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I felt that there's more to Ben than Mr Nice Guy over oniongate, he knew and still went ahead pleading ignorance.
The Shabby thing is a different issue altogether in my eyes, I don't think he likes confrontation and just wants to get along with most people, I don't think he understands why Shabby dislikes him so much, and he seems a sensitive sort of bloke. I think if Shabby stays he should just let it lie instead of trying to make her like him.
I like Ben, but something about me makes me doubt him at times.
Did he? I must have blinked and missed it,I think the hair traumatises me so I can't really take in what he says.
Okay let's say Shabby has about 32 pegs. He pointed out it was hard to tell when she was acting and when she was not. This is actually true therefore making him right and her wrong during the whole conversation so she lost about 20 pegs for that. Furthermore he was trying to be reasonable and apologising even though he was not in the wrong thus earning kudos and stripping Shabby of a further ten pegs, leaving her with a total of two pegs. So you see my earlier estimate that he took her down a peg or two was actually being kind as he hardly left her with any pegs at all by the end of it.
Did he? I must have blinked and missed it,I think the hair traumatises me so I can't really take in what he says.

Okay let's say Shabby has about 32 pegs. He pointed out it was hard to tell when she was acting and when she was not. This is actually true therefore making him right and her wrong during the whole conversation so she lost about 20 pegs for that. Furthermore he was trying to be reasonable and apologising even though he was not in the wrong thus earning kudos and stripping Shabby of a further ten pegs, leaving her with a total of two pegs. So you see my earlier estimate that he took her down a peg or two was actually being kind as he hardly left her with any pegs at all by the end of it.
Yes but what evidence do you have that she had 32 pegs?Not only that but where would she have got them from?
Yes but what evidence do you have that she had 32 pegs?Not only that but where would she have got them from?

She stole the pegs from Sunshine's washing line. There'll be hell to pay when it comes to light. Tomorrow night's BB Peg-gate will be the big story with approximately 32 pegs gone missing.
okay but then that means Ben has them as he took them from Shabby.This is serious.

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