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Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:
Hi Queenie, Glad to hear that you're back home and that you're still intact! Big Grin Hug

Try not to worry.....I have been borderline PE for around five weeks now and I didn't even feel rubbish, it was just picked up on an appointment routinely.....annoying part is having to spend three sessions a week at FMU getting BP done and taking tablets to stabilise the BP...

I'm back again today (son is seven today) and he is having tests to do with his autism and food problems done from 9.40am and then at 3.20 we pop over to FMU for my, what a birthday! Crazy

You feel any changes that worry or make you feel a bit off just get yourself on the phone to/or straight back to maternity, ok?! Valentine

BTW, My baby has finally turned.....and I now have no bladder control, my dump is all droopy and dropped cause baby has engaged and I'm slowing leaking droplets of water, how sexy is that? So I could go anytime....bloody frightening.....First time outta my three that a baby has turned right way, actually engaged and made my waters start!! Laugh

Thinking of you, Queenie and Baby Queen too!

i'm hoping you meant bump in your 4th paragraph Laugh

so baby could be here any day then? Big Grin

Darth, LOLtastic! I just popped back from hossy between appointments for some lunch.....and with that giant faux pas I have managed to lose my appetite!!!! hahahaha!

I meant BUMP!

Baby is literally hanging on by a Membrane! yeeeeeuuuuuch! Eeker

I would actually like the three weeks so I can fully exploit my pregnancy enhanced OCD KITCHEN CLEANING MANIA!!! Ninja

Anybody want to let me clean your skirting boards with dettol and cotton buds....just ask!

5.30 am Any Morning is quite good for me!
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:
Originally posted by Darthhoob:
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:
Hi Queenie, Glad to hear that you're back home and that you're still intact! Big Grin Hug

Try not to worry.....I have been borderline PE for around five weeks now and I didn't even feel rubbish, it was just picked up on an appointment routinely.....annoying part is having to spend three sessions a week at FMU getting BP done and taking tablets to stabilise the BP...

I'm back again today (son is seven today) and he is having tests to do with his autism and food problems done from 9.40am and then at 3.20 we pop over to FMU for my, what a birthday! Crazy

You feel any changes that worry or make you feel a bit off just get yourself on the phone to/or straight back to maternity, ok?! Valentine

BTW, My baby has finally turned.....and I now have no bladder control, my dump is all droopy and dropped cause baby has engaged and I'm slowing leaking droplets of water, how sexy is that? So I could go anytime....bloody frightening.....First time outta my three that a baby has turned right way, actually engaged and made my waters start!! Laugh

Thinking of you, Queenie and Baby Queen too!

i'm hoping you meant bump in your 4th paragraph Laugh

so baby could be here any day then? Big Grin

Darth, LOLtastic! I just popped back from hossy between appointments for some lunch.....and with that giant faux pas I have managed to lose my appetite!!!! hahahaha!

I meant BUMP!

Baby is literally hanging on by a Membrane! yeeeeeuuuuuch! Eeker

I would actually like the three weeks so I can fully exploit my pregnancy enhanced OCD KITCHEN CLEANING MANIA!!! Ninja

Anybody want to let me clean your skirting boards with dettol and cotton buds....just ask!

5.30 am Any Morning is quite good for me!

be funny if baby was born today, on your eldest's birthday Laugh i'm sure he wont like it though (or you)

if you manage to get 3 weeks fancy cleaning my kitchen? Ninja ...hell i'll let you loose on my whole house Laugh
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:

I would actually like the three weeks so I can fully exploit my pregnancy enhanced OCD KITCHEN CLEANING MANIA!!! Ninja

Anybody want to let me clean your skirting boards with dettol and cotton buds....just ask!

5.30 am Any Morning is quite good for me!

Soooo not fair... I waited the best part of 10 months for this cleaning urge to kick in! It never did...

..16 years later, and I am still waiting! Ninja

(Glad you're ok Queenie Valentine )
Originally posted by Dirtyprettygirlthing:
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:

I would actually like the three weeks so I can fully exploit my pregnancy enhanced OCD KITCHEN CLEANING MANIA!!! Ninja

Anybody want to let me clean your skirting boards with dettol and cotton buds....just ask!

5.30 am Any Morning is quite good for me!

Soooo not fair... I waited the best part of 10 months for this cleaning urge to kick in! It never did...

..16 years later, and I am still waiting! Ninja

(Glad you're ok Queenie Valentine )

i was the same...both times Laugh

hoping it will kick in this time, we have so much junk i dont think there is room for a baby.

i might have to start using my spare rat cage Ninja
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Hi everyone. Just got back from hospital. Thanks for all your messages. Hug Baby is absolutley fine, I had a few symptoms of pre-eclamsia, my blood pressure has gone quite high, there are signs of protein in my urine and my legs, hands and face swelled up. They monitored me for a few hours and they've let me come home although I have to go back tomorrow to have another check but things seem to be ok. Glad I went though as they will need to monitor things a bit more closely now.

Glad you're back home Queenie. Please take things easy and follow the medics instructions to the letter. I had pre-eclampsia with my first baby and it isn't nice - I spent 5 weeks in hospital before the birth because I thought I knew best...

Hope all remains well for you. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Great to hear that all is OK for both of you. I've been lucky enough to avoid PE through each of my pregnancies but I know how horrible it can be!

I'm a bit on and off at the moment but be assured that I am thinking of you both and you wre my main reason for wanting to check the forum tonight!!

What a nice message Hug
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Great to hear that all is OK for both of you. I've been lucky enough to avoid PE through each of my pregnancies but I know how horrible it can be!

I'm a bit on and off at the moment but be assured that I am thinking of you both and you wre my main reason for wanting to check the forum tonight!!

What a nice message Hug

Yes LLF, that was a lovely message.Hug Thank you all so much for all the lovely messages, it's really lifted my spirits to come back and read this thread. Hug Valentine Hug I'm spending a lot of time with my feet up and trying to get some sleep so I've not had much time to respond to everyone. I went back to hospital yesterday for a quick check and ended up spending 5 hours having another full check because my blood pressure is still rising, there is still protein in my urine and I'm still looking like this > Red Face. By the time I left last night though my BP had come down quite a bit so fingers crossed it will stay that way as long as I keep resting. Baby is definitely fine and still kicking for England.Roll Eyes Big Grin I have to go back again today for another check and then again on monday, so I'm definitely being well monitored. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all your support on here, it really has cheered me up. Hug Valentine
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by angelicarwen:
Originally posted by littleleicesterfox:
Great to hear that all is OK for both of you. I've been lucky enough to avoid PE through each of my pregnancies but I know how horrible it can be!

I'm a bit on and off at the moment but be assured that I am thinking of you both and you wre my main reason for wanting to check the forum tonight!!

What a nice message Hug

Yes LLF, that was a lovely message.Hug Thank you all so much for all the lovely messages, it's really lifted my spirits to come back and read this thread. Hug Valentine Hug I'm spending a lot of time with my feet up and trying to get some sleep so I've not had much time to respond to everyone. I went back to hospital yesterday for a quick check and ended up spending 5 hours having another full check because my blood pressure is still rising, there is still protein in my urine and I'm still looking like this > Red Face. By the time I left last night though my BP had come down quite a bit so fingers crossed it will stay that way as long as I keep resting. Baby is definitely fine and still kicking for England.Roll Eyes Big Grin I have to go back again today for another check and then again on monday, so I'm definitely being well monitored. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for all your support on here, it really has cheered me up. Hug Valentine

Glad you and the little one are ok. Its doesn't matter how many times you have to go back as long as they are keeping a close eye on you.
It sounds like you have a future footie international there Wink
Best wishes go to you and the little one Hug Smiler
Try not worry, Queenie! You sound as though you have great care in place there! I have been doing the FMU visits up to three times a week now for the past six weeks and it's a bloody pain sitting hooked to monitors for hours on end, but for the right reasons eh?! I am so with you on that!

I'm back in Tomorrow and Monday so will be thinking of you, lovely!

And remember whatever happens, that when you get up in the morning (saturday) you and me both can say "We're having our babies THIS MONTH!!!!"....How cool is that?!!! Hug

Not long now.....and then fun really begins! Big Grin
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:
Try not worry, Queenie! You sound as though you have great care in place there! I have been doing the FMU visits up to three times a week now for the past six weeks and it's a bloody pain sitting hooked to monitors for hours on end, but for the right reasons eh?! I am so with you on that!

I'm back in Tomorrow and Monday so will be thinking of you, lovely!

And remember whatever happens, that when you get up in the morning (saturday) you and me both can say "We're having our babies THIS MONTH!!!!"....How cool is that?!!! Hug

Not long now.....and then fun really begins! Big Grin

Eyup lovely!

Sorry to hear you're having a rough time too, but you're absolutely right, at least we're getting decent care.
I can't believe tomorrow is August! I've been moaning for months that this has been the longest time of my life and now it's nearly over I'm thinking where the hell did that go?! Eeker Laugh Blimey, we'd better sort out a prediction thread sharpish!
Take care of yourself and keep us posted on how you're doing. Hug
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by lisagotnoshame:
Try not worry, Queenie! You sound as though you have great care in place there! I have been doing the FMU visits up to three times a week now for the past six weeks and it's a bloody pain sitting hooked to monitors for hours on end, but for the right reasons eh?! I am so with you on that!

I'm back in Tomorrow and Monday so will be thinking of you, lovely!

And remember whatever happens, that when you get up in the morning (saturday) you and me both can say "We're having our babies THIS MONTH!!!!"....How cool is that?!!! Hug

Not long now.....and then fun really begins! Big Grin

awwww lise, congrats Valentine
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Blood pressure has come down again and there was no protein in today's urine sample so all looking good. I still have to go again tomorrow and Monday but that's ok as I rather be cautious anyway. Thumbs Up

Awww really pleased too hear that Queenie. Keep going, like you said, cautious is good. Best wishes Hug

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