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This is a topic currently running on Radio breakfast show and its really funny.


So - what have you stupidly believed only to realise everyone else "knew" the truth - except you?


A good one from the show was . . .

A woman believed that if she leaned forward whilst passing a speed camera it wouldn't be able to read her speedo and so she could not get a fine is she was driving too fast LOL


I really wanted to text the following into the show . . .


I always thought my friend's Father had a collection of rare birds wen he once mentioned having a Bittern Cock.

It turned out his penis had been savaged by a Rottweiller


Come on  - that's funny LOL


What have you stupidly believed?

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Originally Posted by Renton:

This is a topic currently running on Radio breakfast show and its really funny.


So - what have you stupidly believed only to realise everyone else "knew" the truth - except you?


A good one from the show was . . .

A woman believed that if she leaned forward whilst passing a speed camera it wouldn't be able to read her speedo and so she could not get a fine is she was driving too fast LOL


I really wanted to text the following into the show . . .


I always thought my friend's Father had a collection of rare birds wen he once mentioned having a Bittern Cock.

It turned out his penis had been savaged by a Rottweiller


Come on  - that's funny LOL


What have you stupidly believed?


Hi Renton.


The BBC website has an item today about a letter sent to the Leicester City Council by a concerned citizen.


Zombie letter in full

Dear Leicester City Council,

Can you please let us know what provisions you have in place in the event of a zombie invasion? Having watched several films it is clear that preparation for such an event is poor and one that councils throughout the kingdom must prepare for.

Please provide any information you may have.

Yours faithfully,

Concerned Citizen

El Loro

I believed that Point Blank Range was a place where silly people went.  I mean, there were loads of people getting shot there so why did people keep going to Point Blank Range?   I thought it was like a holliday 'ranch'.


And I also believed, for years, the story my Dad told me about how he was chased by Indians when he was walking in our countryside.  That was told to me so I wouldn't venture too far up the country roads.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Rawky-Roo:

My Granddad used to tell me that if I ate crusts I would get curly teeth....I never believed him though I just thought he was a bit mental.


My mum said you got curly hair if you ate the crusts. But since I already had curly hair, it didn't make any difference to me.

My grandma told me to eat the crusts so I would get nice curly hair.... I never ate the crusts and I have curly hair

Originally Posted by EllaBella:

I believed that Point Blank Range was a place where silly people went.  I mean, there were loads of people getting shot there so why did people keep going to Point Blank Range?   I thought it was like a holliday 'ranch'.


And I also believed, for years, the story my Dad told me about how he was chased by Indians when he was walking in our countryside.  That was told to me so I wouldn't venture too far up the country roads.


Originally Posted by Pengy:

I always believed that if you rubbed half a potato on a wart and buried it in the garden it would disappear 

I hope you binned the tato after! 


Some on here are old things I used to believe too.  One was my mum told me that if you sit next to the fire, your bones would dry out, so that is similar to Scotty.  And the God moving the furniture when it thunders thing, also the crusts and curly hair thing.  I am sure there are more...


Originally Posted by Lori:

My mother told me if I ate burned toast I would sing better.


And I will 'fess up to believing in Santa Claus until I was in 4th grade. There's no WAY my parents could afford TWO bicycles for my sister and me!

What age are you in 4th grade Lori?  I think I was P5....which means I was 9.  I'm wondering if my son (9) will know before this xmas   Spoils the fun I think.

Originally Posted by EllaBella:
Originally Posted by Lori:

My mother told me if I ate burned toast I would sing better.


And I will 'fess up to believing in Santa Claus until I was in 4th grade. There's no WAY my parents could afford TWO bicycles for my sister and me!

What age are you in 4th grade Lori?  I think I was P5....which means I was 9.  I'm wondering if my son (9) will know before this xmas   Spoils the fun I think.

4th grade is about 8 to 9 years old I think Ella.  I believed in Santa til i was about 10 or 11.  Yes really..  

Originally Posted by Lori:

Yes, it was 9 or so....but I was arguing with everyone in my class, because none of them believed anymore.


On some level, I STILL believe!! My favorite Christmas story is The Polar Express.

I still hear the bells.

Thats the cutest thing I have heard in years...   My cousin's 16 year old daughter claims she still believes.... She always has and refuses to say she doesn't.  She gets the pee taken out of her, but doesn't care..  Awwwwwww.....


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