!?

Yes it's definitely karma as all she does is whine on about us all being together and wishing she'd done it differently.

She does know how important it is to me as I have told her may times and I've lost sleep over my daughter not getting into the school we want her to. She's our only child and we won't be having anymore and it's really important to us.

Another friend also applied to same school as us got afternoons and as there is no guarantee that because they go to the nursery they'll get into the main school next Sept she's moving out of the area!!!

Village schools eh?!?!
Maybe she is just keeping her options open, in case she changes her mind about the one she's currently at.

Yes, it's selfish, but these situations tend to make everyone a bit selfish.
All these so-called choices nowadays are not always a good thing and we tend to end up with our second, or third choice, whatever our wishes, leading to resentment.

Just hope that they are more parents like her, and you do end up with your morning place!

Personally, I was always one of the lazy ones who wanted an afternoon session, so that I wouldn't have to get dressed too early.
What's the difference with the posh ones? Do they do their fingerpainting in oils?
Lord knows Deman....Personally I feel it's all a load of twaddle,we're speaking about infants here....Off course we all want what's best for our kids irregardless of how many we have ,but this rivalry is pointless imo....As long as the kids are happy does anything else really matter at such a young age.
The thing is this school is not posh in any way shape or form. It's our nearest school which is within walking distance which is something important to me. I don't want to have to drive my child to school. I want to be able to walk and be part of the community and village life. Is that too much for me to ask or expect?

The ones that drive make my blood boil. I can understand if they are going off to work etc that's fine but when I see people from my road (like I said before 10 min walk to school from our road) getting in a car and causing more congestion and driving back home straight away... Prob to get back in time to watch Jezza!

Blizzie - She's not doing it to keep her options open because I asked her. She's just being a selfish cow. She has said many times that she won't be sending her daughter there. She's very happy with where her daughter is apart from the fact all her daughters friends are at our nursery...

Sazbomb - It wasn't our first choice it was our only choice! The next school is a 10 min drive away. With nurseries it's not about 1st or 2nd choices that little gem will be soon for us before October when we need to put choices down and pray to God we get what we want!

We're 4th on the priority list as it is...

1. Looked after children
2. Exceptional circumstances
3. Siblings
4. Nearest school - that's us!
5. Any other applicant - my friend!

Don't get me started on that bloody list! We have one child and therefore are not over populating an already overpopulated world, we are decent law abiding, working tax paying citizens, we don't claim anything from the government apart from child benefit (something I don't feel great about as we don't really 'need' it it's just something we all seem to get), we live within walking distance which is what we want to do, and yet seeing this list makes me feel a bit put out that we're bloody 4th priority!

I apologise if I am speaking out of turn with how I feel about priorities 1 & 2 but I do feel it's unfair to some degree...

Ho hum

Thanks for the feed back so far. I'm happy to be corrected on any issues **gulps**
TBH Lazybug I do feel it's unfair that you wanted to potentially jump ahead of others on the waiting list for morning sessions ,so in someways that could leave you as being viewed as selfish like you see your friend, no?....I also feel your comment about having 1 child so not over populating an overpopulated world extremely harsh....In some ways it does come across as though you are attempting to take some moral high ground.
Lee I wasn't trying to jump ahead as I wasn't aware there was a waiting list until I spoke to the school and when I was told that there was I was fine and went on the list end of... It was a simple question of if I knew a person who wasn't going to use their sessions could we have them... No malice there at all. So no I don't consider myself to be as selfish as my friend.

As for me being harsh about just having one child... Your opinion but this world IS over populated and it's getting worse especially with all those unfit women popping kid out after kid and not being able to look after them etc etc... Maybe I'm bitter, yes I am bitter as we can afford more children but nature and circumstance has stopped us from having more as much as I'd love more but I am also aware that just because you can have more doesn't mean one should but we're getting into different waters there and won't be drawn into that debate today thanks. 

Ive never been on the moral high ground but if you think it looks that way than so be it...
I do think the comment was harsh.very harsh in fact....I had 4 full term pregnancies but having being dealt a cruel blow we have 3 living children,adults now....My husband and I both worked to provide everything our children needed,never claimed benefits catered to their every need and we're both extremely proud of how our children have turned out....I refuse point blank to regret having had as many kids as we did, over populated world or not ,and tbh regret the fact we couldn't/didn't have more....Any how I'll gracefully bow out of this thread now.
Reference: Lazybug
1. Looked after children 2. Exceptional circumstances 3. Siblings 4. Nearest school - that's us! 5. Any other applicant - my friend!
Unfortunately, there is no system that would be satisfy everyone.

I could give you reasons why the priorities in the list are as fair as they possibly can be.
I'm assuming that 'looked after kids' are those in care homes, or foster homes, and that 'exceptional circumstances may be children of staff at the school etc.

But even limiting places to those living nearest to the school, can lead to house prices going up in areas around the better schools, which can price poorer families out of the market, leaving them with the worst schools.

The only way everyone would be happy is if all schools were top notch, which will probably never happen.

Anyway, try to not to get too stressed about it all. As long as your daughter is at a fairly decent school, with a friendly atmosphere, and has a loving family and nice friends, she will be fine.
I think that you are over-reacting, because your daughter is going to the nusery of choice and if your friend decides not to send her child there, once she's weighed up her options, then you would have to join a waiting list for the morning session anyway.
You may be allocated a morning place, or you may not, you just have to bite the bullet I'm afraid.
I'm a bit surprised to hear that you could begrudge looked after children being the top priority.  I doubt that you would find a local authority in the country that does not have looked after children as their top priority for admission to any type of school, but I also doubt that you would find more than a handful of looked after children in any intake to any school - in fact, it's quite likely that there won't be any at all.  Looked after children are incredibly disadvantaged when it comes to education, and are among the lowest achieving of any groups.  But if you can't get the place you want, do you really have to send your daughter to nursery?  If you don't work, she would probably learn far more from being at home with you.
Well it seems to me that most think I'm over reacting and my thoughts and opinions are selfish and harsh.

I don't think I've ever set out to upset anyone intentionally or be rude about any individuals. And before anyone points out that no one has been rude in this thread I have been told in other means...

I apologise if this thread has shown me up to be selfish and ignorant of the society around me and for being stupid enough to open myself up wide to criticism. I should have thought better than to even try to think that I wouldn't be criticized  - thanks for few private messages I received pointing out my selfishness...

I've tried to remain pretty much under the radar whilst posting here as I know I am out of my depth in many discussions which is why I don't often post much.

I have tried sending a message to Lee personally to apologise but for some reason I am not permitted to do so...

This isn't a poor me post it's a genuine apology to any who may have been offended and or took my postings to be wrong.

Thank you

(I know I'm gonna regret posting this message but hey ho...)

Oh and Growlybear - I do not begrudge look after children to be priority I was pointing out a fact. They are indeed very much a priority.

If people have been sending you PMs to tell you that you're being selfish, I think that's bang out of order.  If people don't agree with what you've said, they should have the courage of their convictions and say so in this thread. 

If I misinterpreted what you said about looked after children I apologise, but the way you mentioned that they were the first criteria made it sound as though you thought this was unfair. 

For what it's worth, I'm generally against the whole idea of nursery education anyway.  *ducks*

Lazybug   You gave your account/opinion of things, some people didn`t agree...that`s forum life. I know, it`s easy to say when you`re not the one in the firing line..but it really is just that.  I`ve been there few times myself so I know what I`m talking about  
Don`t worry about it, it`ll be yesterday`s news tomorrow..if you know what I mean?  
H .........i don't think the nursery would allow you to simply swap. If you're friend is being difficult (more fool her) that's her perogative refusing her place it doesn't automatically mean that you'd get it.
As for getting the afternoon session .................if you'd prefer your daughter to continue with ballet and swimming lessons why not refuse your place too? My kids went to the local playgroup three mornings a week ......there wasn't really much of an option ..........she'll be in school before you know it - I really dont see the point in falling out with someone (a friend) over it.
it all comes out in the wash. Enjoy your little girl while you can .........make the most of your time with her. I can understand people fretting over secondary school places but ................Nursery?????????? You've many years to come.
Soozy Woo
As for the PM's one was from a totally random person who Ive never heard of or seen before Very strange. They don't post here I don't think. Oh well live and learn.
that'll probably be an alternate ID someone has who doesn't want to say things in their 'real' name for fear of being seen as nasty.... .probably a few of them flying about...

Don;t fret tho, if they have to resort to a PM to be nasty they ain't worth bothering about..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Someone PM'd you disagreeing with your OP?? Geez some people should grow a back bone. I'd take no notice of the PM as if they aint got the balls to post it in your thread for all to see they arent worth very much! I'd post the PM in here where it should have been posted in the first place.... but i dont suggest you do that as it may cause more pm's

On the subject of the friend and nursery place, it's playground politics! (and i dont mean the children ) get used to it, or step back from the other mums as it goes on all through the school years.
She does know how important it is to me as I have told her may times and I've lost sleep over my daughter not getting into the school we want her to. She's our only child and we won't be having anymore and it's really important to us.
Well there you go hon....what's the issue? She knows where you stand but that's had no impact on her. As I get older I get far less tolerant of those people who don't contribute positively to my life.Why waste time on her when she's not willing to consider you? If she is certain she won't be accepting the place then why have the option? And - why does the school say she's had the offer of morning slots when she's some distance away and you haven't? What's the school;s criteria for making those choices?

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