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It's not very British of us, actually. It's embarrassing.
The old-school British way of handling it was for dumper trucks of grit to be physically shovelled out into every street by council staff, and for every able-bodied person in the street to shovel away the snow from outside their houses.

Nowadays people whine and say it's someone else's job. God knows how our grandparents and great-grandparents got through the war..
and no way was the snow going to stop us.
Did you walk Darlo?

Cos that's what all this "coming to a standstill" stuff boils down to most of the time...... lots of people not prepared to walk! Well, that and the fact these days many people live a lot further away from work than they did say 30/40 years ago.

We've all seen how dangerous it is to drive on even the tiniest bit of snow....and the grit can only do so much (even when it's there). There's nothing else for it but to get your wellies on.

Mind you.... saying that, when it turns to ice, even walking is huge undertaking!
It's not very British of us, actually. It's embarrassing. The old-school British way of handling it was for dumper trucks of grit to be physically shovelled out into every street by council staff, and for every able-bodied person in the street to shovel away the snow from outside their houses. Nowadays people whine and say it's someone else's job. God knows how our grandparents and great-grandparents got through the war..

The trouble nowadays is everyone is scared of being sued if someone has an accident on a piece of path that they cleared!!!
The trouble nowadays is everyone is scared of being sued if someone has an accident on a piece of path that they cleared!!!
I know, even though they're more likely to have an accident if they DON'T clear it. Funny how local councils' "elf and safetee" rules go out the window when it comes to people being stuck in side streets with inch-thick ice outside their front doors!

We got a tiny bit of grit during the last wave of snow (it's much worse now) because the binmen made a fuss about it being too slippy for them. They won't come back at all now it's worse, and as for all the poor sods living there, their safety doesn't count..

I've bought salt, I'm doing some more clearing tomorrow, and to hell with the jobsworths.
Oh Jesus, don't get me started. I posted a rant about the weather the other evening but had to delete it because I sounded dememted. However, here in Dublin and indeed the whole of Irl, we are in a terrible state, stranded and at the mercy of truck loads of sand coming from Spain, which (wait for it) is delayed because of the bad weather. I HATE OUR GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHh
a guy was telling me today the reason the gritters haven't been around our area much is, there have been so many claims going in that if you fall and it's on ice not gritted areas, they call it an act of god and you can't claim anything, so they aren't gritting, i didn't believe him though.
I think there is some truth in that If the council have gritted and someone falls, they are liable, however if they have not gritted, it is an act of GOD...

On the subject of the School thing, you cannot blame the Schools, as everybody wants an excuse to sue these days (that is true), little Joe goes outside when he's told not to and slips, who's at fault????....easier to close them I guess....very inconvenient for working parents, not so bad for  others... 
The Devil In Diamante

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